Sovereign’s Great Path

C502 The Second Master of Fortune was abnormal!

C502 The Second Master of Fortune was abnormal!

0Three hundred and sixty thousand high-grade spirit crystal.    


The money-grubber held the spatial ring in his hand and looked at the piles of soul crystals inside the spatial ring. His face was brimming with an uncontrollable joy and smile, and even the corner of his mouth had a crystal clear liquid. It wasn't just the money junkies, but also the thin ones around them. Three hundred and sixty thousand high-grade spirit crystal s, this was way more valuable than the amount of treasures they could obtain by looting corpses. In fact, even the two of them couldn't compare to each other at all.    


Since wealth fans were like this, the second master's face was ashen.    


Angry and flustered!    


Three hundred and sixty thousand high-grade spirit crystal.    




Not much.    


Compared to the gigantic Wealth, this little spirit crystal was like a drop in the bucket. Moreover, compared to the value of a saint artifact, a tiny amount of spirit crystal wasn't even worth mentioning. But at this moment, this money grubber, this young master of the Wealth, actually sold the information about a sacred artifact to the Shadow Devil Sect for the sake of this mere three hundred and sixty thousand high-grade spirit crystal. This caused the second master to be extremely furious in his heart and at the same time, he was helpless to the extreme. Having a descendant like a money grubber in the Wealth was the misfortune of the Wealth. This guy only thought of himself, he didn't care about the family's benefits.    


This also made him helpless.    


Heh …    


Looking at the Second Master's ashen face, the Shadow Devil Sect smiled faintly.    




In the next second, he turned to look at the money grubber.    


"Moneybag, since I've already given you the money, can you tell me about the saint artifact?" He asked without hesitation. Right now, he only cared about the twelfth saint artifact, and didn't they come here for the saint artifact? Otherwise, he would have already completed his mission and collected all the treasures in Shadow Devil Sect, returning to the sect a long time ago.    




Hearing this, the money grubber was stunned for a moment before quickly coming back to his senses.    




The money grubber looked directly at the middle-aged man.    


"Yes, of course, I've always kept my word when I was a money grubber."    


Heh …    


The middle-aged man smiled.    


"Then where should we go?" Following that, the middle-aged man pointed to a direction in the distance, while at the same time, he did not forget to look at the second lord.    


Damn it!    


Towards this, the second master clenched his fists.    


Gritting her teeth?    


Someone from the Shadow Devil Sect?    


They were on guard against the news of the saint artifact being heard by themselves.    




However, there was nothing he could do.    


"Yes, yes, of course." Immediately afterwards, the miser didn't hesitate at all and directly walked ten meters away from the man. At the same time, the miser looked at the man and said, "This twelfth saint artifact is a golden palace, hmm, it's a hall with a small amount of power." At its youngest age, it could become the size of a bean. At its oldest, it was the size of a large mountain. "    




Hearing this, the middle-aged man's expression changed.    


Golden palaces?    


A saint artifact?    


This was indeed the twelfth saint artifact.    


He was overjoyed.    


"Quick, quick, quick, continue." Immediately, the middle-aged man's excited voice rang out.    


"En," The miser nodded his head and continued, "At that time, Fatty and I were collecting the spatial ring fingers on the corpses, but a Hairy Ball suddenly came out and fought over them with us. Think about it, this money was originally mine, how would I tolerate a Hairy Ball being snatched away by me? I was just about to take care of Hairy Ball, but in the end, tsk tsk, you didn't see that scene! At that time, I was startled, because this Hairy Ball actually brought out a sacred artifact, the golden palace I told you about. After that, the palace immediately suppressed us. From start to finish, I didn't even have the chance to resist. Think about it, no matter what, this daddy here is still a earth emperor, right? Facing a golden palace, he didn't even have the chance to resist, and was even smashed to the point of spitting out blood. Most importantly, a dozen celestial realm s were directly smashed into minced meat. It was caused by that sacred artifact. "    




Hearing this, the middle-aged man couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air.    


Smashed into minced meat?    


This saint artifact was truly extraordinary.    


"And then?" the middle-aged man asked.    


"And?" The money-grubber was suspicious.    


"That's right, where is Hairy Ball now?"    


"How would I know?"    


"Eh?" "You …"    


"At that time, laozi was still thinking about taking revenge on Hairy Ball, but now …?" "After the golden palace was collected by that ball of fur, that ball mysteriously disappeared. How would I know where it went?" Then, the money grubber said with a look of disdain on his face, as if the middle-aged man's question was nonsense.    




The middle-aged man was stunned.    




A strange expression appeared on his face as he looked at his money fetishes.    


"That's it?" He asked again.    


"Yeah, that's it, what else do you think there is? A golden Hairy Ball had a golden palace, and this golden palace was a sacred weapon. Was this not enough? You can't be asking this daddy to put this saint artifact in front of you, right? " The money grubber said with a speechless expression.    




The middle-aged man collapsed.    


A Hairy Ball.    


A hallowed artifact of the Hairy Ball.    


That's it?    


Three hundred and sixty thousand high-grade spirit crystal?    


[What the heck!]    


Immediately, the anger in the middle-aged man's heart surged. He even had the feeling that he had been tricked. News of the saint artifact? What kind of bullsh * t saint artifact was this? Honestly speaking, he didn't know where the saint artifact was. Immediately, the middle-aged man looked at his fans and said angrily, "Are you messing with me?"    




The money grubber was stunned.    


"Hey, hey, hey, don't spout nonsense. When did I mess with you?"    




"The saint artifact belongs to a ball of hair. Is this news related to the saint artifact?" I didn't tell you where the saint artifact is at the time. "    


"I …"    


"Alright, the transaction has ended. Goodbye."    




However, the money grubber completely ignored the middle-aged man. The middle-aged man watched as the rich fans walked step by step towards the direction of the Second Master of Wealth. The anger in his eyes instantly burst out. He was deceived, deceived by his money fans, and spent 360,000 high-grade spirit crystal to buy a piece of information that had no value at all. The most important thing was that this money didn't belong to him. If he received the news that he had obtained a saint artifact, then he could still report this to the sect. But now? How could he explain himself in such a situation when he returned to the sect?    


Three hundred and sixty thousand high-grade spirit crystal.    


The Shadow Devil Sect's profit for the entire Southern Wasteland half a year.    




Would the sect let him off?    


No, no!    


"Halt." Immediately, the middle-aged man looked at his fans and said angrily.    




Hearing this, the money grubber was stunned.    


"What else do you want?" Immediately, the money grubber turned to look at the middle-aged man and asked.    




At this time, ten meters away, the second master and the others also discovered the abnormality in front of their eyes. The experts present didn't hesitate at all and directly went to the side of the rich fan and the middle-aged man. At this time, the middle-aged man did not seem to mind Second Master Wealth and the others at all, and directly spoke: "Wealthy fan, if you do not explain yourself today, even if you are from the Wealth, I will not let you go. Even if we fight, you should not even think of leaving this place easily."    




The middle-aged man's words caused everyone present to be stunned.    


What was going on?    


What was going on?    


Everyone's gaze could not help but turn towards the money grubber.    


"F * ck, you dare to threaten your father?" Come on, hit me, am I scared of you? Say, I've already sold you the information, what else do you want? Not satisfied? If you're not satisfied, then what does it have to do with me? " Following that, the mischievous voice of the money grubber sounded once again, "I'll say it again. I never said before that I knew where the saint artifact was. I only said that I would provide information on it. Now, this old man has already told you. This twelfth saint artifact is in the hands of that golden Hairy Ball, is it still not enough? "    




Hearing this, everyone present couldn't help but be stunned.    


A saint artifact?    


golden hair bulb?    


The sacred artifact was in the hands of a golden hair bulb?    




"You!" However, the middle-aged man's expression was extremely unsightly. He didn't say that he knew the whereabouts of the saint artifact, but if he just let it go like this, the middle-aged man would naturally be unwilling to give up. He then said, "Wealthy fan, hello, I'll endure this matter, there's no meaning in your information at all. I've already given the money and I must get the saint artifact.    




The middle-aged man's words caused everyone to be stunned.    


The eleventh saint artifact?    


"Whatever, seeing how anxious you are, I'll just treat you as a good person and buy one for you. I'll tell you where that attentive brat went now." Then, under the shocked eyes of the crowd, the money grubber said in embarrassment, seemingly not caring at all.    




Hearing this, the second master was stunned.    



"Money buff, shut up." Immediately, the second master spoke coldly.    




The money grubber couldn't help but be stunned.    


The middle-aged man also looked at the Second Master.    


Wealth's Second Master?    


His behavior was a little abnormal.    


"Wealth fanatic, I don't care about the family's benefits, I don't care if you sell the information to others. However, I don't care if you really know the whereabouts of the eleventh saint artifact owner or not. It's best if you rot inside my stomach and don't tell anyone. Otherwise, I will definitely expel you from my clan, and your grandfather will definitely not object to it. At that time, you will no longer be a descendant of my Wealth. " In the next second, the Second Master of Wealth spoke without any hesitation.    




Hearing this, the expressions of everyone present instantly changed.    


Especially the money junkies.    


Expulsion from the clan?    




Isn't this too serious?    


Wealth's Second Master?    


What was he doing this for?    


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