Sovereign’s Great Path

C20 Adults, Awakened Soul

C20 Adults, Awakened Soul

0Outside Divine Desolate Mountain Range.    


A fifteen to sixteen year old youth was madly rushing about. No one knew what he was doing, nor did anyone know who he was. In short, he was running like a lunatic. Yes, he was a madman. If anyone saw him, they would definitely think so. If a young man without cultivation ran about wildly in the Divine Desolate Mountain Range, if he wasn't crazy, then what was he? That would be courting death. Of course, this person was none other than Teng Yan.    


Four hours.    


It had already been four hours since Teng Yan entered the Divine Desolate Mountain Range. In these four hours, he never stopped, running nonstop within the Divine Emperor Mountain Range, as if he was a machine that would never get tired. It wasn't that Teng Yan didn't want to stop, it was just that he didn't dare to do so.    




That could mean death;    


At this very moment, even Teng Yan himself did not know where exactly he was. In short, there were towering ancient trees everywhere around Teng Yan, and there was no end in sight. In these past two and a half hours, other than Teng Yan running frantically, he was also very careful in his surroundings. After all, any random Martial Beast that appeared here was not something he could contend against. Maybe it was because of the blessing of the heavens, or maybe Teng Yan's life was not worth living. In these four hours, he did not even encounter a single Martial Beast.    


He was extremely lucky!    




Suddenly, Teng Yan who was running, stumbled and fell to the ground.    


"Phew ?"    


After falling to the ground, Teng Yan laid flat on his stomach and did not get up again. Of course, it wasn't that he didn't want to stand up, but he was too tired at the moment. His body had reached its limit long ago, but his desire to live had made him hold on for a long time. Now that he fell down, he finally breathed out and Teng Yan did not have the strength to persevere anymore.    


It had been a full eight hours since they had fled from the imperial capital.    


From the beginning till the end, Teng Yan had never stopped his four hour madly sprinting. Even if it was a practitioner from pulse state or the acupoint stage Realm, they would not be able to run at such a high intensity, let alone Teng Yan. To Teng Yan, this was simply a miracle. An impossible miracle, but he had still done it in order to survive.    


Now that he was lying on the ground, Teng Yan felt as if every inch of his skin was being pierced by countless needles.    




Heartbreaking pain;    




However, Teng Yan seemed to not care about the heart-wrenching pain at all, and it was as if this body was not his own. He only cared about taking deep breaths, and if he did not breathe, he would probably suffocate in the next moment. At the same time, Teng Yan's clothes were already drenched in sweat, but he did not mind at all.    


"It should be safe now, right?" Ten-odd minutes later, Teng Yan's indifferent voice sounded, but that voice did not have the slightest bit of confidence. Although it was already eight hours, he was still not sure if Liu Zhen and the rest would chase after them again.    


"It should be safe." After lying on the ground for more than an hour, and not seeing Liu Zhen and the others chasing after them, Teng Yan's mutters resounded once again.    


"Phew ?"    


Teng Yan laid on the ground and looked up at the sky, letting the sunlight shine through the gaps between the trees and onto his face. Although he had rested for more than an hour, the feeling of exhaustion on his body still existed, and at that moment, Teng Yan did not want to do anything nor did he want to escape. He only wanted to lie on the ground and rest.    


He was too tired;    


Teng Yan's eyes gradually closed, as if even opening his eyes made him feel fatigued. At the same time, he took in a deep breath, as if he had become one with the world, and felt the refreshing aura of life around him. Only by doing this would he be able to let him clearly know that he was still alive.    




This feeling was unprecedented.    


"It's good to be alive." In the next second, Teng Yan sighed with emotion. He felt an unprecedented sense of relaxation, but it was also because he no longer had the sense of urgency from running for his life. Now that he had relaxed, all of the fatigue he had accumulated from before surged forth.    




He was too tired to move.    




A few minutes later, faint panting came from Teng Yan's mouth. He had his eyes closed and was lying on the ground, at the outskirts of the Divine Desolate Mountain Range. Yes, he had fallen asleep. The feeling of infinite exhaustion made Teng Yan no longer have any thoughts of whether or not Liu Zhen and his party would chase after them, and no longer think of the dangers of death filled the entire Divine Desolate Mountain Range. He didn't think about anything else. He didn't want to do anything else. He only wanted to get a good night's sleep. The feeling of exhaustion made him naturally fall into a deep sleep ?    


The sun was high in the sky;    


When Teng Yan left the imperial city, it was still late at night, but right now, it was already the scorching sun.    


The eight-hour sprint was unprecedented.    


Today should have been the day of his sixteenth adulthood, and was also the day he was born sixteen years ago. As the Young Master of the General's Estate, he should have been enjoying the congratulations of countless people within the imperial city, enjoying this blissful day. After all, the coming of age ceremony was a very important day for the secular land, especially for someone like Teng Yan who had an illustrious family background. However, he had spent the entire day on the run, on the border between life and death. No matter what happened now, no matter what would happen in the future, he was still alive.    


Hatred toward Liu Zhen.    


Hatred toward the Celestial Sect of Wonders s;    


The Divine Desolate Mountain Range was still filled with the tranquility of this place.    


Teng Yan laid quietly on the ground, enduring the comfort of the sunlight as he slept sweetly. The serenity of this moment, the ease of this moment, would disappear without a trace when he woke up and might never have again. Because, from today onwards, he would begin a new life. Without the name of a villain, without the protection of the Teng Family, he would have to rely on himself for everything. In this world where the strong were respected, he, a person who could not cultivate, was simply unable to move an inch in this world.    


Unknown future, unknown life and death;    


BOOM *    


Suddenly, a strange milky white Qi flow erupted from Teng Yan's body while he was still sleeping. This Qi flow was extremely strange, without any warning, and also tightly wrapped around Teng Yan's body. Teng Yan, who was still in slumber, was also suddenly roused awake. He fiercely sat up, and scanned his surroundings with a guarded gaze.    


"What's going on?" With a shocked expression, he looked at the layer of milky-white aura surrounding his body, and Teng Yan's astonished voice sounded out. However, at this very moment, no one responded to him, and no one would give him an answer. Teng Yan himself didn't realize that today was his day of adulthood, and at this moment, was the day of his true adulthood. Sixteen years ago, the day he was born, was exactly the same.    


BOOM *    


In the next second, the milky white Qi flow around Teng Yan's body changed again.    


BOOM *    


The milky-white aura around Teng Yan's body seemed to be attracted by something and frantically surged into his body. No, to be more accurate, it should be's head that appeared, between Teng Yan's brows. The sudden turn of events caused Teng Yan to be alarmed and at a loss of what to do.    


"Phew ?"    


In just a breath of time, the strange milky white Qi around Teng Yan's body disappeared without a trace.    





In the next second, a mournful and miserable scream sounded out, the sound shook the entire Divine Desolate Mountain Range, and couldn't disappear even after a long time. Teng Yan hugged his head with both hands, his entire being collapsing onto the ground, struggling in pain while wailing.    


At this moment, he felt as if his head was about to explode, and his soul was about to be torn apart.    




Unprecedented pain;    


The pain was heart-wrenching.    


That kind of pain was so painful that one would rather die;    


It was worse than death!    


BOOM *    


The pain was still continuing, but something inexplicable suddenly appeared in Teng Yan's mind. These were pieces of memories, yes, pieces of memories. At this very moment, those indescribable memories crazily flooded into Teng Yan's mind, surging into his memories.    


Martial Arts, Medicinal Pills, Spirit Grasses, Heaven Materials, Earth Treasures    


Countless memories and countless inexplicable things rushed into Teng Yan's brain, causing his brain to feel as if it could not bear the pressure and that so many memories were about to explode. However, Teng Yan could do nothing about it, and could not resist. He could only fall to the ground and painfully struggle, wailing in pain as he endured what seemed to be an insufferable pain.    






After an unknown amount of time, who knew how much pain they had to endure. The feeling of their souls being torn apart gradually receded until they disappeared. In Teng Yan's mind, there were even more things than before, but he no longer had the energy to feel or organize those things. At this moment, his entire body fell onto the ground. The clothes that were dried up earlier were once again drenched in sweat, the process just now allowed Teng Yan to experience what it meant to beg for death rather than to live.    




Lying on the ground, Teng Yan panted heavily, feeling as if he had just survived a disaster.    


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