Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C124 Nightmare

C124 Nightmare

0Sun Yan said goodbye and left Gu Xiaohui's house not long after. Gu Xiaohui was afraid that her mother would be worried, so she got the courage to go out and took the elevator downstairs to the garage.    


She took out her phone from her BMW and called her mother.    


On the phone, she made a white lie to her mother. She said that she had a social gathering outside tonight and accidentally put her phone in the car. She couldn't contact the people outside and told her mother that she was staying at her house tonight. He didn't want to accompany her anymore. He wanted his mother to rest early.    


Mrs Gu believed it and gave Gu Xiaohui a few words of advice before hanging up the phone.    


After Gu Xiaohui finished the phone call with her mother, she quickly returned home with her phone and walked into the bedroom. She placed the phone on the bedside table to charge and then laid it on the bed.    


It was night and she could not sleep no matter what.    


Closing her eyes, the scene of Zhang Xuezhong following her to the alley in the shantytown flashed in her mind. He dragged her into a house, cut her skirt with a knife, and prepared to force her.    


"How should I deal with this bastard Zhang Xuezhong?" This question had always lingered in Gu Xiaohui's mind.    


She knew in her heart that she had not divorced Wu Xu yet. Once Zhang Xuezhong followed her to the shantytown and tried to expose the matter of forcing her, the matter between her and Ma Junhao would be exposed. At that time... His reputation would be tarnished, and some people with ulterior motives would make a big fuss about it. It would put her in a disadvantageous position.    


However, she was a very strong woman. If this matter was to be settled, she would not be able to swallow this anger.    


Thus, she decided to let Sun Yan arrange for the company's security guards to capture Zhang Xuezhong and beat him up to relieve the hatred in her heart.    


After making up her mind, Gu Xiaohui tossed and turned on the bed.    


The relationship between her and Wu Xu, Ma Junhao and Shen Ao, and the things that happened between them, surfaced in her mind one after another.    


When it was almost dawn, she fell asleep in a daze.    


In the haze, Gu Xiaohui discovered that she had arrived in an empty field. A group of black-clothed people chased after her, so she ran forward with all her might.    


However, these guys were like hungry wolves, running extremely fast. In the blink of an eye, they caught up and pressed her down on the grass.    


When the man saw her dressed inappropriately, he said, "You can leave. Let me handle the rest of the matters."    


Gu Xiaohui saw that this man was quite unfamiliar and asked him, "Who are you? Why did you save me?"    


The man did not answer her directly, but urged, "Leave quickly. If you don't leave now, you won't be able to make it in time."    


Gu Xiaohui looked straight at the man, but she could not see his face clearly. She reached out to grab him, but the man turned into a pile of bubbles and quickly disappeared into the dark night.    


Gu Xiaohui looked around and found that the group of men in black who were injured by the man earlier were like black bean sprouts. They got up from the ground one by one and opened their fangs to pounce at her.    




Gu Xiaohui screamed and jumped up from the bed.    


She looked around and found herself lying on the large double bed in the main bedroom. Only then did she realize that she was at home. It was just a nightmare.    


Gu Xiaohui laid back on the bed and stared blankly at the ceiling as she muttered to herself:    


"What kind of dream is this?"    


The sky gradually lit up.    


Gu Xiaohui picked up the phone on the bedside table and found that it was already seven o'clock in the morning. She hurriedly put on her clothes and got out of bed and ran into the bathroom.    


After washing her face, rinsing her mouth and excretion, Gu Xiaohui returned to the bedroom.    


She sat in front of the dressing table and dressed up. Then she walked into the kitchen and made herself a cup of milk. She ate a few pieces of biscuits and took her handbag out.    


She drove to the company and parked the BMW in the parking lot on the first floor. She took the special elevator of the chairman and went upstairs. She used the key to open it and walked into the chairman's room. Then, she sat down in her office.    


At this time, her mind flashed again the night before. Zhang Xuezhong followed her to the alley in the shantytown and dragged her into a civilian house. He was prepared to force her into this matter. She felt a wave of fear in her heart.    


"Didn't Ms Sun say that she would arrange a driver and bodyguard for me today? Is it arranged or not? " Thinking of this, Gu Xiaohui picked up the phone on the desk. She dialed the internal phone number of Sun Yan's assistant chairman's office.    


The call went through, but no one answered.    


"Where will Sun Yan go during working hours?" Gu Xiaohui felt a little puzzled. She suddenly remembered that Sun Yan was going to the shed to send information to Ma Junhao this morning. She immediately put the phone back on the landline.    




In the suburbs, the sun was bright and bright.    


The warm spring breeze blew across an open field. The morning mist lingered, and the grass was covered with dewdrops. Countless birds flew freely in the sky.    


"I can't fly, the world of flowers, so I'm a drunk butterfly. That promise of yours, it was drawn lightly, but it changed the knot that I can't undo in my life..."    


A little boy imitated the beekeeper whose hair was as messy as straw on the Internet. He stared with his large eyes that were like two copper hammers. He opened his alligator like mouth and spoke in a pig slaughtering voice. He shouted Drunk Butterfly as he waved his sheep whip. He rushed a group of sheep here.    


The flock of sheep ran towards the grass while happily eating the green grass.    


Suddenly, the little boy tripped on something. He fell to the ground and found that it was a pile of fresh soil. He also grabbed something in his hand and looked at it carefully. It was the foot of a dead man. He was shocked. He hurriedly let go of his hand and ran away.    


The little boy shouted as he ran, "Murder, murder..."    




When Hsiao Yue, the vice captain of the criminal investigation team, received the call to the police, she immediately brought people to the crime scene.    


A few villagers who used to come to watch the fun took a few hoes from them and dug out the fresh soil. They were shocked to find a male corpse whose limbs were tied up by ropes and buried in the ground.    


At the same time, a young woman went to the police station to report the case. She said that her husband did not come home last night and was unable to contact her.    


After Hsiao Yue received the call from the police station, she immediately asked the police officers to send the woman to the crime scene and let her go and identify the corpse.    


When the woman saw the male corpse, she pounced on it and cried out loudly, "Hubby, you died so miserably. Who was the one who struck you by lightning and buried you here? Wuwuwu... "    


A few policemen dragged the woman to the side.    


After the woman calmed down a little, Hsiao Yue asked:    



"What's your name?"    


"My name is Cui Lan."    


"Who is the deceased to you?"    


"He is my husband!"    


" What is your husband's name? "    


"His name is Zhang Xuezhong."    


"What does your husband do?" the man asked.    


"He is a Leader of the Engineering Department from the Gu's Group. Yesterday afternoon, he went home and said: He was removed from his position by the new chairman of the company, Gu Xiaohui. He was preparing to resign from the company. After lunch, he left home and never came back... "    


Cui Lan recounted the incident of Zhang Xuezhong losing contact after he left the house with tears streaming down her face.    


After listening to Cui Lan's story, Hsiao Yue felt that there was a murder not long after the death of the chairman of Gu's Group. She felt that there was something wrong with this. She immediately told a police officer standing beside her.    


"You guys first send the corpse of the deceased to the funeral home for dissection. I will now bring people to Gu's Group to understand the situation to Gu Xiaohui."    


"Okay!" The police nodded and immediately gave instructions to Hsiao Yue.    


Hsiao Yue saw that the police had pulled up the police cordon and took photos at the crime scene to conduct an investigation. She immediately led the two police officers, one fat and one thin, to leave together and drove to Gu's Group.    




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