Security Guard’s Romance



0The two bottles of red wine quickly finished them, causing Ouyang Mengjiao's face to turn slightly red.    


Just as Huang Xing was about to pick up some mushrooms, Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly reached out his chopsticks at the same time.    


This scene was very familiar. At that time, the two of them had also drunk their wine and their chopsticks had become entangled with each other. Such a scenario had happened before, and Ouyang Mengjiao had done it on purpose. But the development of the plot was very different from the first one.    


Huang Xing took back his chopsticks and joked: What, you want to steal all the mushrooms from me?    


Ouyang Mengjiao blinked her beautiful big eyes, with both hands on the table, she looked at Huang Xing: Snatch. I want everything.    


Huang Xing was startled, then said: "I'll give them all to you, there's no need to fight over them."    


Ouyang Mengjiao seemed to be a little disappointed as he stuffed a piece of mushroom into his mouth. I want to drink some more white ones.    


Huang Xing asked: "Bai Kaishui?" Okay, I'll get you a drink.    


'Save it for you! ' Ouyang Mengjiao frowned and said: "What are you pretending for, white wine, I was talking about white wine!" He repeated the important words three times: white wine, white wine, white wine!    


Huang Xing instead thought that it was laughable. It seemed that among the women he had interacted with around him, there were actually quite a few who liked to drink alcohol. Furthermore, the alcohol tolerance was not bad. The richer and more powerful the person, the greater the alcohol tolerance. Liquor has always seemed to be a man's monopoly. At most, the woman drank some beer and red wine. However, in Huang Xing's circle of friends, every woman seemed to be especially close to alcohol.    


However, thinking about it carefully, it was no wonder that they were the bosses and rich women like Fu Jie, Xiao Yan and Sha Mei, who had a wide range of social circles. There were a lot of wineries as well, and even if they did not drink at the beginning, Shandong's wine culture would gradually submerge them after placing them on the table. Ouyang Mengjiao was the same as well. He was born in a wealthy family, so he definitely would have had a variety of drinking parties, so he naturally would have had plenty of drinking occasions as well.    


Huang Xing lit a cigarette and said: No more, you!    


Ouyang Mengjiao pouted and asked: Why can't I drink it? He was so stingy, yet he was unwilling to part with the white wine? Tch! What a scrooge!    


Huang Xing emphasized: Whatever you say, drink less of this wine. How do you get home if you drink too much?    


Ouyang Mengjiao tsk-tsked and said: "You're afraid that I would stay here with you at night, aren't you?" Huang Xing, you have become a General Manager. Now that you have become a General Manager, are you not putting your former living friends in your eyes anymore? If there's any trouble, we'll have to bear it all together. Good luck, you don't want to share it with me anymore.    


Huang Xing's heart fiercely shook, as if he had been touched by something.    


Memories made people sad, but after drinking, it made them even more sad. Huang Xing tried to use a gentle attitude to face this Wealthy Class girl who had accompanied him for countless lonely nights: Meng Jiao, listen to me, don't drink anymore, in a while, I will send you home!    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: You want to gift it to me? I have legs and a car, why should I send you?    


Huang Xing said: Then I'll go heat up the steak. After I eat it, you can go home. He had to rest early and still had to work tomorrow.    


Ouyang Mengjiao looked at the steak that had cooled down on his plate, and pushed it in front of Huang Xing: Go heat it up! Don't mess it up. Eating it can cause cancer!    


Huang Xing carried the steak into the kitchen and turned on the gas valve to heat it up with oil.    


Soon the steak was ready, Huang Xing carried it back to the table.    


Ouyang Mengjiao was smiling at him strangely. Huang Xing realized that this girl must have done something bad, so he took a closer look and realized that she had a bottle of white wine in her right hand that was hidden behind her back.    


Huang Xing ruthlessly placed the steak on the table and extended his hand out. "Give it to me!"    


Ouyang Mengjiao shook his head: No, definitely not! A good wine is hidden away and not shared. Hmph, petty!    


Huang Xing said: It's for your own good that I am not letting you drink, you are a girl, why are you drinking this much?    


Ouyang Mengjiao pursed his lips, his face which was originally smiling, now had a hint of melancholy. She sighed softly and said almost coquettishly: I'm not in a good mood today. Sad.    


Huang Xing asked: What's wrong with you again? Weren't you happy just now, all the time?    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: I'm just pretending, you can't tell? If I was in a good mood, I wouldn't be in a mood to drink with you!    


Huang Xing said: Did something bad happen?    


Ouyang Mengjiao tilted his head, placing the bottle of white wine on the table: I'll explain it to you while I drink!    


Huang Xing emphasized: "First, there are sufficient reasons to drink!    


Ouyang Mengjiao was getting impatient: Are you annoyed? Isn't it just drinking a few mouthfuls of wine?    


Huang Xing said: Wine is a small matter, no matter how expensive it is, it is still a small matter. I'm worried about your health and your safety.    


Ouyang Mengjiao said as he clicked his tongue: Don't say it's extravagant! I'll drink your wine today, so you can accompany me if you want, and it doesn't matter if you don't.    


With a snap, she had unscrewed the cap.    


This bottle of Wuliangye Liquid was aged 15 years and was even delivered by an important customer during the holiday. The moment the cap on the bottle was lifted, Huang Xing did not care about how precious the wine was. What he was worried about was that Ouyang Mengjiao was young, so if he drank too much, it would especially harm his body. But at this moment, Huang Di realized that he couldn't persuade her anymore, so he decided on the spur of the moment, that if she drank too much, he would drive her home.    


The aroma of the wine overflowed everywhere, the fragrance rushed into Huang Xing's nose, making him feel a little greedy as well. He had just drunk a bottle of red wine, so the amount was of no use at all. Besides, red wine was a taste of life, and it was a romantic drink. What the white wine drank was the heart. A glass of red wine can make people elegant, a bottle of red wine can make people noble, a cup of white wine can make people's blood boil, a bottle of white wine can make people ethereal, I am the only one!    


Ouyang Mengjiao poured a cup for himself, raised it and took a whiff, then said: Good wine.    


Huang Xing replied: Of course it's good wine, dozens of bottles!    


Ouyang Mengjiao said: Look at you! Do you want to drink it? If you don't, I'll drink it myself.    


Huang Xing stood up, wanting to take the bottle of wine, but Ouyang Mengjiao held it tightly in his arms: What, are you hungry? I won't let you drink it! He had asked you to drink with me earlier, but it was too late now.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: "I can accompany you." But let's say you drink one-third, and the rest two-thirds, and leave it to me!    


'On what basis? ' Ouyang Mengjiao said: On what basis do you have more points than me?    


Huang Xing patted his chest: I'm a man!    


'Tsk! ' Ouyang Mengjiao puffed his chest up, and patted on the ground as well: What are you doing, no matter how much you pat me, that's still an airport! You are far from being able to compare your breasts with me!    


Huang Xing was extremely embarrassed, but he had no choice but to admit defeat.    


Ouyang Mengjiao placed the white wine on the table and extended out his hand: Give me the cup, I'll give you a cup as I see how pitiful you are!    


Huang Xing did as he was told, he carefully poured all the wine into Huang Xing's cup.    


After a glass of white wine, the steak had already been eaten. On the table, only half a plate of cold mushrooms was left. Huang Xing stood up and took out some instant packaged food, chicken feet, donkey meat, country bumpkin eggs, canned fish, etc. As the cooked food was placed on the table, Ouyang Mengjiao unrestrainedly tore open a bag of chicken feet and started to gnaw on it.    


The way they ate was not very elegant, but it revealed an extremely natural and beautiful feeling.    



Huang Xing chose a country bumpkin egg. That black thing didn't seem to have much appetite, but it tasted quite good.    


He continued to clink glasses. The room was filled with the fragrance of the aged Wuliangye Liquid. Good wine was good wine, and its taste was very mellow. The more you drank, the more you wanted to drink, and you couldn't drink it.    


However, the better the wine, the easier it was for people to get drunk uncontrollably. It was just like a woman. The more beautiful she was, the easier it was for men to unknowingly make love and even make mistakes.    


Ouyang Mengjiao gnawed on a few chicken feet in one breath, wiped the corner of his mouth with a tissue, and said at the same time: "Your ex-wife, she isn't normal recently.    


'What?! ' Huang Xing was startled: "Who's not normal?"    


Ouyang Mengjiao stressed: How many ex-wives are you, boss? Zhao Xiaoran, Business management department, Zhao Xiaoran!    


Huang Xing raised his hand: Don't mention her!    


Ouyang Mengjiao retorted. Didn't you guys already settle the grudge? Why can't you bring her up? Why, he was still immersed in ? Immersed in those memories, unable to extricate himself? It wasn't worth it. It really wasn't worth it.    


Because of the alcohol, many scenes from the past were magnified infinitely. Although Huang Xing had almost walked out of that failed marriage after experiencing a few relationships, Zhao Xiaoran was still a scar on his face that he did not dare to open at all. Every time he recalled the pain, it was hard to conceal!    


Ouyang Mengjiao saw that Huang Xing's emotions had changed, he smiled and said: "However, I still have to thank your ex-wife."    


Huang Xing was startled: Thank her? Why are you thanking her?    


Ouyang Mengjiao argued, "If she wasn't the one who cheated, how would I have had the chance to live with you?" Don't look at how casual I, Ouyang Mengjiao, am normally, but once I have a man in my heart, it will be a lifetime's worth of things. You, Huang Xing, are this man.    


Huang Xing's heart suddenly shook!    


This infatuated girl, once again made it difficult for Huang Xing to face her.    


Huang Xing knew clearly in his heart that she really liked him.    


Ouyang Mengjiao suddenly sighed, holding onto his wine cup, he looked at Huang Xing and continued: But I met an opponent that made me feel inferior. Perhaps, without her, you would have treated me as you did before. Right?    


Huang Xing was startled: "What you're talking about is ?."    


Ouyang Mengjiao took the initiative to speak out loud: Fu Jie. Yes, it was her. She was simply not human. How could there be such a beautiful woman in this world, and how could her career be so successful? Not to mention men, even if we women saw it, we would ? He would also feel ashamed. I replaced Zhao Xiaoran, and the heavens sent Fu Jie to replace me. In this world, can you still find someone to replace Fu Jie?    


She shook her head, then added, I don't think so.    


Huang Xing carefully savored her words. He felt that her words were filled with endless sadness and sorrow, making him very emotional.    


After Ouyang Mengjiao finished speaking, he looked at the cup in his hand, and then, without saying a word, poured the entire cup of wine into his mouth.    


Huang Xing was shocked!    


She's crazy!    


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