Security Guard’s Romance



0This exquisite foot gave Yellow Star an indistinct surprise. If it was said that a woman's face and waist were visual beauty, then a woman's feet were a type of hidden beauty. This beauty cannot be described in words, but when it is placed in front of you, your visual nerves immediately give you a great shock.    


How could Huang Xing have thought that the crude Xiao Hui would have such a pair of beautiful little feet.    


Only, at this very moment, Xiao Hui was not bluffing. Her ankle did indeed have some bruises. From the looks of it, it had been twisted quite badly. For some reason, Huang Xing felt a kind of extraordinary pity in his heart. He really couldn't bear to see such a pair of beautiful little feet being so ravaged. Of course, he was more worried, the road down the mountain was very far, Xiao Hui who twisted his leg, wouldn't that be a burden to everyone?    


Xiao Hui lowered his head to look at his injuries, and pouted: How am I unlucky, truly unlucky, it's all your fault!    


She glared at Huang Xing, her eyes filled with killing intent.    


However, within this killing intent, there seemed to be some kind of coquettish aura.    


Huang Xing sighed and said: Alright, can you change your lines? This is bad luck, blaming me ? Unlucky is a bit unlucky, but can you blame me, it's your own carelessness!    


Xiao Hui argued: Of course not! It was obviously your fault! Still trying to argue!    


Huang Xing was also lazy to argue with her, he merely touched her wound a little, but who would have thought that Xiao Hui would actually retract his foot like a conditioned reflex: "You ?" You... What are you doing, you think?    


Huang Xing said: Let me help you move it.    


'You can kill me.' Xiao Hui tsk-ed: You're already injured, and you still want to help me move around, is this a chance for you to take revenge?    


Huang Xing coldly snorted. I'm so bored!    


Xiao Hui probed further: "Are you sure you have no bad intentions?    


Huang Xing smiled bitterly and nodded his head. He crouched down and rubbed her wound a few times with his hand. Huang Xing rubbed the leg lightly, trying to shake it gently. Following that, Xiao Hui groaned in pain but was able to see that she had been controlling herself this whole time.    


'Are you better? ' Huang Xing pressed and asked.    


Xiao Hui looked at Huang Xing who was seriously working for him, raised his head and said: I still feel uncomfortable, it hurts. However ? However, his mood was a lot better.    


'Mood? ' Huang Xing said: So you're saying, you were in a bad mood all this while?    


Xiao Hui said with reason: "Of course not!" It was you who kept provoking me, and now you have redeemed me.    


Huang Xing laughed and said: Then it's even.    


Xiao Hui said: Beautiful! How can it be so easy to tie? Am I that cheap? Perform well, maybe one day, you can get close to... They were even.    


Wu Qianqian didn't seem to be used to the scene in front of him, he stood in the same spot awkwardly for a while before he said to Huang Xing: Old classmate, why don't I go first?    


Huang Xing was suddenly enlightened and said: "This idea is not bad, it won't cost much anyways!"    


Xiao Hui quickly stopped her: "No way!" No way! If you want to throw me to those sedan bearers, you can do it, no way!    


Huang Xing stressed: This is for your own good, this will make you more comfortable. What else do you want? If you want to jump down the mountain with one foot, you will die of exhaustion. Your leg will probably swell to such a size ? Like an elephant's leg!    


Xiao Hui coldly snorted: "Who said I would jump down the mountain myself? I'm not that stupid, I want to... I want you to carry me down the mountain!    


Huang Xing was startled, and begged: "Aunt, please spare me, you are going too far!"    


Xiao Hui snickered: So what if I'm bullying you, does it matter, do I care or not?    


Huang Xing shook his head: "There are two choices, either you go find the sedan bearer or you go yourself, no no no, one leg jumping down the mountain. Men and women cannot be taught well, and my mind is very conservative.    


Hearing what he said, Tao Fei, who was at the side, couldn't help but laugh, but she immediately covered her mouth, not wanting to let this smile of hers that agitated the troublesome Xiao Hui.    


But Xiao Hui still used this as an excuse to attack, he frowned and reprimanded Tao Fei: "You ?." What do you mean, gloating? Still laughing!    


Tao Fei explained: I'm laughing at the Director Huang, not you.    


Xiao Hui stared at Huang Xing: "Did you see that, your secretary is laughing at you." Hmph, you're still being conservative? "Huh ?" Yeah, I wonder if you could just say you're being conservative, and then your secretary laughs. What did this mean?    


Huang Xing asked: What does this mean?    


Xiao Hui emphasized: This means that in your Secretary Tao's heart, you're not conservative at all! How else could she laugh? From this, it can also be used as proof that you have taken liberties with your secretary, and even the company's Female Employee.    


Huang Xing laughed bitterly: What kind of logic is this?    


Xiao Hui argued: This is the logic of karma. Do I have the potential to be a detective? From her smile, I knew there must be something in it.    


Huang Xing had also rebelled against Xiao Hui: For you to be able to think of so much, it looks like you have done quite a few similar things. As the Town Security, you must have used your authority to make fun of those handsome male peddlers, right?    


Xiao Hui's eyes widened until they were round: You ? You... You make trouble for nothing!    


Huang Xing said: It was you who started it, I was just learning from you.    


At this time, Wu Qianqian was suddenly surprised for a moment. He stared at Xiao Hui and asked: "You are ?." You are the Town Security?    


Xiao Hui swept a glance over Wu Qianqian: That's right, Baotou, I am a Town Security, a female Town Security. What, you can't be... Are they merchants who set up stalls?    


Wu Qianqian shook his head slightly. No wonder he was so willful. Town Security. Sigh.    


Xiao Hui was extremely unhappy and asked: What, you have an opinion towards the Town Security?    


If Wu Qianqian fought with her, how could she be a match for him? Wu Qianqian very straightforwardly asked: "Excuse me, who doesn't have any objections to the Town Security?    


The meaning of this sentence was rich, and it easily reminded people of the pictures and videos on the internet about how the Town Security beat people up. With this imagination in his head, it was not hard to understand Wu Qianqian's ingenious question back.    


Xiao Hui was startled, and emphasized: I am a good Town Security!    


Wu Qianqian said: Whether it's good or bad, it's not up to me to decide. Just like you today, although you want to go down the mountain safely, because of your willfulness, you twisted your leg. Life is like this, either you think or you're right, it's about what you think it is going to be like. In other words, you think you're a good person.    


The host criticized them for their high standards, Huang Xing was afraid that if the two of them continued like this, it would lead to an even more intense conflict, so he quickly changed the topic and said: "Alright, put on your shoes, go down the mountain!" The sun was going to set if he continued to grind down.    


Xiao Hui looked up into the sky, and pointed to the red sun: The sun is still high, okay?    


Huang Xing countered with a question: Then, what you mean is, you want to sit here until it gets dark?    


Xiao Hui frowned and said angrily, but I didn't say anything. Then, he blinked rapidly and picked up that sock in his hand, waving it in front of Huang Xing: Hey, it's time for you to show off. However, I declare in advance that it's not that I'm lazy, it's that when I lower my head and bend over, the wound hurts, that something ? That is ? His tendons hurt, and then his blood vessels hurt ?    



Although Huang Xing sympathized with Xiao Hui's injuries, how could he be willing to help a girl put on socks and shoes in front of everyone? If this matter were to be spread out, where would the dignity of a dignified general manager like himself go?    


Huang Xing said: "Sorry, I didn't ?" No habit. Do your own thing and wear your own socks.    


Xiao Hui said angrily: No sympathy! He deserved to have no girlfriend!    


But she immediately realized the flaw in her words and quickly corrected herself: Even if I have a girlfriend, I won't be able to do it for a long time. Just watch and see! Pfft ? - Blow!    


There was even a puff of air in her cheeks, making a series of puffing sounds.    


Huang Xing said: "Sorry, that doesn't count." Your sister's willpower isn't as strong as you think ?    


While talking, Huang Xing suddenly stopped. He immediately thought about the current situation of his relationship with Fu Jie. In terms of protecting love, what kind of willpower did Fu Jie have? The slightest movement in the wind would cause her to go berserk, causing her to shiver in fear.    


Seeing that Huang Xing's emotions had dropped to the freezing point, Xiao Hui thought that he had hurt him by speaking carelessly and immediately said: "Forget it, I won't beat you up anymore, I won't, don't be afraid." Come, come, come, give me a hand.    


Huang Xing was startled, he grabbed Xiao Hui's shoulder and sighed. He bent down to put on his socks and grumbled out: "What kind of world is this, even if I was injured I have to wear my shoes. Luckily I am also considered a beauty, so why can't I enjoy the treatment a beauty is entitled to." Disappoint.    


After wearing his shoes and socks amidst his complaints, Xiao Hui sat up straight, as if he mustered his courage and offered a hand to Huang Xing: Come, help me stand up and try.    


Huang Xing did as she said, but he smiled and asked: "Do you really think of yourself as the empress dowager?" Return to me!    


Xiao Hui pointed to his mouth and said: Shut up you little eunuch, how can you talk to me!    


Huang Xing blushed with shame: I think I have watched too much of the harem drama, you! You, ah, if you were born in ancient times, not to mention being the empress dowager, you wouldn't even survive to be a palace maid. Your character...    


Xiao Hui retorted angrily. What's wrong with my personality? I thought I was pretty nice!    


Huang Xing's eyes widened in shock: You're friendly?    


Xiao Hui blinked his eyes a few times, and attempted to use a gentle tone to speak.    


Huang Xing changed to a more relaxed tone and argued with Xiao Hui: "Who invented the idiom of being kind? Sigh, what a pity, this is such a good phrase, but forcefully spoiled by someone."    


How could Xiao Hui not hear Huang Xing's mockery of him, so he used the Nine Yin White Bone Claw and scratched at his body.    


Having caused enough trouble, the two of them immediately fell into an exceptionally calm state.    


However, Huang Xing felt that even though Xiao Hui had betrayed them on his own accord, it was still a pleasure to tease her and make a ruckus.    


a pleasure that cannot be expressed in words.    


Soon after, everyone began to descend the mountain.    


But after walking only a few steps, Xiao Hui couldn't take it anymore. Even though she was supported by Tao Fei, she couldn't use any strength on her ankle.    


Xiao Hui stopped in his tracks, assumed an independent posture, pointed at Huang Xing and said in a commanding tone: "You ?." Come here and carry me!    


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