Sovereign’s Great Path

C423 A single pill!

C423 A single pill!

0Capture him!    


With A Fu's order, the atmosphere in front of him couldn't help but sink.    


"How dare you!"    


Teng Yan yelled angrily.    




A berserk aura then surged from Teng Yan's body. Capture Old Man Teng and the rest? Teng Yan would naturally not allow this kind of thing to happen. Even if he knew that he was no match for A Fu, he would not allow A Fu to capture Old Man Teng and the others in front of him so easily. But the hundred purple robed men completely ignored Teng Yan, and directly rushed out. A Fu looked straight at Teng Yan, and then laughed indifferently as he arrived in front of Teng Yan, ignoring his furious gaze, and said a few words right next to his ear.    




Not knowing what A Fu said, Teng Yan's body couldn't help but tremble.    




Teng Yan's face was in a daze.    


"Hur hur."    


A Fu smiled lightly.    


After that, A Fu no longer bothered with Teng Yan, and directly looked towards the battlefield. Looking at A Fu, Teng Yan clenched both his fists tightly. His eyes were filled with anger, but he did not make any movements, and just stood there without moving. After that, Teng Yan looked directly at Old Man Teng and the rest, his eyes carrying a hint of pain, helplessness and shock. At the same time, his body was also trembling non-stop, an expression of extreme anger.    


A Fu ignored him.    


A hundred purple robed men instantly appeared in front of Old Man Teng.    


The atmosphere became extremely solemn in an instant.    


Although no one had heard what Teng Yan and A Fu had said to each other previously, they had all clearly heard the words' capture 'A Fu had said in the end. At that instant, looking at the hundred purple-cloaked people in front of them, they couldn't help being at a loss.    




Old Man Teng and the rest did not know how to retaliate.    


An existence that surpassed the Profound Emperor?    


Was this something they could contend against?    


"The lord has said that as long as you come with us honestly, we will not make things difficult for you." But if you dare to resist, Master will order a bloodbath across the entire Kingdom of Zi Yun. Remember, it is the entire Kingdom of Zi Yun and not just you people, it is also not just an imperial city. " Suddenly, the cold voice of a violet-robed man rang out.    




Hearing that, Old Man Teng and the rest were stunned.    


Bloody Kingdom of Zi Yun?    


If it were anyone else, they might not believe it, but this purple-robed person in front of them was definitely capable of it.    


Were the three great sects strong?    


Were the three great sects powerful?    


But in the face of these violet-robed men, he didn't even have the chance to fight back.    


Talking about Kingdom of Zi Yun.    


"I'll go with you."    


With that, the Old Man Teng immediately stood up.    


"You alone is not enough."    


"What do you mean?" The Old Man Teng shouted in anger.    


"All those who have blood ties with Teng Yan must come with us." The purple-robed person spoke without any hesitation.    




This sentence caused everyone present to be stunned.    


"You …" Old Man Teng's expression was unsightly to the extreme.    


Now, I will announce my name, everyone who has reported to us must follow us, if there is one less person, or if someone is unwilling, then don't blame me for being merciless, and at that time, everyone in Kingdom of Zi Yun will be buried with you because of your ignorance. In the next second, the purple-cloaked person's ice-cold voice rang out. Immediately after, he spoke out directly: "Teng Hong, Teng Xuanfeng, Teng Susu, Zi Tianming, Nanzhen."    


"Wait." Hearing that, the Old Man Teng immediately interrupted.    


"What do you want?"    


"Nan Zhen has nothing to do with Teng Family."    




Just as Uncle Nan wanted to say something, he was stopped by Old Man Teng.    


Heh …    


Seeing this, the purple-robed man smiled indifferently.    


"I have the final say."    




"Continue. Next, Zi Qianhao, Qin Ming."    


The purple robed man did not seem to have any interest with Old Man Teng, as names came out of his mouth one after another. Old Man Teng, Teng Xuanfeng and Teng Susu were easily able to explain themselves, after all, they were all Teng Yan's relatives, and so was Zi Tianming. However, Uncle Nan, Qin Ming and the others couldn't understand why. The purple robed man was about to take away all of the Qin family's direct descendants, including Qin Ming's wife and father. Of course, Qin Feiyue had already left the secular world.    


They had never let go of even the slightest of their relationship with Teng Yan.    




The complexions of the people from the Kingdom of Zi Yun were already unsightly to the extreme.    


So many people?    


If these people were all taken away, then the entire Kingdom of Zi Yun would be completely finished.    


However, he was unable to resist.    


Unless, Old Man Teng and the rest wanted to see the entire Kingdom of Zi Yun flowing with blood.    




No choice.    


"The last two, Feng Shaoyu, Zi Yuner." At this time, the purple-robed person's voice sounded again.    




The two of them had shocked everyone.    


Feng Shaoyu?    


Zi Yuner?    


What was their relationship with Teng Yan?    


Just an enemy.    


"Alright, all those who reported their names must come with us. Otherwise, you all will know the consequences." Immediately, the purple-robed man looked at Old Man Teng and the others as his gloomy voice sounded out. With regards to this, other than anger, Old Man Teng and the rest had no other choice but to give up. Facing these purple robed men, they did not even have the chance to resist. At least, they did not want to harm Kingdom of Zi Yun. That was also why Old Man Teng and the rest did not retaliate, otherwise, even if they died, they would not compromise.    


Sou Sou Sou    


One by one.    


One by one.    




A Fu simply did not give anyone the chance to bid farewell.    


One by one, they left.    


This battle could be considered to be completely over. It could be said to be the luckiest thing that could happen to Kingdom of Zi Yun, but it was also the luckiest thing that could happen to him in the midst of misfortune. Almost all the higher-ups of the Kingdom of Zi Yun, Royal Family and Qin were taken away. The only thing worth celebrating was that Yan Wei was left behind, along with the rest of the Teng Jia Jun. Of course, not a single one of the people from the Chaotic Capital were taken away, and even if it was them, they were all Teng Yan's trusted aides.    


Feng Shaoyu, Zi Yuner were also taken away.    


"Where am I going to find you?" Watching the last person being brought away, Teng Yan's dark eyes looked at A Fu and asked. Within his words, other than the endless coldness, there was only hatred and helplessness.    




No one would, if they could.    


Heh …    


A Fu smiled lightly.    


"When I think you have the qualifications to see me, you will naturally see me. Rest assured that I will always pay attention to you." With that, A Fu's entire person disappeared from Teng Yan's line of sight. No one saw clearly how A Fu left, and no one knew where A Fu, the purple-robed person, and the people who were taken away.    


This day was bound to be the darkest day in Kingdom of Zi Yun.    


The three million strong army had nearly been completely wiped out.    


All the upper echelons of the empire were taken away.    


Corpses were strewn across the battlefield, and a thick smell of blood permeated the air. Following the departure of A Fu and the others, and after Old Man Teng and the others were brought away, the entire battlefield sank into a deathly stillness.    


Teng Yan clenched his fists.    


Teng Yan's face darkened.    


At this moment, Teng Yan's mind was only filled with the words A Fu had whispered in his ear, "In this world, as long as I want, I can exist as a saint. If you want to resist, even though I can't kill you, I can still kill all the living creatures in this world."    


What is a saint?    


Teng Yan did not know, but Teng Yan had heard of it before.    


A saint?    


Even in this world where humans were ants, a saint was still a peak existence.    


There were only a handful of them.    




Did he have to watch the entire world burn into ashes?    


They could only compromise!    


Ten years!    


Thinking about the time limit A Fu had given him, Teng Yan felt even more helpless and desperate. As of now, Teng Yan's physical body was only at the fifth stage of the Sky Realm, and his cultivation had always been stuck at acupoint stage. Ten years? Reach the Saint level in ten years? That was simply a pipe dream. At the same time, she felt extremely astonished and shocked at A Fu. Obviously he could not, even if it was the Saints s, only death awaited him, but A Fu was safe and sound, as though he was not restricted by the heaven and earth.    


Teng Yan couldn't understand.    


In truth, the people who witnessed A Fu and the others' terrifying cultivation did not understand either.    


All of this went against common sense.    



Divine Desolate Mountain Range.    


"Is this the outskirts of the Divine Desolate Mountain Range?" Looking at the Divine Desolate Mountain Range in front of him, who was just inches away from him, Old Man Teng's astonished voice could not help but ring out. At the same time, everyone else's eyes were filled with shock and fear. In a single breath, in a blink of an eye, they had already appeared outside of Kingdom of Zi Yun's capital on the battlefield.    


A Fu, who exactly are they?    




Just then, A Fu spat out a mouthful of golden blood.    




A Fu's face instantly turned pale white.    


"Bring these people back." In the next second, A Fu wiped away the golden blood from the corner of his mouth and said to the hundred purple robed men.    


"Yes." The hundred violet-robed men said in unison.    




Old Man Teng and the rest were stunned.    


What do you mean?    


A Fu?    


Wasn't he going to leave with them?    




At this time, a burst of berserk spirit energy instantly surged out from A Fu's body, and under the shocked gazes of Old Man Teng and the rest, A Fu's body twisted, and then shrunk, shrunk, and then shrank again until his body finally shrunk to the size of a bean. At the same time, a golden pellet appeared in front of Old Man Teng and the rest.    




Seeing this scene, Old Man Teng and the rest were stunned.    




And then everyone's body shook.    


Swish Swish Swish    


All of their expressions changed greatly.    


A Fu?    


A Fu was actually a pill!    




In that moment, Old Man Teng and the rest finally understood why A Fu was able to exist in this world, and why his terrifying cultivation did not attract lightning. was only a pellet. A pellet did not even have a life, how could he not be accepted by the mortal world? However, for a single pill to be able to transform into that of a supreme expert, just what kind of heaven-defying pill was this? After a moment of shock, the Old Man Teng and the rest looked at the hundred purple robed men.    


A violet-robed man?    


Could they be medicinal pills as well?    




However, the hundred purple robed men were destined to not reply Old Man Teng and the others, and they instantly brought Old Man Teng and the rest to rush towards the teleportation circle of Divine Desolate Mountain Range. At the same time, at the place where everyone was originally standing, there was only a golden pill left. After everyone had left, the pill directly turned into a pile of powder.    


A Fu was only a pill.    


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