Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C140 Discussion

C140 Discussion

0After work at noon, Gu Xiaohui leaned against the soft sofa chair in her chairman's office and stared at the ceiling.    


Her mind kept thinking about last night when she drove to the shed to deliver the information to Ma Junhao. What happened? Zhang Xuezhong. They followed him in the alley in the shed. When Zhang Xuezhong held her hostage in a house and was about to force her, a man suddenly barged in and grabbed Zhang Xuezhong's throat with his hand. One hand. It was the scene of ___ being lifted up.    


"Did Sun Yan really send that man to subdue Zhang Xuezhong?"    


"According to Sun Yan, after I left the shed, that man only knocked Zhang Xuezhong out and did not hurt him. Who brought Zhang Xuezhong to the wasteland in the suburbs and buried him alive?"    


"What kind of deep hatred do those guys have with Zhang Xuezhong? Why did they use such a cruel method?"    




A series of questions lingered in Gu Xiaohui's mind.    


Although she suspected that Zhang Xuezhong's death was related to Shen Ao, Shen Ao was afraid that Zhang Xuezhong would leak the bidding price of the company's renovation project to him. Thus, she killed Zhang Xuezhong to silence him, but there was no evidence. It was just her guess.    


"Could it be that someone wants to kill Zhang Xuezhong and frame me and the man who saved me?" This thought flashed in Gu Xiaohui's mind.    


"If the murderer wants to frame us, why not kill Zhang Xuezhong in the shed? He even spent so much effort to drag Zhang Xuezhong to the wasteland in the suburbs and bury him alive? " She quickly denied the previous idea.    


After thinking about it, Gu Xiaohui was still puzzled by Zhang Xuezhong's cause of death.    


Knock, knock, knock!    


A few knocking sounds came from the door.    


"Come in!" Gu Xiaohui woke up from her thoughts and looked at the door.    


Sun Yan pushed the door and entered and reminded Gu Xiaohui, "Director Gu, it is time for lunch. Should I send you a bento box from the canteen or do you want to go by yourself?"    


"Let's go to the canteen to eat together!" Gu Xiaohui calmed herself down and stood up from the office chair. She followed Sun Yan out of the chairman's office and into the elevator.    


In a short while, they arrived at the entrance of the company canteen.    


At this moment, most of the employees in the company were sitting in the lobby and eating. The entire lobby was filled with people and it was very lively.    


When Gu Xiaohui and Sun Yan's beautiful scenery drifted into the hall, everyone stopped their chopsticks and focused their gazes on them.    


Gu Xiaohui acted as if she did not see anything. She stepped on her high heels and walked through the hall with her head held high, heading straight towards the private area of the canteen.    


Sun Yan took the same steps and followed closely behind.    


When the two of them came to the private room in the private room of the chairman and walked into the private room of the chairman, their figures disappeared from everyone's sight. Only then did everyone start discussing.    


"Do you know? This new beautiful chairman is amazing. She did not even put the vice chairman, Hou Guangsheng in her eyes. In the meeting room of the middle management yesterday, she announced that she had resigned from the position of Leader of the Engineering Department Zhang Xuezhong in front of everyone." An employee said.    


"Why did you resign from Zhang Xuezhong's position?" Another employee asked in confusion.    


"I heard that Zhang Xuezhong revealed the price of the company's renovation project in the shed area to Shen's Group. That project was taken away by Shen's Group. Gu Xiaohui was so angry that she removed Zhang Xuezhong from his position."    


"It's already good enough that he didn't get expelled by the company for this kind of thing. Just revoking his position will be considered as letting him off lightly."    


"Do you know? Zhang Xuezhong is already dead!" Another young man gossiped.    


" Ah? Zhang Xuezhong is already dead?" Everyone turned their eyes to the man.    


"Yeah, I heard he was dragged to a wasteland in the suburbs and buried alive." When the man saw that everyone was focusing on him, he said proudly, "This morning, when a sheep herder was herding sheep in the suburbs, he found his body and called the police. It was Zhang Xuezhong's wife who went to claim the body..."    


"Is this information reliable? Could it be that you have read too many novels and made it up? "Someone looked at him with distrust.    


"I'm not making it up. It was my cousin who worked at the police station who called me. He told me personally that in order to investigate the case, the criminal investigation team's Hsiao came to the company this morning to find Gu Xiaohui to understand the situation! " The man tried his best to defend himself.    


Someone echoed, "Don't say that this morning, I really saw a female police officer bring two police officers to the company to find the Director Gu!"    


"So, Zhang Xuezhong was really buried alive?" Someone asked in surprise.    


"Isn't that so?" The man said proudly, "My cousin specifically told me not to tell anyone about Zhang Xuezhong's death for the time being. Seeing that you guys were having a good chat, I didn't keep my mouth shut..."    


"A guy like Zhang Xuezhong, who is a traitor, died well. He should have died a long time ago. He deserved to die!" someone said indignantly.    


"You are right. People like Zhang Xuezhong deserve to die, but I think his way of dying when he was buried alive is too cruel. Who has such a deep grudge with him?" someone asked doubtfully.    


"Yeah, Zhang Xuezhong died too miserably, right? Who could do such a wicked thing?" Some people started to show sympathy for Zhang Xuezhong's death.    


"Who knows? Maybe Zhang Xuezhong had walked too many roads in the night and had broken into ghosts. !” Someone said in a mocking tone.    




For a moment, the entire canteen was like a pot that had exploded. Everyone had all sorts of guesses as they discussed Zhang Xuezhong's death.    


When the dining hall staff saw Gu Xiaohui and Sun Yan enter the special private room of the chairman, they hurriedly brought a few steaming hot dishes into the dining hall and placed them on the table.    


Although these things had a variety of colors and flavors and seemed to be quite delicious, Gu Xiaohui's heart was thinking about what happened last night in the small alley in the shantytown. As well as the matter of Zhang Xuezhong being dragged to the wasteland in the outskirts to be buried alive, she did not have any appetite at all.    


Sun Yan saw through her thoughts and consoled, "Director Gu, since the matter has already happened, we have no choice but to do so. Don't take it to heart..."    


"Although Zhang Xuezhong is detestable, his crime is not death," Gu Xiaohui said with a blank face. "Let me ask you, was this done by the man you sent to secretly protect me?"    


Sun Yan remembered the conversation she had with Wu Xu this morning and further confirmed that Zhang Xuezhong's death had nothing to do with Ma Zhong, who had saved Gu Xiaohui. She said with certainty.    


"I can assure you that this was not done by our people. Don't worry about this anymore."    


"Who on earth was so cruel to drag Zhang Xuezhong to the outskirts and bury him alive?" Gu Xiaohui looked at Sun Yan with a puzzled look.    


Sun Yan comforted, "Don't worry. Since the police have already started investigating, they will definitely find out the cause of Zhang Xuezhong's death. Let's eat first and fill our stomachs first."    


As she spoke, she picked up the chopsticks and put a piece of food into Gu Xiaohui's bowl.    


Just as the two of them started to eat with their chopsticks, a group of people was slowly gathering towards the Gu's Group's office building.    


A storm was about to hit Gu Xiaohui.    



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