Security Guard’s Romance



0To be exact, Huang Xing was very confused.    


During the time of handling traffic accidents, Liu Min had troubled himself quite a bit. Logically speaking, she should have avoided meeting him on the streets. How could he have dared to chat and laugh in front of her?    


Taking Cheng Xia's VIP number, was indeed very useful, in a moment, a certain window called for Huang Xing.    


After giving out the trade details, Huang Xing could not wait to return home.    


But he did not expect that Cheng Xia would be standing by his side with a smile on his face, waiting for him to finish his work. Cheng Xia then walked over to welcome him with a smile: With your identity, not having a single gold card as a symbol was too much of a pity. You have to fly a lot, right? With our gold card and high speed rail, there will be a free VIP waiting room ?    


Huang Xing emphasized: I have a VIP card from another bank.    


Cheng Xia patiently said: "I feel that our Construction Bank has an advantage in this area. How about this, I will bring you over to help you check it out and then help you request for a set of gold card s ? ?    


Huang Xing said half-heartedly: Maybe another day. I'm in a hurry today.    


Cheng Xia continued to ask: "Then... Then can you leave me a number and I'll call you when you're not busy?    


Huang Xing casually took out a name card and handed it over.    


Cheng Xia was overwhelmed by the unexpected favor, as she looked at the words' General Manager of Xinmeng Commercial Building 'on the name card, her eyes were filled with envy. In the entire Jinan City, even in all of Shandong, who didn't know of Xin Meng Merchant House? That was a benchmark for the business world, a legend. No matter how many people there were, they would rather give up their jobs and sharpen their heads so that they could become an official staff member of the Xin Meng Merchant House. But in reality, Xin Meng Merchant House's recruitment, was extremely strict. Even the security of the Security Department s were constantly on the rise. Actually, last year, Cheng Xia had also wanted to try her luck and apply to the Xin Meng Merchant House. However, she didn't expect that in the first round, she would be eliminated.    


But today, she absolutely did not expect to meet the general manager of the Xin Meng Merchant House! If not for her acquaintances, how could she have known that this handsome young man actually had such a grand name?    


There were a few clients who wanted to consult with Cheng Xia, so he had no choice but to follow behind Huang Xing to his car. He took the lead and opened the car door for them.    


Cheng Xia said with a smile: Director Huang, please take care. If you have anything, give me a call.    


She put her hand to her ear and cocked her head.    


Huang Xing nodded his head, thinking that the people here really do have a lot of power. Her attitude was a bit perfunctory before she knew who she was. However, after knowing his identity, he immediately acted like a different person, flattering and fawning on him!    


On the way, there was no traffic, so Huang Xing quickly rushed back to the small district.    


In front of the door, there was Fu Jie's Pang Teng car and Xiao Yan's Bentley. It was very eye-catching, causing some of the owners of the small districts to surround and admire it quietly.    


This was also true. A luxury like the Rolls-Royce or the Bentley was rarely seen. This district was actually a middle-class, high-class district. Inside, there were a few Mercedes-Benz BMW, Audi. The more expensive, but there are only a few Porsche or Range Rover. There were luxury cars like the Rolls Royce and the Bentley that he could drive, generally living in a slightly more remote, semi-rural villa, or in a high-class district like Fu Jie's.    


The spectating owners began to discuss about the Bentley's car.    


Huang Xing let out a faint sigh and walked through the door.    


Taking the elevator up, he realized that his door was closed. He used another key to open the door, and the scene before him seemed a bit grand.    


There were a total of eight people in the house, Xiao Yan and her two bodyguards. Fu Jie, Bao Shijie, along with the two vice presidents and a few people in charge of other departments. Xiao Yan sat on the leather sofa with her delicate legs crossed, her face expressionless. The two bodyguards were like statues, standing at the side. Fu Jie and the others were discussing something softly.    


However, what made Huang Xing disgusted was that Bao Shijie that guy was enjoying himself on the massage chair with squinted eyes and an intoxicated expression. What was even more infuriating was that he didn't even take off his shoes. There was already some dust and dirt on the foot massage pads.    


'It's so lively! ' Huang Xing said as he walked closer to the massage chair. He pointed at Bao Shijie and said: Come down.    


Bao Shijie leaned forward and said: It's so comfortable. Director Huang, you really know how to enjoy yourself.    


'Let you down! ' Huang Xing frowned: You messed with my chair!    


Bao Shijie was at a loss: There is ? Is there? I'm wearing new clothes.    


Huang Xing asked. Have you ever seen a shoe massage? There's a rag on the coffee table. You'd better clean it up for me.    


Bao Shijie looked down and said, Oh oh oh oh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's true. Then he got down from the massage chair and turned to look at the big, luxurious thing. Only those who enjoyed it would be willing to buy such an expensive chair. Oh, I forgot, Director Huang... You didn't buy it!    


He purposely lowered his voice a little, as if he was worried that Fu Jie would once again treat him as an accomplice.    


This scene was truly comical!    


Fu Jie looked at Huang Xing thoughtfully, as if he was hinting at something.    


Huang Xing agreed and nodded his head, then laughed: "Today, my house is really lively, there are so many people, there are people inside, there are outsiders, and there is also ?." People who didn't mind the hassle of watching the show. In short, there were eight people, all different types of people. A hodgepodge. I know that everyone is here for my chair. It was indeed very good and powerful!    


Then, he deliberately sucked in a cold breath, stared at the spot where Bao Shijie's shoes had stained his shoes, and sighed with emotion as he added: It's a pity that I've been dirtied by some people. A man without common sense in life is terrible.    


He glanced at Bao Shijie, and a look of awkwardness appeared on Bao Shijie's face, but he immediately took out his phone and took a few pictures on the massage chair, using these actions to hide the awkwardness in his heart.    


'Interesting. Xiao Yan casually glanced at the chair and said. It was originally a stolen item and was stepped on by someone else.    


Huang Xing looked at Xiao Yan and emphasized one sentence: Dirty, can be wiped, can be washed.    


Xiao Yan laughed and said: Then it can only wash the surface.    


Bao Shijie also agreed: "Heart, can't be washed clean."    


These incongruous words caused everyone to look towards Bao Shijie. Especially for Fu Jie, she felt that Bao Shijie had been using this matter to attack Huang Xing. Furthermore, the reason why such a situation occurred was because Bao Shijie ran into the office at an inappropriate time to report Huang Xing's situation, giving Xiao Yan the chance to make a big fuss.    


Huang Xing took the opportunity to take out the details of the bank card's consumption, and showed it in front of everyone's faces: This, is the origin of the massage chair! Everyone, please look carefully at this 90 thousand transfer, the other side's account, is indeed the fitness equipment owner, Hua Chenghui's account. This is a fair deal, but some ill-intentioned people took it out to harm me!    


He intentionally stopped the detailed list in front of Xiao Yan for a while.    


'Not bad, yes.' Fu Jie was the first to speak: The account owner, was indeed Hua Chenghui. This also meant that the Director Huang did indeed possess this massage chair through trading, and there was no longer any corruption or bribery that everyone suspected. Since things were clear, that was the end of it. As if ? He would be doing an advertisement for Hua Chenghui's massage chair. He would have to find Hua Chenghui for advertising fees another day.    


Fu Jie was silent for a while. Very rarely.    


Xiao Yan suddenly stood up, his hand extended out to support the massage chair: The truth, has it really been figured out?    


Everyone was stunned!    


Bao Shijie questioned: "Is it not clear enough? It looks like everyone had indeed misunderstood Director Huang." I already said it, Director Huang will not take these two hundred thousand yuan seriously. He had spent money to obtain it through fair trade!    


How could Huang Xing not see that although Bao Shijie seemed to be admitting to the evidence, in reality, there were hidden meanings behind his words.    


The meaning behind these words was very subtle.    


"Two hundred thousand! Haha!" Xiao Yan suddenly laughed: This Manager Bao, how do you know that this massage chair is worth around two hundred thousand?    



Bao Shijie emphasized: This massage chair, has a sample in the merchant house, I have seen the price before. It seems like ? It seemed to be two hundred and twenty thousand yuan. Right, it was still the activity price. One... A mid-range car.    


Xiao Yan clapped his hands: Great! That was the problem!    


Everyone was shocked.    


Xiao Yan immediately said: A massage chair that is priced at over 200,000. Honestly speaking, based on its workmanship and properties, it is worth this price. However, when everyone looked carefully, they realized that the details of the transfer in Director Huang's hands was actually 90,000 yuan. Where did the difference of one hundred thousand yuan go? Flying?    


Fu Jie's expression changed subtly. She glanced at Huang Xing and said: "Director Xiao, this is also very normal." The Hua father and daughter pair had some personal connections with the Director Huang. Could it be that the Director Xiao had bought the massage chair previously?    


Xiao Yan made a bluff as he circled around the massage chair. There's no way he would miss a few hundred thousand, right? Hundreds of thousands, what kind of concept was that? Is there such a high margin of profit?    


Fu Jie emphasized: As for how much profit margin there is, this is another person's trade secret, we do not have the qualifications nor need to know.    


Xiao Yan sneered: How can you be so sure that this 90,000 yuan is the starting price for this massage chair? It might be one hundred and fifty thousand, one hundred and sixty thousand, or even ? More.    


Bao Shijie suddenly interjected and said: "That is normal, Director Huang is a private person, and secretly has a relationship with the Shang Clan, and also has a private business transaction, so they did not follow the shopping procedures of the Merchant Shop. Just based on this, 35% of the deduction was saved. In other words, he would be saving 70,000 yuan less than he would normally be in the commercial district. After calculating and deducting the profit space of the merchant, the cost of 90,000 yuan was not too different from the previous 90,000 yuan.    


Fu Jie couldn't help but glare at Bao Shijie. On the surface, he was trying to excuse Huang Xing. In reality, he had inadvertently leaked the Xin Meng Merchant House's trade secrets. Fu Jie could not understand, what was going on with Bao Shijie, to speak without thinking. When he said this, the starting price of 90,000 yuan seemed to have become reasonable. However, he also revealed the internal workings of the Xin Meng Merchant House's businesses.    


Xiao Yan couldn't help being taken aback, her expression somewhat exaggerated: 35%? Thirty-five percent? Director Fu, your Dreamland Merchant Shop is way too ruthless. With this cut, more than a third of it came out. What a terrifying number! That is to say, for every ten dollars that the consumer buys, there are three and a half yuan in the account of your Xin Meng Merchant House. As far as I know, five to thirty percent is normal. But your 35% deduction is really... I really can't imagine, I spend 10 million yuan a year at the Xin Meng Merchant House. Amongst them, are three to four million of them going to your Xin Meng Merchant House? If he counted these ten million items, would their cost be only 10%? 20%? "Isn't this way too lucrative?    


With Bao Shijie's words, Xiao Yan immediately changed the direction of his lance. From targeting Huang Xing alone, he changed to targeting Xin Meng Merchant House!    


It was a mess, a complete mess!    


Huang Xing kept having the feeling that Xiao Yan's playstyle was a little messy.    


However, every card he played was fatal!    


What did she want to do?    


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