Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing lit a cigarette and carefully recalled the events of the past two days.    


He couldn't figure out what was going on!    


However, everything seemed to be inextricably linked.    


Maybe because he was worried that Huang Xing would be under too much pressure, Fu Jie walked over and patted his shoulder, then said with concern: Stop smoking, smoking is not good for your body.    


These words of concern caused Huang Xing to be moved to the point of wanting to cry. To be exact, from the moment Xiao Yan started to look for trouble until now, he had been tensed up, afraid that he wouldn't be able to cope with it and would lead to serious consequences. At the same time, he was worried that if he somehow got involved in this battle without any smoke, he would become the victim of a battle. Of course, the person he cared about the most was his beloved. If Xiao Yan made this a big deal, then there was definitely a reason why Huang Xing couldn't escape. After all, Huang Xing was the person who was truly involved in everything. Xiao Yan was even using Huang Xing as a knife.    


Huang Xing obediently extinguished the cigarette, and then pressed it against the ashtray.    


Fu Jie said: My teeth are a little yellow. Body is the capital, less smoking, eat more fruit.    


Huang Xing nodded his head, he wanted to echo her with a few words of love, but Bao Shijie was there like a light bulb, so he had no choice but to suppress his surging heart.    


Fu Jie sat back on the sofa and looked at the high-end massage chair, and could not help but praise: This chair is not bad, I also want to buy one, relax.    


Huang Xing blurted out in a somewhat anxious tone, "I'll buy it for you."    


Fu Jie seemed to be consciously trying to mediate Huang Xing's emotions. He pointed his finger at Huang Xing and said, "Oh, I'm serious now!"    


'Seriously. Huang Xing emphasized: I can't bear to buy it myself, but I'll give it to you... I didn't even blink!    


Bao Shijie heard the conversation between the two, and it seemed as if he was jealous. He could not help but let out a light cough, and turned his head to the side.    


Fu Jie gently raised his head: I'm just teasing you, you're really serious?    


Huang Xing emphasized one sentence: You can't go back on your words! You should learn to enjoy and to rest. You're tired every day.    


Fu Jie stood up and sat down on the massage chair with interest. He calmly took off his shoes and was about to put his feet in, but Huang Xing quickly said: Wait, wait!    


Huang Xing frowned and glanced at Bao Shijie. Then, he quickly took out a cloth from the tea table and carefully wiped the place that Bao Shijie had stepped on just now. He did not have any basic knowledge at all.    


Fu Jie grumbled with goodwill: You're being stingy! The Manager Bao just wanted to sit and learn to share the good things.    


Huang Xing emphasized: I didn't say I can't share, the key is ?    


Maybe he was worried that there would be a conflict between him and Bao Shijie in front of Fu Jie, but Huang Xing held back and swallowed his words.    


Huang Xing helped Fu Jie put her feet in there and helped her make the settings. Fu Jie half closed his eyes and took a deep breath, relaxing his whole body and mind to feel the feeling of being reborn.    


'Mm, not bad indeed! ' Fu Jie said.    


Huang Xing simply pulled a chair over and stayed close to Fu Jie, treating him as air.    


Fu Jie thought for a while and sighed: "I really didn't think that Hua Chenghui would actually get himself some good stuff. He has a good sense of business and a good sense of business opportunities.    


Huang Xing could not help but add: "Too bad your luck is bad."    


Fu Jie said: Both father and daughter have very unique personalities, but they are both good materials for business. To be able to earn over a hundred million by becoming a fitness apparatus was already a miracle.    


Huang Xing nodded his head. However, it was a bit of a waste of money. Too overbearing.    


'That? ' Of course, Fu Jie knew why Huang Xing had never had a good impression of him. It was mostly because he had once met Hua Jingjing in a small alley, and that had led to an intense conflict. In this conflict, Huang Xing was outnumbered, and was taught a ruthless lesson by Hua Chenghui and his cronies. If it were not for Xie Yundan passing by to stop them from fighting and buy them time, Huang Xing would really have become a handicapped person. ~ Without knowing why, thinking about it this way, Fu Jie suddenly felt that it was human to repay Huang Xing's gratitude. He did not do anything wrong. Could it be that the reason he had such a bad impression of him was because ? Xie Yundan is too beautiful?    


Huang Xing sighed: Let's not talk about it anymore. If he is not the big business of our Xin Meng Merchant House, then that matter will never end.    


Fu Jie said: Aren't you being a little overbearing?    


Huang Xing emphasized: If people do not offend me, I do not offend others. I will return it double!    


Speaking to here, Huang Xing still subconsciously looked at Bao Shijie who was sitting on the sofa in a daze.    


This guy, what is he daydreaming about?    


Embarrassed? Jealous? Was he being ignored?    


Fu Jie suddenly seemed to have realised something, frowned and said: There's been a lot of things happening recently, and I haven't found the time to talk to Xie Yundan again.    


Huang Xing immediately remembered that Fu Jie wanted to buy the Xin Feng fast food. To be exact, Huang Xing was a little against Fu Jie's way of doing things. Huang Xing thought for a while, then said: "Are you still thinking about that?    


Fu Jie said. I know you don't support me. But the decisions I make are well thought out. In a few days, I will personally go and have a talk with Xie Yundan. This wasn't a bad thing for her. Maybe she was hostile to me, so she wouldn't let go. Sometimes you help me talk her out of it.    


Huang Xing emphasized: This Xin Feng fast food, is Xie Yundan's life. If you want her life, of course she won't give it.    


Fu Jie said: Who said I wanted her lifeline? The principle is clear, she still runs the fast food restaurants, and she has a large share of the shares. More importantly, we can inject a large amount of money into her to help the fast food restaurants rise quickly. Maybe we'll be able to make a chain soon.    


Huang Xing jokingly said: "Then it's equivalent to letting her give her own child's surname, and also let her raise it herself." Although they could receive better education and give their children more material life, in terms of psychology, they still could not get through this obstacle.    


Fu Jie shook his head: How can I compare. It's not the same thing.    


Huang Xing said: "I suggest that we continue to consider this matter from a long-term perspective." I understand Xie Yundan's personality, she wouldn't let go so easily.    


Fu Jie tilted his head and said: "Then I'm definitely going to win. There would be a way for her to let go. Actually... It's actually good for you too... Forget it, let's talk about business. From today on, you and the Manager Bao must pay close attention to the newspapers and the media, just in case Xiao Yan would really publish the news regarding the chair, or even add fuel to the fire. That way, it would have a very bad effect on Xin Meng Merchant House's reputation. If necessary, he could do some public relations properly, so that the media would behave.    


The moment he heard Fu Jie mentioning him, Bao Shijie finally had a logical opportunity to come over.    


Huang Xing frowned, he felt that it was unnecessary for him to stay in his own home.    


Bao Shijie took the initiative to express his opinion: I don't think so. Xiao Yan would not make things too extreme, she would also leave a way out for herself.    


'Leaving a way out? ' Fu Jie emphasized: What path of retreat does she need to take? Hadn't she already done so this morning?    


Bao Shijie emphasized: That's because we didn't have enough chips at that time. Now it was different. With the chips, she, Xiao Yan, did not dare to be reckless.    


Fu Jie's eyes lit up: So mysterious! It was always a bargaining chip. Was it going to work or not?    


Bao Shijie clicked his tongue: It definitely will work! I already have a military order, just now! Don't worry Director Fu, with me, Bao Shijie, here, there won't be any big problems. At a critical moment, I will use my own body to protect Xin Meng Merchant House!    


Holy sh * t, he really can do it!    



It was a miracle to be able to flatter someone to such an extent!    


Fu Jie exhaled, and thought about something, and fell into silence.    


A few minutes later, after a set of massage procedures had been completed, the machine automatically stopped and returned to its original position.    


Fu Jie stood up and stepped on his shoes. He stretched his limbs and immediately felt comfortable: Not bad, not bad at all. So comfortable. The mechanical hand was like a real hand.    


Huang Xing said: Then let's do it for another fifteen minutes.    


Fu Jie immediately shook his head. No, no, no. Do it once just right, do it again, the bones are going to break. However, you still must remember, no matter how good a thing is, it cannot be left unchecked. As the saying goes, the extremes of things are always reversed. Originally, this thing was meant for people to relax. If you stay up there for a few hours a day, your muscles and bones will probably be damaged. So, you have to keep track of your time, and don't let this machine crush your bones.    


Huang Xing emphasized: This machine won't be here for long, I'm going to transport it away soon.    


Fu Jie was startled: Carry away? Where to?    


Huang Xing said: Didn't I already say it? I bought this massage chair for my parents.    


Fu Jie couldn't help but give Huang Xing a thumbs up. After a while, I'm also going to buy one for my parents, so they can enjoy high technology too.    


Bao Shijie emphasized: At that time, I will be in charge of transport and installation!    


This fellow sure knew how to grasp opportunities!    


This was the chance to flatter!    


Fu Jie raised his wrist to look at the time, then said to Huang Xing: We're rich, Manager Bao and I will leave first and return to the business district. Didn't you want to go back to your hometown to do some work? Remember, drink less and smoke less.    


Huang Xing nodded deeply.    


Fu Jie brought Bao Shijie out of the room and hurriedly left.    


Huang Xing sat in front of the massage chair for a long time. That fresh and refreshing smell intoxicated Huang Xing.    


Not far from Huang Xing District, there was a street full of 'taxis'. The taxi referred to here was not the TCX for carrying passengers, but the truck. The massage chair was too big, Huang Xing's Audi would definitely not be able to carry it.    


After driving to this street, finding a small goods vehicle, and helping the driver load the massage chair onto the car, Huang Xing began to drive back home.    


Halfway there, his phone rang.    


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