Security Guard’s Romance



0Qi Qi suddenly went back on his words and helped Fan Tong with his perjury. Was there some other secret behind it?    


Huang Xing realized more and more that this was not just an incident where people started a fight. Maybe Xiao Yan was already prepared, and wanted to ruthlessly make the Xin Meng Merchant House his army. Although he didn't understand her motives, everything that had happened today had undoubtedly proven it. Perhaps, there was another guess. Xiao Yan had sought her out many times before, wanting to use her as a manipulator of the Delicious Kingdom that she had recently prepared. However, he had refused. Could it be that Xiao Yan felt that she did not know how to appreciate favors, and that whoever she could not get, would definitely plant a seed of hatred for her?    


The plentiful guesses rippled in Huang Xing's heart, and all of these became a mystery that was difficult to reveal, intertwining in Huang Xing's mind.    


After Fu Jie rejected the call, she did not stop. Her phone continued to ring, and she had no choice but to press the answer button.    


The phone call was from Fu Zhenxin! Fu Zhenxin told Fu Jie on the phone that she and Xiao Hui had already been waiting at home for a long time. Fu Jie said evasively, there were still a few matters that he had to take care of inside the merchant house, so he would be a bit late to return.    


After hanging up the phone, Fu Jie looked at the calm and composed Xiao Yan, who was slowly drinking the expensive beverage she had brought from her car, her eyes filled with confidence.    


Xiao Yan said: How about it, what's your decision? If you do something wrong, you have to bear the consequences. I do not wish to complicate this matter. However, on the matter of principles, I will not give in. My terms are clear and simple. At the same time, Xin Meng Merchant House wants to make a public announcement, acknowledge your mistakes and apologize.    


Fu Jie said firmly: Impossible! Before you know the truth, your conditions are hard to agree to.    


Xiao Yan asked: The truth? Isn't the truth clear enough? There are witnesses, too, and they are employees of your own. Doesn't that make sense?    


Fu Jie frowned, and looked at Huang Xing.    


Xiao Yan suddenly stood up and said: Alright, I'll give you two some time to think it over. Like this, I'll go look around the market and the two of you can discuss it.    


She brought Fan Tong and two bodyguards and majestically walked out of the office.    


Fu Jie sighed softly, and almost spoke to himself: How can this be!    


Huang Xing took a cigarette and frowned: Maybe, Xiao Yan is coming for me!    


'To you? ' Fu Jie shook her head. Normally, she would definitely stop Huang Xing from smoking in her office. Fu Jie said: "I don't think so." She was targeting the entire Xin Meng Merchant House.    


Huang Xing said. There are a few things that you may not know, and before this, Xiao Yan had found me many times to ask me to help her. She wanted to build a large food city in Jinan, a food kingdom. She called on me several times, wanting to invite me to the board with a high salary. But I rejected them all.    


Fu Jie was startled: "There's such a thing?    


Huang Xing nodded his head: "Do you think that Xiao Yan coming to the Merchant Shop to look for trouble is related to this matter?" Could he be intentionally causing trouble for me?    


Fu Jie thought for a moment. She could not use extreme methods because she did not get a talent. She couldn't be targeting a single person, an individual. She must have had more to think about. After all, she was not a reckless person. There must be a motive and a purpose before any decision is made.    


Huang Xing emphasized: But I really can't think of any motive behind her actions! She wasn't like this before!    


Fu Jie slightly parted his lips, wanting to say something, but he still said something. You had a good relationship with Xiao Yan before, didn't you?    


Huang Xing nodded: Not bad. At least, Xiao Yan gave me a lot of face after what happened to Xu Wenguang, and exempted me from paying high compensation to the Director Xu. I'm grateful to her for that.    


Fu Jie heaved a sigh of relief, raised the cup to her mouth, but was almost scalded to her lips by the scalding tea. She exhaled and said: It seems Xiao Yan will not let this matter go. She wanted to force us Xin Meng Merchant House to give an apology certificate, and the pages must be filled with apology. To Xin Meng Merchant House, this was a loss in reputation. Once we've promised her... Perhaps, there will be even more ruthless moves later on to deal with us.    


Huang Xing said: We must not underestimate the Xiao Yan family. If sacrificing me alone can protect Xin Meng Merchant House's reputation, then I would rather make this sacrifice.    


Fu Jie was startled: What do you mean?    


Huang Xing said: This matter can be considered to have started because of me, but Xiao Yan has used it as an arrow for questioning. If I take the initiative to ask for leave, I believe Xiao Yan will make a decision regarding this matter.    


'You're too naive! ' Fu Jie frowned: You think that just because you resigned, she will let this go? It's not that easy. She was determined.    


Huang Xing probed: Then we can see her reaction first.    


Fu Jie said as if he had thought of something: I am somewhat suspicious, could Xiao Yan's actions be to force the Director Yu to appear? Could it be that she wanted to negotiate some condition with Director Yu?    


Huang Xing said: When Director Yu comes out, this will definitely happen. But that would be a loss. However, I can't think of why Xiao Yan would choose to negotiate with the Director Yu in such a way. She clearly had many ways to approach the Director Yu. Although their family's power could not compare to Dream Group's, that was enough to attract his attention. At least in the Jinan City, or even the entire Shandong Province, Xiao Yan was undoubtedly a helper for the development of the Dream Group. Moreover, Xiao Yan would not go against the Dream Group, as that would only greatly damage her vitality. What was she trying to do?    


On Fu Jie's serious face, there was a hint of stiffness. If not for the gentle breeze blowing and pointing at her light hair, she would be more like an angel sculpture that was beautiful to the extreme. The worry on her face was enough to make people feel pity for her.    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and said, "This matter is really an Elementary Scholar meeting a soldier, there is reason but no explanation." More and more, I find that the truth is often in the hands of the rich. If one was rich, they could grind ghosts.    


Fu Jie said: You should also not be too pessimistic. However, there is one thing that you have gone too far!    


Huang Xing asked: What's the matter?    


Fu Jie emphasized: You attacked the Manager Bao twice today, and one of your attacks was done in front of an outsider.    


Huang Xing scratched his forehead: It's true that I had an impulse in this matter. However ? I don't know how to explain it to you. Bao Shijie that man...    


As he spoke till here, Huang Xing seemed to have realized something, and continued to speak: "At that time, Bao Shijie seemed to be intentionally provoking me, and he said some very provocative words. In my opinion, under those circumstances, it was very abnormal. Moreover, Bao Shijie's appearance was also extremely unreasonable. He was clearly lying in the hospital, yet he suddenly appeared in the merchant shop, and even went along with Xiao Yan ?    


Fu Jie interrupted Huang Xing: "You're thinking too much!" Alright, let's not talk about Bao Shijie anymore, I still have to talk to you guys separately.    


Huang Xing shook his head: It's useless. Our contradictions are irreconcilable. In the Xin Meng Merchant House, there was no me but him. We cannot coexist.    


Fu Jie frowned: This is just your one-sided wish! You should... Alright, let's not talk about him. When Xiao Yan comes back, I'll try out her trump card. It was probably very difficult. At the very least, her trump card today was to ruin the reputation of the merchant house. If it really doesn't work, then we will keep wasting time with her. I don't believe that if we don't agree to her unreasonable request, she will really stay in Xin Meng Merchant House and not leave.    


The phone rang again.    


Fu Jie took out his phone to have a look, it was Fu Zhenxin again. Receiving the call, Fu Jie became a little impatient: Call, what call? I'm busy dealing with things here, why are you always on the phone!    


Fu Zhenxin felt wronged and said, "Sis, I cooked some dumplings, if you don't eat any more ?" It would be embarrassing. Can't you take care of something important tomorrow?    


Fu Jie was about to reprimand Fu Zhenxin again, but suddenly, he felt like he was struck by inspiration, and a look of enlightenment appeared on his face. She changed her tone and said, All right, I'll go back now!    


After hanging up the phone, Fu Jie said to Huang Xing: "Let's go home to eat dumplings."    


'What?! ' Huang Xing was stunned. He really did not understand, at this critical juncture, why Fu Jie would change as he wished, and why he would still have the mood to go home and eat dumplings.    


Fu Jie emphasized: It's actually a very simple matter, but we've complicated it now. Fu Zhenxin's words reminded me, is there anything that I can't deal with tomorrow? We should learn to set aside disputes. If you provoke me, I will avoid you. No direct confrontation, no direct answer.    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Can this work? Then Xiao Yan will give us another accusation, to let her go.    


Fu Jie snorted, and said with confidence: Is letting her pigeon a crime? What a joke! Let's go, let's take advantage of the fact that they are still wandering around the mall, let's go!    


Huang Xing thought about it, Fu Jie's theory was not wrong at all. After all, if the two sides were to sit down and discuss, it would inevitably lead to an even bigger conflict. It would be better if one side hid and let the other side punch the cotton. If you don't hurt, I won't itch.    


The two of them went down the employee passageway and into the parking lot. They got into the Wagon and drove out of the main entrance.    



Fortunately, there were not many traffic jams along the way, and they quickly entered Fu Jie's district.    


After ringing the alarm, Fu Zhenxin opened the door with a rolling pin in his hand.    


Seeing Fu Zhenxin again, Huang Xing's heart suddenly thumped a few times. In front of her, her face was covered with a little bit of white, and she wore a lace apron around her waist. She looked very beautiful, as if she were a laborer.    


Xiao Hui didn't care about anything at all. He was sitting at the dining table, dipping the dumplings in vinegar with gusto. He glanced over and casually said: "I just got back, I just got back." If I don't come back, I'll eat all the dumplings!    


Fu Zhenxin said while grinning: "Also, are there still any dishes left?" I wrapped some more and prepared to freeze and eat later.    


Fu Jie emphasized: As long as there's enough to eat, then it's fine.    


Fu Zhenxin emphasized: The more the merrier.    


Huang Xing and Fu Jie both washed their hands and sat on the dining chair.    


Xiao Hui looked up at the two of them, calm and collected. In the past, she would have attacked them for being late.    


Fu Jie stretched out her slender hands, pinched a dumpling and put it in her mouth, saying it was delicious.    


Huang Xing handed over a pair of chopsticks, but to his surprise, he realized that the Fu Jie in his daily life did not care about food, appearing to be extremely enchanting. This caused Huang Xing to become intoxicated.    


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