Security Guard’s Romance



0Although Huang Xing was troubled in his heart, he still displayed an extremely happy expression.    


'You're still laughing? ' Wu Qianqian's captivating eyes stared at him until his hair stood on end. Let me put it this way, Wang Renkui that guy ? I've already experienced it. If it were me, I wouldn't even sponsor their school if I was beaten to death.    


Huang Xing emphasized: It's not only his school, it's also our alma mater. Right now, you and I can both help our hometown to help our alma mater do something within our capabilities. Why not?    


Wu Qianqian shook her head lightly: "You still don't understand what I mean. The sponsor company, but not through Wang Renkui. To tell you the truth, today, for my one wish, I have fallen into Wang Renkui's hands. I'm kneeling to him. Did you see that? Kneeling to the heavens and kneeling to my parents, I actually kneeled down to Wang Renkui! The students accepted me. I don't want to cause any more trouble, but he... He had gone too far!    


Huang Xing shushed her: Don't spout nonsense, you have ears on the wall.    


Wu Qianqian frowned and retorted: "If you're embarrassed to ask, then I'll help you take back that five hundred thousand!    


Huang Xing waved his hand: Don't. Words spoken, spilled water. Well, we said not to think about it. You have fulfilled your wish today, so you should be happy.    


"Yes, yes." "But..." Wu Qianqian sighed, then said: Then let's go, I do not want to interact with government officials.    


Huang Xing said: We still have to fight. Normally, they wouldn't fight, but today, they met by chance ?    


Right at that moment, Wang Renkui suddenly appeared in front of them, and shouted: What are you two chatting about, why aren't you back here? Come come come come, the County Chief Song wants to drink with you, we can't find anyone.    


Huang Xing and Wu Qianqian returned to the scene.    


Under the continuous toasts from the students, County Chief Song was clearly somewhat powerless. Seeing Huang Xing and Wu Qianqian had returned, he immediately called for them to sit.    


County Chief Song laughed bitterly: Your classmates are really passionate. What I drank... No, no, no.    


Who would have thought that Wu Qianqian would suddenly interject: Men, how can they say they can't do it?    


When these words came out, Huang Xing was a little flabbergasted.    


The County Chief Song laughed at himself: Right, right! I can't say no. Today, I met you two by chance. Even if you want to puke, you have to puke again, puke again, puke again. This was called fighting strength. I'm also from the military, so we're just talking about fighting strength. Come, come, no matter what, I want to have a good drink with you.    


Wang Renkui didn't miss the opportunity to flatter them: "Did you see that, Huang Xing, Yawen, County Chief Song thinks so highly of you!"    


County Chief Song stressed: We must pay attention! Cheers! Cheers!    


Under such great pressure, Huang Xing and Wu Qianqian raised their wine cups and drank the wine in it, bearing the humiliation of the humiliation.    


Wang Renkui also raised his cup, and said to Huang Xing and Wu Qianqian: Come, my two good students, we will also express our opinion in front of County Chief Song.    


'Still drinking? ' Wu Qianqian laughed bitterly, but he had no choice but to continue fighting.    


Wang Renkui raised the wine cup to his mouth and said: Let me first set an example! Before I give my example, I would also like to express the attitude of these two students. Huang Xing, Big Boss. Wu Yawen, the main host. Amongst my students, they are the best. They were all people who knew how to repay favors. As for Huang Xing, this was already the second time she had sponsored her alma mater.    


Speaking of this five hundred thousand, Huang Xing couldn't help but crease his eyebrows. He really couldn't convince himself that Wang Renkui's method of sponsoring the alliance was forced. The sponsor could even raise the price!    


Wang Renkui continued to speak endlessly: To have such a sensible student, as the former class teacher, my face must have been shining. Of course, we, Wu Yawen, will definitely not show weakness. We will also help our hometown become our alma mater and do whatever we can to build up a school. I dare to speak up on behalf of the two of them in front of the County Chief Song. As for Huang Xing, we have to take him into consideration as well. He might be slightly inferior to Huang Xing in terms of income, so I'll just say something on behalf of Yawen, it's a tentative of two hundred thousand. County Chief Song, don't think so, why are your students only sponsoring the Experimental High School? Leader, you have to understand that their sponsorship of the alma mater actually alleviated the difficulties of the county finances. This way, Huang Xing's five hundred thousand and Arwen's two hundred thousand would be worth seven hundred thousand. The construction of the experimental high school library was basically already in place in terms of funds.    


Wu Qianqian and Huang Xing immediately looked at each other.    


What the heck was this?    


Could it be that this Wang Renkui had changed from the hint just now to an open robbery? You spoke out on behalf of Wu Qianqian, on what basis? Just based on the fact that you were our form teacher a few years ago?    


Isn't this way too exaggerated!    


Not to mention the homeroom teacher, even if it was his own mother, he could not express this attitude on behalf of the people involved without the consent of the person in question! Basically, there was no difference between this and daylight robbery!    


Wu Qianqian coughed lightly and could not help but say to Wang Renkui, "The Teacher Wang represents us, so you should take action as well." You're older than us, and we're both sponsoring seven hundred thousand, so you should at least give us a million. As long as you can put this million on the table, Huang Xing and I will not hesitate!    


Huang Xing was shocked, he did not expect that under the situation where Wu Qianqian was drunk, he would be able to handle this random robbery even more easily. With this, she cleverly threw the embroidered ball to Wang Renkui. He guessed that he wouldn't be able to take out that one million either. Even if there was, he wouldn't dare to take it out. Otherwise, even if a teacher like him didn't eat or drink, he wouldn't be able to earn that much money. Once it was taken out, what would it mean? Corruption? Take bribes? One could imagine.    


Wang Renkui's face changed as he laughed at himself: I do want to! However, my meagre income and family support are the problem. Where can I get a million? Yawen was making a big joke. Besides, I've been devoted to education since I graduated, and it's an intangible form of sponsorship in itself. I sponsored my life's youth and strength to the students, to the education, to the school. I believe that this contribution can be measured in more than a million dollars? Haha, I'm praising myself. Alright, since I've already spoken on behalf of the two of you, what about the both of you?    


The County Chief Song didn't miss the opportunity to lull out his words. Oh Ren Kui, why does it look like you are arranging all the assignments, how can there be any arrangements for the sponsors? This... Director Huang has already promised five hundred thousand, we are grateful. As for the Xiao Wu, you don't need to feel any pressure. You can say no.    


On the surface, it seemed that he was criticizing Wang Renkui's forceful representation, but in reality, he had sung a very perfect double role with him. He wanted to capture the situation by force and force Wang Renkui to submit.    


How could Wu Qianqian not see through their intentions, but she did not want to use such a method to force herself to contribute to her alma mater. It wasn't that she didn't know how to be grateful, but that she couldn't agree with their method of sponsoring her. Wu Qianqian laughed and continued to peel one of the prawns: Hehe, I don't have much pressure. It was only right for him to return the rewards from his hometown to his alma mater. I still have to listen to County Chief Song, and in the future ? I'll think about it later.    


This move of hers could be considered rather brilliant, throwing the ball of silk to the future.    


Who knows when this will happen, a year? Two years? Ten years? Fifty years?    


Even though everyone knew that Wu Qianqian did not want to sponsor them. However, she did not say that she would not sponsor them. Instead, she stated that she would consider it. It was no doubt a blank check, empty but for which the date had not been cashed.    


However, Wang Renkui was an old cunning fox after all. Later... Later... How long later? Arwen, give me a time when I can bring this good news to school and tell my classmates about it. If the teachers and students knew that you were going to sponsor the school, it would definitely be explosive news. The educational and encouraging effect it had on the students was immeasurable. The students will definitely take you, Wu Yawen, as an example, and learn from you. 'The power of an example is limitless ? ' Wang Renkui described vividly and vividly, using his language as a weapon to force Wu Qianqian to submit.    


Wu Qianqian was startled, but immediately replied: "Teacher Wang has really flattered me, I am just a small host." As for you, you should let your classmates set your goals and role models a little higher. For example, like the County Chief Song, he would be a government official and benefit the people. Or, she could be like the Teacher Wang, dedicated to education and with plums all over the world. I think that's the real example.    




After a few rounds, it could be said to be about the same. At the critical moment, the drunk Wu Qianqian was actually maintaining a sharp thinking and dealing with it. When Wang Renkui forced her to submit, he leisurely counterattacked.    


But how could Wang Renkui give up so easily? Out of all the fat that was near his mouth, he was determined to take a bite. However, he had still underestimated Wu Qianqian's craftiness, so he could only think of another plan in his mind.    


After they clinked cups, Huang Xing took the opportunity to change the topic, and after chatting for a bit, Huang Xing received a call from his mother.    


County Chief Song looked at the time and nodded.    


What he did not expect was that Wang Renkui took the initiative to pick up the wireless microphone, and put his mouth close to the microphone for a few times. Then he said: "Please sit back in your seats, I have a few words to say to everyone.    


After the atmosphere quieted down, Wang Renkui looked around and said: There is no such thing as an endless banquet, it's getting late. From now on, the students can leave on their own. Those who wanted to play for a while could stay for a while longer, but it was enough. As for us, there were two things that added to the glory of this gathering. Firstly, the noble guest of County Chief Song had come, and secondly, he wanted to tell everyone a piece of good news. My students, your classmates Huang Xing and Wu Yawen have already agreed to sponsor five hundred thousand and two hundred thousand yuan respectively to the alma mater to build a library for it. Thank you very much. This spirit of repaying kindness has moved me. I know that it wasn't just the two of them who had such thoughts. Of course, I can't just allow them to contribute to my alma mater. The alma mater is our alma mater. What I want to tell everyone is that today, all of you have the chance to work for the alma mater! No one had the authority to take away this opportunity! If anyone has such a thought, they can come and find me. Three or five yuan was not too little, a million yuan was not too much. It was all thanks to the affection the students had for their alma mater, as well as their intentions ?    


Once these words were said, Huang Xing and Wu Qianqian were simply speechless.    


Absolutely! Too absolute!    


This fellow was practically a fish in size. A goose would pluck its feathers and a fish would scrape its scales. He would never let anyone off!    


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