Security Guard’s Romance



0Now that things had progressed to this stage, Huang Xing was truly a little afraid.    


As the saying goes, a tiger's ass cannot be touched, so a single touch was enough to determine that something was wrong. This might have been the reason why Han Shengli continued to be tyrannical in the village. Whoever provokes him, he will spare no effort to kill you. After so long, who would dare touch this tiger's butt? However, today, he had to force himself to do something. He had to do it himself, and it was only because of this that his family got into so much trouble with him.    


However, what made Huang Xing feel gratified was that his father, who had been honest his whole life, had straightened his back when his family and son were on the verge of disaster, and used all of his energy to defend his home. This meant that if an honest man was forced into a corner, he would also become a tough man.    


In actuality, the reason why Huang Xing was still afraid, was not because he was worried for himself. Instead, he was worried for his parents and his own family. Of course, it was also because he was worried that Wu Qianqian, this outsider, would have nothing to do with him.    


Wu Qianqian stood beside Huang Xing, her legs trembling a little. In a rush, she took out a fruit knife from her bag, unable to hide the fear in her heart. However, in the face of a great enemy, she had no choice but to use the bearing of a female hero, vowing to live and die with the Huang Family.    


Huang Xing said softly. Old classmate, this is none of your business.    


Wu Qianqian stressed: It's already like this!    


Huang Xing coughed lightly, then said to Han Shengli who was showing off his might: Uncle Han ?    


He had originally wanted to negotiate a condition with Han Shengli for him to let Wu Qianqian go. But unexpectedly, his father seemed to have seen through Huang Xing's thoughts and grumbled at him: "Uncle Han, is he even qualified to be your uncle?"    


Then, his eyes opened wide as he looked at Han Shengli and said, "Big nose Han, hit me, I'll fight you." This girl is not involved with this. Let her go.    


Han Shengli raised his head: Go? Where to? I tell you, none of them can leave! Hmph, you are courting death by going against our Han family. Boss, Ol 'Three, you two stand guard outside. As for the others, follow me in!    


Huang Xing was preparing to take a step forward with the steel bar in his hand, but his father had suddenly appeared in front of him.    


Han Shengli and his brothers were stunned and stopped in their tracks. Han Shengli sneered: Alright, you finally have the guts to do it in this life of yours. He was usually as honest as a cat. Yet, at such a crucial moment, he actually dared to engage in a brawl?    


A few words appeared at the corner of his father's mouth, "You forced me to do this."    


Han Shengli laughed: Then wouldn't that mean I've done a good deed? Forced a coward into a hero. I... I have done a great service.    


Yellowstar stood in front of his father, holding the steel bar at a forty-five-degree angle. Stop talking nonsense! Han ShengLi, from today onwards, you are not my uncle. Let me warn you, Han ShengLi. Today, my eyes have turned red. You so-called brothers and your stupid uncles. You followed Han ShengLi and became his accomplice. Don't you feel uneasy? Don't you see what your brother is doing? He was clearly a fellow villager who had lived in the village for hundreds or even thousands of years, yet he ?    


Han Shengli interrupted Huang Xing's words with a wave of his hand: Don't play psychological tactics with me, it's useless. His eyes were red, and he didn't recognize anyone. It's you, it's you who overestimated yourself and wanted to bicker with me. Our own brothers will watch and do nothing? Would he stand on your side just because of a few words you said to sow discord? How naive of you! Rabbit, I'll kill you first!    


He waved the big and thick stick in his hand and was the first to smash towards them.    


Huang Xing obviously did not show any signs of weakness, as he brandished his steel bar and rushed forward.    


A 'bang' sound was heard, and the thick staff in Han Shengli's hands was broken into two pieces.    


Huang Xing had wanted to win by hitting Han Shengli on the head, but the man had no fighting strength. However, he still maintained his rationality in such a desperate situation. He had to let them go, but not to the point where he had to beat them to death. Therefore, Huang Xing simply swept his shoulder horizontally, his shoulder felt the steel bar sweep Han Shengli's lower body, and pulled his leg out.    


Han Shengli was like a frightened cat. He groaned and quickly covered his thighs with his hands. The staff in his hands also fell to the ground naturally.    


The fourth, fifth, and sixth brothers couldn't help but be startled when they saw this scene. They did not expect Huang Xing, who looked a little weak, to be so straightforward when fighting. Annoyed, they all rushed forward.    


Huang Xing reflexively retreated a little, waving the steel bar in the air to wave around. The friction between the steel bars and the air seemed to release a strong smell of gunpowder, causing these fiendish accomplices to not dare to approach for a short period of time. He watched from a safe position for a moment before gritting his teeth and dashing forward.    


Bang! The steel bar hit Ol 'Four's shoulder.    


Fourth Bro was screaming even louder than Han Shengli, but he did not lose his fighting strength, with his other hand holding a rod, he swept towards Huang Xing's head, and at the same time, shouted to the people behind him for help: Go, go!    


Huang Xing dodged to the side, avoiding the fourth brother's pole, and quickly kicked his wrist. The pole shook, and flew up high into the air, coming into contact with the top of the wall, clanging sounds could be heard as it fell to the ground. However, unexpectedly, the staff accurately hit Wu Qianqian's feet.    


Wu Qianqian let out a "aiyo", and instinctively squatted down.    


The surprise distracted Huang Xing for a moment. He turned his head to look and could not help but feel anxious. Women were sometimes more of a hindrance! However, he was more concerned about Wu Qianqian's safety. If his family didn't get her hurt, he would be guilty.    


Huang's mother went over to check on Wu Qianqian's injuries. Father Huang also took two steps forward and fought alongside Huang Xing.    


However, just as Huang Xing was distracted by the turn of events, the fifth brother and sixth brother took the opportunity to attack.    


Ignoring his own safety, his father rushed forward and used his shovel to block the attack. Then, Huang Xing came back to reality and said to his father: Step back, Dad, step back. I'll do it.    


Huang Xing took another two steps forward.    


At this time, he was about to step out of the door. Outside the door, many villagers had already gathered, numbly watching the lively scene.    


Han Shengli's wife, Pingguang Pingguang, was excitedly arguing with her brothers and her two brother-in-law. Han Shengli's group of a dozen people confronted Huang Xing's family of three, along with Wu Qianqian who was a girl. This clear advantage meant that she had the upper hand and was extremely arrogant. She even rolled up her sleeves and rubbed her hands together, as if she wanted to go into battle herself.    


However, Fourth Elder, Fifth Elder and the others had all realized that Huang Xing was a powerful being. Thus, he could only change his strategy and try to attack his father from the side.    


But how could Huang Xing let them injure her father? Just when he saw that the other party had such an inkling, Huang Xing immediately leaned his body forward to protect his father, and the steel bar in his hand continued to point at the ten over Han Shengli.    


Han Shengli held onto his leg, he had already retreated outside, and looked at the scene in shock. In his impression of the village, when did someone who could fight like this appear?    


Perhaps, from anyone's point of view, Huang Xing had never been a soldier, had never been to Shaolin Temple, and had never spoken any words in the village. He was like a refined and refined young lad, how could he be worth a few punches and kicks from the farmers? But today, Han Shengli had broadened his horizons, he did not know where this brat had secretly learned this skill from. With the steel bar in his hands, if it was the Sun Wukong's Jingu Bang, it would be filled with boundless might. What the f * ck! Han Shengli thought, seeing that two or three of his brothers had already eaten Huang Xing's steel bars, he couldn't help but become anxious.    


However, just at this moment, hurried footsteps could be heard as another person rushed over from the distance.    


Han Shengli stared intently, and couldn't help but smile.    


Han Ergou?    


It's really Han Ergou!    


This person's appearance made Han Shengli feel like he had a plan in his heart. He suddenly shouted towards Fifth Elder, Sixth Elder and the others who were still in the middle of battle: Stop, all of you stop.    


The battle stopped, but Fifth and Sixth Brother retreated, not understanding what Han Shengli was doing.    


Han Ergou, who is this?    


He was Han Shengli's biological brother who had been a soldier in the Marine Corps for eight years. I've been working at home and haven't been able to find a suitable job.    


The Marine Corps was one of the more famous special forces. Not to mention being a soldier for eight years, even if he had been a soldier for two years, it wouldn't have been a simple matter to fight when he returned. Not to mention being a veteran for eight years, his physical fitness could be imagined.    


And at this time, Han Ergou had obtained some sound of wind from god knows where and was rushing over to help.    


This made Han Shengli overjoyed, and he became even more confident. With him making a move, how could he be afraid of not being able to take care of Huang Xing?    


Huang Xing obviously knew Han Ergou. He was around the same age as him, and had grown up bare-butt. However, ever since he became a soldier, he had not contacted anyone. Han Ergou's body was very sturdy ever since he was young. His love of bragging and fighting was very compatible with his Han Family's bloodline. According to the legends of the village, when Han Ergou came back a few years ago to visit his family, he had once placed five or six drunken brawny men on the town's plaza. It was said that Han Ergou and his new girlfriend were drinking beer at a barbeque stall. When his girlfriend got up to go to the toilet, she accidentally bumped into a person on the table beside them. Han Ergou did not want to be angry, so he stood up and started fighting with them. In the end, these few people were not Han Ergou's match at all, and were all easily defeated by him. Because of this, Han Ergou even entered the police station. However, the police station didn't have the authority to manage the servicemen, so this matter was left unsettled ?    



Han Ergou quickly walked to Han Shengli's side, he had a clean and neat crew cut, his hair stubbornly growing back, his expression deep, as though he was unconsciously carrying a bit of killing intent.    


'F * ck him, f * ck him! ' Han Shengli pointed at Huang Xing and urged: Er Gouzi, aren't you a special forces soldier? I gave you a chance to display it, do it him!    


Han Ergou looked at Huang Xing, his expression still indifferent, but in reality, his two fists were tightly clenched.    


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