Sovereign’s Great Path

C388 With a palm strike, he killed pseudo-Xuan Emperor!

C388 With a palm strike, he killed pseudo-Xuan Emperor!

0With a single palm strike, he killed pseudo-Xuan Emperor!    


A azure-dressed man?    


Uncle Lin?    


Teng Yan never thought that the azure-dressed man in front of him would actually be the Uncle Lin that Hairy Ball spoke of, the Super Martial Beast that lived in the depths of the Divine Wasteland. Initially, Teng Yan thought that the green clothed man in front of him was the person that suppressed countless Super Martial Beast in the depths of the Divine Wasteland that Hairy Ball mentioned. However, thinking back to the scene just now, one Super Martial Beast was already so powerful, so how terrifying was the person who suppressed countless Super Martial Beast in the depths of the Divine Wasteland that Teng Yan didn't even dare to imagine.    


Divine Desolate?    


This was definitely a true forbidden area for humans.    


"Phew …"    


However, no matter what Teng Yan thought at this moment, the moment the azure-dressed man withdrew Hairy Ball, the terrifying pressure emanating from Hairy Ball instantly disappeared and the more than five hundred Heaven Ranked Rankers in Celestial Sect of Wonders regained their freedom. They couldn't help but let out sighs of relief.    


Hairy Ball ate humans?    


It was a nightmare.    


Day after year.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Without the fear of the terrifying coercion, the five hundred or so celestial realm experts all instinctively sat on the ground. They took deep breaths, and even their clothes were already soaked in cold sweat as if they had walked from the brink of death.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Moments later, all five hundred plus men kneeled down in front of the man.    




This was their gratitude.    


No matter what, regardless of who this green clothed man was, if not for him, none of the Heaven Realm warriors from Celestial Sect of Wonders would have survived. All of them would have been buried in Hairy Ball's stomach. The voice came from the bottom of his heart.    




The azure-robed man frowned upon seeing this.    




His deep eyes looked at the people in front of him, then looked at Teng Yan and the rest, and finally turned towards the battlefield filled with rivers of blood. Looking at the soldiers of the two nations running away nonstop, looking at the disorderly and bloody bodies on the ground, he finally took a glance at the Hairy Ball in his hand, frowned, and said, "You, shouldn't have come to this secular world."    




The green-clothed man's words caused everyone present to be stunned.    


He shouldn't have come to this world?    


What do you mean?    


Swish Swish Swish    


Everyone present, especially those from Celestial Sect of Wonders, looked at each other, and in the end, their puzzled gazes fell upon the azure-clothed man. When the Celestial Sect of Wonders heard this, he was also stunned, staring at the azure-dressed man with astonished eyes.    


"It was hard to come out for a trip, since we met them, then …" Without waiting for pseudo-Xuan Emperor to finish speaking, the azure-dressed man had already cut him off, and after a moment of hesitation, he opened his mouth again, "Then I will help this secular land to clean up the trash that shouldn't have appeared in the secular world."    




The green clothed man's words caused the people of Celestial Sect of Wonders to be shocked once again.    


What do you mean?    


Cleaning up these people who shouldn't appear in the secular world?    




The pseudo-Xuan Emperor Ranker's expression changed.    


Teng Yan and the rest looked at each other.    




Shouldn't the people of Celestial Sect of Wonders appear in the secular world?    


"Die!" Without waiting for anyone to react, the green-clothed man's ice-cold voice had already rang out. With a single word, a huge change had occurred within the five hundred celestial realm experts on the ground, and one of the people's celestial realm expression had abruptly changed.    




In the next second, his body exploded into mincemeat.    


Not a trace of his body was left.    




Seeing this scene, seeing that the second celestial realm Ranker had strangely self-destructed, the people from Celestial Sect of Wonders were instantly filled with terror. In the next second, without any hesitation, they all started to frantically flee in all directions.    


Heh …    


Seeing this scene, the green-clothed man sneered.    




Suddenly, the azure-robed man let out a furious roar.    




No, it was a beast's roar.    




Everyone's face instantly darkened. Other than those who were frantically escaping, the faces of everyone on Teng Yan's side changed even more when they looked at the azure-dressed man. Roar of a beast? Could it be that this azure-dressed man was not a human, but a Martial Beast? At the same time, when the Celestial Sect of Wonders heard this beast's roar, his entire body shivered out of instinct.    


A Martial Beast in human form?    


He no longer dared to imagine it.    




The roar of a beast echoed through the world.    




The roar of a beast shattered the sky.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Under the roar, all the Heaven Realm warriors who were fleeing in every direction fell onto the ground. Pfft pfft pfft pfft, a mouthful of blood spewed out from their mouths, and all of the celestial realm Realm warriors were killed without exception, falling to the ground dead in the blink of an eye.    


Blood from the seven orifices!    


Instant kill.    


It was an instant kill.    


Moreover, the green-clothed man didn't do it himself.    


With a roar, he killed five hundred people in an instant?    




Everyone's expressions were stunned. Looking at the azure-dressed man in the sky, and looking at the celestial realm corpses lying on the ground far away, Teng Yan and the others did not dare to even think about it. Just one roar was enough to kill five hundred people in one go.    




No, terror was no longer enough to describe him.    




This was a feeling that this pseudo-Xuan Emperor would never forget his entire life. At this moment, the gaze he used to look at the azure-dressed man was filled with shock, fear, helplessness, and anger: "Senior, what, what do you mean?" Gritting his teeth, his strange voice sounded.    


"What do you mean?" The azure-dressed man's contemptuous gaze fell upon the pseudo-Xuan Emperor.    


"What is the meaning of the secular world? Since you are a sect, then you should stay at the place that a sect should stay, and not come to this secular land to make a living. Before, I did not care about it, and did not care about it, but now that I have met you and seen it, don't blame me for being ruthless. In the next second, the light robed man shouted in anger.    




Celestial Sect of Wonders trembled upon hearing this.    


Her face was pale.    


A place that he shouldn't have come to?    


At that place, there was indeed a rumor spreading around that no sect was allowed to enter the secular land. But all these years, whether it was the Celestial Sect of Wonders or the other two great sects, they had all entered the mortal world for a long time, and nothing abnormal had happened. They only treated it as a rumor, and in the end, they were still kings in the secular land, the high and mighty kings, they could bring them many benefits. But now, looking at the azure-dressed man in front of him, the Celestial Sect of Wonders felt as if he had just awoken from a dream.    


The secular world was a treasure trove.    


Why were there always only three great sects?    


In that place, the three great sects were almost at the bottom of existence. There were many sects there that could sweep away all three great sects, but they didn't enter the mundane world. Previously, the three great sects thought that it was because they were disdainful, but now, this pseudo-Xuan Emperor knew, they did not dare.    


That rumor was true.    




Thinking about it, pseudo-Xuan Emperor's body trembled again.    




The gaze he used to look at the azure-dressed man was filled with fear.    


Who was this person?    




In the next second, without waiting for pseudo-Xuan Emperor to think, the green clothed man's cold gaze had already locked onto his body, and that cold killing intent instantly appeared. Seeing that, pseudo-Xuan Emperor was on full alert, "You, you, you want to kill me?" His panicked, trembling voice rang out.    


"What do you think?" The azure-robed man laughed.    


"You, you, if you dare kill me, my Celestial Sect of Wonders will definitely not let you go." pseudo-Xuan Emperor had already lost his reason, his urgent voice sounded.    


"Hahaha." The azure-robed man laughed loudly.    




Suddenly, his cold gaze locked onto pseudo-Xuan Emperor's body again, "Celestial Sect of Wonders? What is it? You won't let me go? Ridiculous. In this world, in this secular land, even if a saint were to personally visit, I would not be afraid. Humph, if it was back then, even there, Saint? "No matter how many arrive, I'll just pinch them to death." In the next second, the green-robed man's violent, confident voice rang out.    




Celestial Sect of Wonders shook once again.    


Swish Swish Swish    


His expression changed again and again.    


A saint?    


He wasn't even afraid?    


That year?    



Just squash him to death?    




Celestial Sect of Wonders no longer dared to imagine.    




Suddenly, the azure-dressed man appeared in front of Celestial Sect of Wonders's pseudo-Xuan Emperor in an instant. A trace of playfulness flashed across his deep eyes. "You!" Seeing that, the pseudo-Xuan Emperor's astonished voice sounded, but the azure-dressed man did not hesitate at all, and directly struck towards the Celestial Sect of Wonders's pseudo-Xuan Emperor with his palm.    


His speed was extremely fast.    




A crisp sound rang out.    


Kacha, kacha.    


The sound of bones shattering followed.    




A stream of blood red liquid directly spurted out from pseudo-Xuan Emperor's head. pseudo-Xuan Emperor's entire body was like a broken kite, rapidly falling down from the sky and flying towards the ground.    




A dull sound rang out.    


The ground trembled.    


A human-shaped crater had appeared on the ground.    


The Celestial Sect of Wonders's entire body was embedded into the ground and her entire body was drenched in blood. One could even see the white bones piercing through her flesh and exposing the outside of his body. Most importantly, the life force of this pseudo-Xuan Emperor Ranker had already disappeared without a trace.    






When Teng Yan and the others saw this scene, their expressions changed greatly.    




A pseudo-Xuan Emperor died just like that?    


One palm.    


To kill a pseudo-Xuan Emperor with a single palm strike?    




It had to be known that even a real Profound Emperor like Qin Feiyue was unable to do this, and after instantly killing two of the pseudo-Xuan Emperor s, Qin Feiyue, this Profound Emperor, was even more heavily injured. However, the green clothed man in front of him had killed a pseudo-Xuan Emperor with a single palm strike, and he was so calm, so calm, and so casual.    


Too terrifying.    


Too terrifying.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


The hearts of the remaining people present began to beat rapidly.    




At this time, the green-clothed man's deep eyes instantly swept across Teng Yan and the others.    




Everyone's heart tightened.    


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