Security Guard’s Romance



0Huang Xing might have already detected the answer from Fu Jie's reaction.    


Fu Jie was silent for a moment, then said: "This time, I am prepared to bring Manager Bao over, so we can get to know each other.    


Huang Xing replied with a question: Bring a department manager over, is there a need? Was he trying to increase Bao Shijie's tempo?    


Fu Jie frowned: You are still so prejudiced against Manager Bao! Was it necessary? Director Huang, you are the general manager. Since you are in an important position, you should be more magnanimous!    


Huang Xing emphasized: My heart is broad enough! If you insist on bringing Bao Shijie, then I will stay behind! If you think Bao Shijie can do anything, that's fine, I am willing to give up my position as the general manager.    


Fu Jie was a little angry as he said: "You are so impulsive again!" You are the type with a big face and no brain. You don't care about the consequences when you speak! Alright, I don't have time to argue with you, time is not allowed! He quickly packed up and left!    


Huang Xing continued to emphasize: I'm really not going! You guys go! Oh yeah, Supervisor Ouyang told me earlier, other than painting, there's also ? And fishing.    


Fishing? Fu Jie was startled: I have interacted with Director Yu for such a long time, I really didn't know that she has this kind of hobby. But that's easy, we can give her one... An exquisite fishing rod! I used to know a fisherman who specialized in fishing gear. His shop was full of fine goods.    


Huang Xing nodded: That's good! But I think, our commercial building can also hire a business, do high-end fishing gear special cabinet?    


Fu Jie's eyes lit up: That is something to be considered, in a bit, let's go talk with the fishing gear shop's boss. I think he'll be interested!    


Huang Xing said: Then you and Bao Shijie can go talk. I'll head back to my office first!    


After he finished speaking, Huang Xing was about to leave.    


'Stop! ' Fu Jie shouted harshly. When Huang Xing stopped, he scolded him: What do you mean? You are the senior management manager of the merchant house, Director Yu only came to Ji Nan for a day, shouldn't you go and take a look?    


Huang Xing said in a perfunctory manner: "You can represent me!" Why are there so many people?    


Fu Jie said: I know that you are prejudiced against the Manager Bao, but I hope that you can temporarily hold back on your premonition. I will give you five minutes. Oh right, go drive your car. You must work hard and become a driver!    


Huang Xing sighed lightly and left with some resentment.    


In the parking lot, Huang Xing stood in front of his Audi, not in a good mood. He held a cigarette in his mouth, his mind constantly thinking about Bao Shijie's disgusting face, and couldn't help but feel a burst of disgust in his heart!    


Very quickly, the elegantly dressed Bao Shijie arrived at the parking lot. He had a smile on his face and a gorgeous tie tied up inside his shirt.    


So f * cking cocky! Huang Xing cursed in his heart as he glanced at his own car. In his heart, he thought, letting this kind of person sit in his own car, is simply a kind of tarnish!    


Why did he dislike Bao Shijie so much?    


Huang Xing frowned, but Bao Shijie walked over with a smile on his face, and extended his hand out as he walked: Aiyah, Director Huang, you're really so enthusiastic, you're the first one to arrive at the car park!    


Huang Xing instinctively retracted his hand and impatiently said, "What does it have to do with you that I didn't come to the car park?    


Bao Shijie was startled, then laughed: What's wrong? Oh, did Director Fu not tell you that I will go with you? Seeing Director Yu, my heart... He was a little nervous. Hehe, Director Huang, tell me, what kind of person is Director Yu?    


Huang Xing coldly snorted. But I can guarantee that with your character, you won't be able to enter the eyes of Director Yu.    


Ah? Bao Shijie laughed self-deprecatingly: You can't even be too handsome?    


Huang Xing almost spat out blood. Looking at his narcissistic behavior, he said, "Are you handsome?" How was he handsome?    


Bao Shijie extended his hand to straighten his tie that was not crooked at all: At least this outfit can be considered handsome. It didn't matter if he was handsome or not.    


He lifted his wrist and looked at the time, standing very straight. Huang Xing felt that his expensive suit and this expensive watch were completely incompatible on his body. It seemed appropriate, but what was lacking was a basic temperament.    


A bad character, wearing anything was an insult to something.    


Dong dong dong dong. The sound of hurried footsteps was getting closer.    


Huang Xing couldn't help but be shocked when he looked up. Fu Jie changed into a rather luxurious set of clothes, following the not too tall High-heeled shoes s, and stepped on the ground to create a beautiful melody. That beautiful figure, that devastatingly beautiful face, under the rays of the sun, actually looked so beautiful that it couldn't be described with words.    


It was too beautiful! Her beauty had always been a legend!    


It was a kind of beauty that could not be ignored. It was a beauty that surpassed the limits of the world!    


This Bao Shijie who was an expert in flattery actually clapped like a god. When Fu Jie walked closer, Bao Shijie praised him with a smile: Director Fu is so beautiful! It was too beautiful!    


Fu Jie glanced at Bao Shijie casually: "Don't be ridiculous!" Get in the car!    


Bao Shijie walked over to open a door, politely waved his hand, allowing Fu Jie to get on the car first, then sat on the car himself!    


Huang Xing frowned, it seemed like both of them sat in the back row? F * ck me! A strong sense of jealousy and dissatisfaction arose within his heart. Huang Xing really wanted to pull this shameless Bao Shijie out! Then, righteously: Stay away from my woman!    


He sat in the driver's seat, and looked at Bao Shijie through the rearview mirror. seemed to be very close to him, which made him even more righteous and angry, and thus, in a moment of desperation, Huang Xing said: "Um ?" Manager Bao, come over here!    


Bao Shijie emphasized: I can just sit at the back, just right enough to report to Director Fu ?    


Huang Xing interrupted Bao Shijie: If I tell you to sit in the front, you sit in the front!    


Fu Jie seemed to have thought of something, and said: Let me sit in the front, I still need to point the way for you! Go first... Go to fishing gear shop first!    


After saying that, she pushed open the car door, went around to the front, and sat in the front passenger seat.    


Huang Xing was secretly happy. When he saw the disappointed look on Bao Shijie's face from the rearview mirror, he felt relieved.    


Although they had known each other for a few years and had confirmed their relationship for a long time, they had even lived together in the past. But when Fu Jie sat in the front seat, Huang Xing's heart could not help but beat wildly. Looking at it from the side, she was also a genuine beauty. Just looking at her made one's heart palpitate.    


Fu Jie pointed ahead and said, "Get on the main road and head east. After two traffic lights turn left, you will reach there after walking for about one kilometre."    


Huang Xing nodded his head: I seem to have some impression of the fishing gear shop you mentioned.    


Fu Jie said: That should be the largest fishing gear shop in the entire Jinan City. It has everything, and there are all kinds of brands.    


Huang Xing drove the car, and following the route that Fu Jie pointed out, they quickly arrived at the fishing gear shop called 'Yu Qu'. After stopping the car, the three of them opened the door and got out of the car.    


This fishing gear shop was very big, just the door was almost 20 meters long. The interior was long and deep. Dressed in formal attire, they were cordially explaining to the fishermen who came to spend their money.    


As he walked in, he took a quick look and saw that there were more than a dozen salespeople in the shop. All of them were wearing sports uniforms with the words' Fishing Taste 'written on them.    


A female shop assistant asked politely, Can I help you?    



Fu Jie said straightforwardly: Call your boss out!    


'You're looking for our boss? ' The female shop assistant said, "Then please wait a moment, I'll go and see if the boss is here."    


Fu Jie emphasized: "Tell Boss Wang, I am Fu Jie.    


'Alright! ' The female shop assistant answered as she walked in.    


Fu Jie wandered around the regions as he said thoughtfully: "It's really not bad, I never thought that the fishing gear shop could also reach such a scale!    


Bao Shijie nodded his head: That's right, for such a scale, I'm afraid that there are not many in the entire country? Look, look, look. And there were all kinds of brands!    


Fu Jie said: Many rich people like to leisurely fish. I think we should recruit a merchant who can make high quality fishing gear.    


Bao Shijie emphasized: Then, should we make all of these for import?    


Fu Jie shook his head: That may not be true. Actually, China's fishing gear is not bad too.    


Bao Shijie said. From what I know, it seems to be the Japanese one. That Himanol was rather popular. Is that a high-end brand?    


Huang Xing didn't miss an opportunity to speak: He was determined not to enter Japan!    


Bao Jin Jie looked at Huang Xing: Director Huang is so indignant! However, we are merchants, and no matter how much we hate Japan, we cannot completely deny their products. In fact, all over the world, Japanese cars, electronics, and some sophisticated instruments make up a large share. If we boycott all the Japanese stuff, I'm afraid business is not going to work! For example, many of China's domestic cars use Japanese engine technology. Also, many of the world's largest brands use Japanese technology.    


Huang Xing commanded Bao Shijie: I really suspect that you are a Japanese spy that has infiltrated China! I'm not interested in Japanese goods!    


Bao Shijie countered with a question: Do we not have any Japanese products in our merchant house? Japan was hateful, but the things produced by the Japanese were still not bad!    


Huang Xing emphasized: The proportion of Xin Meng Merchant House's daily purchases are very, very small. If there are suitable substitutes, I suggest we replace all the things that are related to Japan and the Japanese! Let the Japanese earn money from us Chinese and then use it to make bullets and explosives to deal with China. What the fuck is this?    


Fu Jie took the opportunity to wave his hand. "Alright, alright, is there any meaning to it? The two of you are arguing about this here?"    


Just as they were talking, the shop assistant from before, along with a middle-aged man wearing the same 'fishy' sports attire, walked towards them.    


This middle-aged man was rather fat, but his appearance was not bad. His every action had an indescribable air to it.    


Then, the man suddenly quickened his footsteps, and greeted from far away: Ah, Director Fu, is it really you? This salesperson told me, I don't believe it! You busy man, you still have time to come to my store ? Hahahaha...    


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