Sovereign’s Great Path

C382 It was murder, not eating people!

C382 It was murder, not eating people!

0It's murder, not cannibalism!    


"Didn't any of you hear what Master said? Master wants you to eat these people. If you don't go now, I'll eat you. " Hairy Ball's huge body stood proudly below the city wall. That domineering voice rang out, resonating throughout the entire battlefield and resonating in the minds of everyone present.    


It was one of the best.    


Weng! *    


Everyone trembled when they heard this.    


Soul Trembling!    




However, the tens of thousands of Rank four Martial Beast did not have any hesitation. They did not dare to have any hesitation and rushed out in an instant. Seeing that, the soldiers of the Kingdom of Zi Yun all retreated to the side. When the soldiers of the two empires saw this scene, their eyes trembled and their bodies trembled.    




The huge group of Martial Beast rushed into the army.    


Roar! Roar!    


The Martial Beast s roared loudly, their huge bodies biting towards the soldiers from the two empires. A mouthful of blood splattered. Pfft, pfft, pfft. Streaks of scarlet liquid shot out continuously, and those soldiers were instantly bitten into two pieces by the Martial Beast.    


Bloody, brutal.    


Kacha, kacha.    


The sound of bones breaking could be heard.    


The scene was extremely ferocious.    


Weng! *    


The entire battlefield fell into a deathly silence.    


Everyone was stunned.    


"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"    


However, the tens of thousands of Fourth Cycle Martial Beast seemed to think that this was still not enough, they did not continue attacking the other people, and they did not crazily charge into the factions of the two empires either. Each of them had picked a target, which was to bite and kill one of the soldiers, and then devour their flesh and blood before the eyes of millions of people.    


That's right, to swallow.    


Crack, crack, crack!    


Tens of thousands of Four Revolving Martial Beast were biting, chewing and devouring the flesh and blood of the soldiers from the two empires, causing one strange sound after another to ring out. The sound resonated across the entire battlefield, causing the entire battlefield to fall into an absolute deathly silence.    


Puff puff puff    


As the Martial Beast bit into their flesh, the scarlet red liquid also splattered everywhere.    


The ground was dyed red.    


His internal organs were scattered all over the floor.    




The entire battlefield was deathly silent.    


What kind of scene was it like for tens of thousands of Martial Beast to bite and devour humans?    


Bloody, savage, and terrifying.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Everyone's heart was trembling, and their breathing was even more suppressed.    


It was like he was suffocating.    


Everyone was dumbstruck.    


Everyone was dumbstruck.    


The soldiers of the two empires had even forgotten about running away. They were all frozen in place.    


Time passed minute by minute.    


His body was slowly being devoured.    




When tens of thousands of Martial Beast swallowed the first soldier in front of millions of people, a vast majority of them couldn't help but swallow their saliva, their bodies trembling. Martial Beast eating humans? Perhaps someone had seen this kind of scene before, but with tens of thousands of Martial Beast devouring humans at the same time, this was definitely a scene that no one had ever seen before.    


It was too bloody.    


Too brutal.    




Many people couldn't help but vomit when they saw this scene.    


Eating people?    


At this moment, everyone's eyes couldn't help but fall on Hairy Ball's transformed giant bear. Their eyes trembled slightly, and their bodies trembled even more. Just now, didn't this giant bear tell them that if they didn't eat these people, then this giant bear would eat these Martial Beast?    


Eating people?    


This was not the Martial Beast's intention.    


Eating people?    


It was just because of the giant bear's order that they didn't dare to disobey.    




Thinking of this, everyone's body shook once again.    


The giant bear was too terrifying.    




However, the several tens of thousands of Rank four Martial Beast did not care about the reaction of anyone present. After devouring the first person, they began to search for their second target. In the blink of an eye, they had once again charged into the great army. The soldiers of the two empires finally reacted to this sudden scene.    




In the next second, the soldiers of the two empires no longer cared about anything else as they fled into the distance in a frenzy.    


He was afraid.    


They did.    


Fear from the heart.    


A shiver that originated from the soul.    


The scene from earlier continued to replay in their minds.    


Too bloody, too cruel.    


He couldn't accept it!    




The three million strong army began to frantically run away from the imperial city. It was as if countless ants had scattered in all directions. However, those several tens of thousands of Martial Beast completely ignored them. They only pounced on a human, and then continued to bite and devour. They did not dare to disobey Hairy Ball's orders.    




All of the soldiers of Kingdom of Zi Yun were dumbfounded.    




On top of the city walls, Teng Yan and the others were also stunned.    


Swish Swish Swish    


Everyone's gaze could not help but fall on Teng Yan, especially those Heaven Realm warriors who did not belong to the Chaotic Capital. They were curious, surprised, and they were even more shocked about where exactly did Teng Yan subdued such a terrifying Martial Beast. However, Teng Yan did not care about all this at the moment. Looking at the fleeing soldiers of the two great empires and the scattered Celestial Sect of Wonders, Teng Yan's lips twitched.    




Now that they had the chance to counterattack, would Teng Yan let them escape?    




In the next second, Teng Yan's furious gaze landed on the giant bear, "Damn Hairy Ball, I told you to kill a person, not to eat a person, do you still want your master's gold? Hurry up and let these Martial Beast charge forward, kill as many as they can. " Immediately, Teng Yan's roar sounded out.    




Hairy Ball couldn't help but be surprised.    


"Yes, yes, yes, one gold coin, Hairy Ball." Hairy Ball's urgent voice rang out. One gold coin, that was a lot of gold coins! Following that, Hairy Ball's gaze landed on the tens of thousands of Martial Beast s as its huge body trembled, "My lord, didn't you guys hear what master said? Master told you to kill people, not to eat people. Hurry up and charge forward, otherwise, I'll eat you. "    




This sentence pierced through the heavens.    


A voice resounded throughout the world.    




Hairy Ball's words caused the tens of thousands of Martial Beast to shudder.    




In the next second, tens of thousands of Martial Beast no longer hesitated, each one of them gave up on biting and madly rushed towards the fleeing soldiers. On the ground, there were many bloody corpses. It was normal for these corpses to have missing arms and legs, and most of their internal organs were scattered all over the ground.    


This was true blood, this was true savagery.    




When the soldiers of the Kingdom of Zi Yun saw this scene, they could no longer hold back and began to vomit.    


It was too bloody.    


Too disgusting.    


The corner of the Sky Realm expert's mouth twitched.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


However, the tens of thousands of Martial Beast did not care about this at all. All they knew was that Hairy Ball had ordered them to do so, and in an instant, the tens of thousands of Four Revolutions Martial Beast had caught up to the soldiers of the two empires that were fleeing in all directions.    




With one kick, the physical state soldier was stomped into minced meat.    




With a palm, the physical state soldier was instantly sent flying several tens of meters away.    





A bite, and the physical state soldier was directly bitten into two.    


Bloody, brutal.    


Where the Martial Beast passed, blood flowed like a river.    


Roar! Roar! Roar!    


The Martial Beast s crazily chased after them as the soldiers of the two empires crazily fled for their lives. At this moment, they no longer had any thoughts of resisting. The soldiers of the two empires only had one thought in their minds — to run, to run, to run without caring for anything else. This was the fear that came from the heart, the trembling of the soul. Resistance? No one dared to resist.    


Throwing away the helmet and abandoning the armor!    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


However, the desperate fleeing soldiers of the two empires had made the tens of thousands of Rank four Martial Beast become even more ferocious and savage. They did not have to worry, they only needed to slaughter them crazily. This caused the number of casualties to skyrocket in the two empires. They did not form a team, they did not form a group, so they just ran by themselves. They did not form any groups, and just continued to run by themselves. It was good to be at the front, but only those who were destined to die tragically at the feet of the Martial Beast were fated to be the last.    


Corpses were strewn across the battlefield.    


Blood dyed the ground red.    


A massacre.    


This was a massacre that belonged to the Martial Beast.    


Bang! Bang! Bang!    


Even if they only watched, the hearts of the people from the Kingdom of Zi Yun's side throbbed fiercely, not to mention the two Empire's soldiers at the edge of life and death deep in their hearts. At that moment, everyone only had one thought in their minds, the Martial Beast were too terrifying, especially the group of Martial Beast that were gathered together.    


Divine Desolate Mountain Range?    


He would never go to Divine Desolate Mountain Range again.    




Seeing this scene, Teng Yan could not help but frown.    


A massacre?    


Not enough, this is far from enough.    


Two empires?    


Since they were willing to leave, since they had stepped into the Kingdom of Zi Yun, since they had violated the Kingdom of Zi Yun, then they should have long been prepared to die. Towards their enemies, Teng Yan never knew what sympathy was, but it was also pity. If it were the two great empires and the Celestial Sect of Wonders that were fighting their way into the imperial city, they would have let go of the people of the Kingdom of Zi Yun, would they have let go of the citizens of the Kingdom of Zi Yun?    


No, they won't.    


If the two armies fought, it would be either you or me.    




"All the wolves charge at once! Kill!"    


"All the Ginseng charge — — kill."    


"All warriors above Spirit Focus are to charge — — kill."    


Immediately, Teng Yan issued orders one after another. Every order resounded throughout the world and every order was filled with killing intent. Without waiting for everyone to regain their senses, Teng Yan had already rushed down the city walls, rushing towards the fleeing soldiers of the two empires.    


At this moment, there was only one belief left.    




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