Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C339 He Had to Bear the Blow

C339 He Had to Bear the Blow

0After breakfast, Ye Ping put the bowls and chopsticks into the kitchen and went to the living room.    


Gu Xiaohui took out a string of keys from her handbag and handed it to Ye Ping, saying, "This is the key to each room of this house. I will give it to you now. From now on, you can move in and live here."    


"Thank you." Ye Ping thanked and reached out to take the key from Gu Xiaohui's hand. Seeing that Gu Xiaohui had already packed up and was about to leave, she asked, "Xiaohui, are you going to the court now?"    


"Yes." Gu Xiaohui nodded and said, "You also know that yesterday afternoon, I have already made an appointment with Mr Wang. They had agreed that they would wait at the door of the court at 8: 30 in the morning if Mr Wang arrived. It would be rude not to see me. "    


"Can I go to the court with you?" Ye Ping asked earnestly.    


"Of course," Gu Xiaohui replied. "You are the Leader of the Finance Department of Gu's Group. You have not divorced Shen Ao. She is still his wife. There are some things that come out of your mouth. It is more convincing and more persuasive! "    


"So, let's go now?" Ye Ping looked at her with a questioning gaze.    




Gu Xiaohui made a very urgent look and indicated that she should not dawdle any longer.    


Ye Ping simply packed up and followed Gu Xiaohui out.    


When the two of them took the elevator down to the parking lot on the first floor, Liu Chuang had already parked Gu Xiaohui's 500-car that was specially reserved for the chairman in a parking lot.    


Seeing the two of them come out of the elevator, Liu Chuang hurriedly got out of the car and opened the back door for them.    


After they got into the car and sat down in the car seat, Liu Chuang returned to his driver's seat. He put on his seatbelt, started the car, and slowly drove the Mercedes-Benz out of the parking lot.    


After exiting the neighborhood, Gu Xiaohui said, "Liu, take us to the court!"    




Liu Chuang responded and immediately drove the car towards the People's Court of Rongcheng City. He drove the car to the door of the court in one breath.    


As soon as he parked the car, Mr Wang drove a black Passat and parked next to the Mercedes-Benz. He opened the door and got out of the car.    


When Gu Xiaohui saw Mr Wang, she pulled Ye Ping out of the Mercedes-Benz and greeted Mr Wang first.    


"Hello, Mr Wang. Thank you for your hard work."    


"It's not hard. This is what I should do." Mr Wang said humbly. He looked at Ye Ping, who was standing beside Gu Xiaohui, and asked her, "This is?"    


"Let me introduce you," Gu Xiaohui introduced to the two of them. "This is Ye Ping, the new Leader of the Finance Department of Gu's Group. This is Mr Wang, the legal consultant of the company."    


Ye Ping was the first to extend her hand and said, "Mr Wang, I have long heard of your great name. I will leave the legal matters of Gu's Group to you."    


"Ms Ye, nice to meet you. I am happy that Director Gu can find a capable assistant like you!" Mr Wang held her hand and although he said so, the former Leader of the Finance Department of Gu's Group, Zhao Lihong, worked with the former vice chairman Hou Guangsheng to conspire with corruption and misappropriation of the company's large sum. If she is sent to prison, I hope that after this woman takes office... Don't follow Zhao Lihong's old path."    


Ye Ping saw Mr Wang's absent-minded look and immediately pulled her hand back from his hand and asked,    


"I heard that Mr Wang brought the Director Gu to see the court leader. Should we go in now?"    


"Oh." Mr Wang recovered his senses and said, "Don't worry. I will call the court leader first."    


Mr Wang said as he took out his phone from his pocket and dialed a number.    


The call went through.    


After Mr Wang had a few words with the other party on the phone, he regretfully put the phone down.    


Gu Xiaohui saw Mr Wang's disappointed look after the call and his expression was also quite ugly. She knew that the situation was not good and asked him, What is it?    


"Mr Wang, how is the situation?"    


Mr Wang spread his hands and said helplessly, "The person who spoke to me said that the leader went to the city to have a meeting. He asked us to come and find him tomorrow!"    


"Huh?" Gu Xiaohui was a little confused when she heard this. She said with a depressed face, "If we don't thaw the bank funds as soon as possible, we can't go back and tell the employees in the company. If we don't have the money to pay them, the company's business will not be able to run. What should we do? "    


Mr Wang replied, "Things have already become like this. No matter how anxious we are, we can't do anything about it. We should wait until the leader comes back tomorrow!"    


Ye Ping interrupted and asked," Mr Wang, could it be that the leader has something important to do today and is not convenient to receive us? "    


"It should not be, right?" Mr Wang frowned.    


In fact, he had this thought after the phone call, but he was the one who asked Gu Xiaohui to come here. He was too embarrassed to say it out loud because of his face.    


Gu Xiaohui felt that she would not be able to return to the Gu's Group with empty hands and report to the employees of the company, so she said to Mr Wang earnestly,    


"The bank funds of our company should have been frozen by the staff of the Economic Court. Let's go and ask them what is going on. Is that okay?"    


Mr Wang saw Gu Xiaohui's anxious look and was embarrassed to refuse, so he bit the bullet and said,    


"Okay, we will go to them now."    


Last time, Mr Wang transferred Hou Guangsheng's corrupt and misappropriation of the company's 200 million to his lover Luo Chunyan's private account through the people of the Economic Court.    


This time, it was probably because of their procedures that the Gu's Group's bank funds were frozen.    


"There's no time to lose. Let's go and find them now." Gu Xiaohui said anxiously.    


"Then... Alright!" Mr Wang nodded hesitantly and immediately led Gu Xiaohui and Ye Ping into the court.    


However, when they arrived at the Economic Court, they were informed by the staff. The staff responsible for hearing Hou Guangsheng's family filed a complaint about Gu's Group taking 10% of Hou Guangsheng's shares in the company. They were away on a business trip and would only be back in two days.    


When Gu Xiaohui heard this news, she felt as if she had been struck by lightning.    


Gu Xiaohui had been pampered since she was young and had always grown up in the candied fruit. She was used to being overbearing and had never suffered any hardship or suffering. She had also never suffered such a blow and felt very uncomfortable in her heart.    


Because she did not sleep well last night, her mental state was not good. Having suffered such a blow again, Gu Xiaohui was simply mentally and physically exhausted. When she walked out of the Economic Court's office, she did not step firmly on it. She staggered forward and almost fell to the ground.    


Ye Ping hurriedly went forward to support Gu Xiaohui. Seeing that her expression was rather ugly, she consoled her.    


"Director Gu, the matter will be resolved eventually. There is no hurdle that you cannot cross, don't be sad. Let's return to the company first and see if we can think of other ways..."    



"That's right." Mr Wang also consoled by the side, "Director Gu, this kind of matter cannot be rushed. Let's return to the company first. I will think of a way to inquire about it for you. Once there is news, I will call and tell you!"    


"It seems that this is the only way," Gu Xiaohui said weakly. "Mr Wang, this matter will be left to you!"    


"Don't worry, I will do my best!" Mr Wang said seriously.    


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