Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C255 She Made the Decision on Her Own

C255 She Made the Decision on Her Own



Hou Yong threw a punch at Liu Chuang. His fist was accompanied by the sound of wind.    


Liu Chuang was fearless. He welcomed the punch and clashed with Hou Yong's punch.    




A dull sound was heard.    


Hou Yong was no match for him in terms of strength. He took two steps back.    


His heel did not stabilize, and Liu Chuang sent a heavy punch towards his right side.    


Hou Yong's expression changed, and he countered with a backhand punch.    




Both of their fists collided, and the majestic force of their fists collided with each other.    


Hou Yong immediately felt his right arm go slightly numb.    


This shocked him. He was very confident in his own strength. He didn't expect his opponent to be so powerful. His heart tightened.    


Liu Chuang took the opportunity while he was still in a daze to rush forward.    




His right leg swept out horizontally, and with great force, his leg swept across his waist.    


Hou Yong did not have time to dodge. With a "putong," his huge body fell to the ground.    


How could Liu Chuang give him any time to catch his breath? He lifted his leg and kicked Hou Yong's body.    


Hou Yong's entire body flew up from the ground and fell heavily onto the ground three meters away. He suddenly felt a burst of chest tightness and spat out a mouthful of blood.    


Liu Chuang was in a killing mood. He rushed forward and raised his leg, aiming at ___'s head. He was ready to step down.    


If this strong and heavy foot stepped on Hou Yong's head and did not let his head explode, it would also injure him into a concussion, turning him into a vegetable or something.    


At the critical moment, Gu Xiaohui let out a tender cry.    


"Liu Chuang, stop!"    


Liu Chuang heard her and quickly pulled his leg back.    




Liu Chuang's foot landed heavily on the ground, instantly shattering a piece of floor tile.    


Hou Yong was so shocked that he hurriedly got up from the ground, knelt on the ground, and begged for mercy from him, "Big brother, spare... spare me, you... Who are you, how... how..."    


Liu Chuang said coldly, "Let me tell you the truth, I am Liu Chuang, the driver and bodyguard of the Director Gu. If I find out that you are looking for trouble with the Director Gu in the future, I will kill you!"    


There is always a strong person in the strong, and there are evil people in the evil. Grind!    


Gu Xiaohui could not help but laugh when she saw the arrogant devil king behave in such a manner in front of Liu Chuang. She said,    


"Hou Yong, the police said that your father died of myocardial infarction. We did not send people to the detention center to kill him. I have already made arrangements. Ask the chairman's assistant Sun Yan to cooperate with your family to hold a memorial service for your father. You should go to the funeral home to deal with your father's funeral. Don't bother me anymore. You can leave. I don't want to see you again! "    


Hou Yong knew that Gu Xiaohui had such a powerful bodyguard by her side. If he continued to argue with her and make things difficult for her, he could only find trouble for himself and ask for trouble. So he said:    


"Xiaohui, I was wrong. You didn't send people to kill my father. I shouldn't have come to find trouble with you. I will go and deal with my father's funeral right now..."    


Although he said so, he was thinking in his heart, "Gu Xiaohui, you b * tch, wait and see. One day, you will fall into my hands. At that time, I will definitely make you wish you were dead!"    


Thinking of this, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his hand. He turned around and walked to the front of his car. He opened the door of the driver's seat, started the car, and drove away.    


"Did Hou Yong really go to ward number 8 on the 11th floor of Inpatient Department of the People's Hospital to find Wu Xu? Did Wu Xu really knock out his two front teeth?" Watching Hou Yong drive away, Gu Xiaohui's mind was like a mess.    


She did not believe that Wu Xu could defeat Hou Yong at all, and she also did not believe that Wu Xu, that wimp, had a man with the surname Ma by his side. This man could actually enter the detention center and kill Hou Guangsheng.    


"This guy must be making up a lie to lie to me. He never went to the ward to find Wu Xu!" Gu Xiaohui said in her heart.    


Liu Chuang saw Gu Xiaohui fall into deep thought and asked, "Director Gu, are you alright?"    


"I'm fine." Gu Xiaohui recovered her senses and shook her head. She asked, "Didn't you go to the station to pick up your wife? Why are you here?"    


"I have already picked up my wife and brought her to the room that Ms Sun rented for us. " Liu Chuang pointed to the neighborhood across the street and said, "After I settled her down, I was just about to drive to the company to pick you up from work when... I saw you drive your BMW back, but you were stopped by the car that drove you from behind. Then she ran over... "    


Liu Chuang told Gu Xiaohui about how he came to help Gu Xiaohui, then asked Gu Xiaohui, "By the way, didn't you ask me to go to the company to pick you up after work? Why did you go home alone? "    


After Liu Chuang's reminder, Gu Xiaohui remembered that she called her mother, but no one answered the phone at home. She hurriedly said,    


"Oh no, something must have happened to my mother. I have to go back quickly!"    


After saying that, she quickly rushed to the front of her BMW. She opened the car door and sat in the driver's seat. She did not even bother to fasten her seatbelt. She started the car and drove it into the neighborhood.    


Liu Chuang did not know what had happened. He jumped into the Mercedes-Benz that he had driven over and followed Gu Xiaohui's BMW to Gu Xiaohui's mother's house.    


In a short while, the two cars stopped in front of Gu Xiaohui's mother's house, one in front and the other behind.    


Gu Xiaohui opened the car door and got out of the car. She quickly picked up her handbag and ran towards her mother's house. Liu Chuang also got out of the car and followed closely behind to the villa's door.    


Gu Xiaohui took out the key from her handbag and opened the door. She saw her mother sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching TV as if nothing had happened. She then felt relieved and walked into the living room.    


Liu Chuang followed Gu Xiaohui into the house.    


Mrs Gu saw Gu Xiaohui's flustered look and hurriedly asked, "Xiaohui, isn't it not time to get off work yet? Why did you come home so early?"    


Gu Xiaohui pounced in front of her mother and used a reproachful tone to ask, "Mom, I called you many times. Why didn't you answer the phone?"    



"You called home? When?" Mrs Gu asked in surprise.    


Gu Xiaohui explained," Half an hour ago, I kept calling home but no one picked me up. I was afraid that something happened to you at home, so I was worried and quickly went home! "    


"Oh, I just went out to the supermarket and bought something to go home. When you called back, I was not at home!" After Mrs Gu explained, she said, "In broad daylight, I am an old lady. What could happen to me? You should go to work properly. Don't worry about me. "    


"How can I not be worried when you're like this? It seems that I should find someone to accompany you at home. " Gu Xiaohui suddenly thought of something and entered the house with her. Liu Chuang, who was standing in the living room like a benchmark, said," By the way, you told your wife to let her enter the city. Did she come to our house to be a nanny? "    


"Yes, I did!" Liu Chuang nodded and said.    


"Then quickly call her over and let her get to know us. At the same time, familiarize herself with our environment!" Gu Xiaohui said in a commanding tone.    


"Okay, I will go now!" After Liu Chuang said that, he immediately said goodbye and left.    


As soon as Liu Chuang went out, Mrs Gu had a reproachful tone and said to Gu Xiaohui, "Xiaohui, I did not say that I want to hire a nanny. How can you arbitrarily make the decision and help me hire a nanny outside?"    


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