Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C55 Investigations

C55 Investigations

0Gu Xiaohui's mother saw that her husband had died and started to cry, "Old man, why did you leave just like that? If you leave, how can we, orphans and widows, live on..."    


Gu Xiaohui felt as if a knife was twisting in her heart and her tears fell like rain. She used her hand to wipe her tears and forced herself not to cry out. She silently said in her heart, :    


"Dad, I don't believe this is an ordinary car accident. You must have been framed. I must find out who the murderer is and avenge you!"    


At this moment, a nurse led two policemen in uniform, one fat and one thin, in from the outside.    


When Gu Xiaohui saw the police, she hurriedly went up to them and said with a sorrowful voice, "Police comrade, my father was killed by someone. You must find the real murderer and avenge him!"    


The fat policeman looked at Gu Yuming, who was lying on the bed with his eyes wide open and died with everlasting regret. He asked, "You are the family of the deceased Gu Yuming, right?"    


"Yes, I am Gu Yuming's daughter, Gu Xiaohui!" Gu Xiaohui nodded.    


The fat policeman saw that Gu Xiaohui's mother was losing control of her emotions and was afraid that she would argue with them. He said to Gu Xiaohui,    


"Miss Gu, please excuse us for a moment!"    


"Okay." Gu Xiaohui nodded and followed them out of the ICU. She asked, "Where did my father get into an accident? Who hit their car?"    


The fat policeman answered truthfully, "Your father's Mercedes-Benz drove to a crossroad on the street and stopped to wait for the traffic light. It was followed by a Toyota off-road vehicle at the back and collided with a heavy truck that was driving normally. The driver died on the spot.    


"According to the traffic police department, this was an extremely serious car accident. In this accident, the Toyota off-road vehicle was fully responsible, and the driver was controlled by the traffic police and sent to the detention center.    


" After we received this case, when we interrogated the driver who caused the accident, he said that he was careless and mistook the accelerator as a brake, which resulted in this major car accident.    


"We came to your family to find you to know who your father offended and who he had a conflict with when he was alive..."    


As he spoke, the fat policeman took a photo from the thin and tall policeman who was taking a statement and handed it to Gu Xiaohui. He asked,    


"Do you know this person?"    


Gu Xiaohui took a few careful glances at the bald man in the picture and shook her head.    


"I don't know him. Who is he?"    


"He is the driver of the Toyota SUV!" The fat policeman replied.    


"Huh?" Gu Xiaohui opened her eyes wide and said, "So, he is the murderer who killed my father and the driver?"    


The fat policeman said noncommittally, "We are investigating and interrogating this case. Before we have conclusive evidence, we are not sure if he is the murderer who killed your father and the driver on purpose."    


Gu Xiaohui handed the photo back to the fat policeman and said, "This guy must have been ordered by someone to kill my father and the driver on purpose!"    


The fat policeman replied, "Miss Gu, I understand your feelings. We will definitely investigate the case clearly. When the police department's appraisal results come out, we will first coordinate and deal with the compensation issue between the two of you..."    


"We don't need any compensation. We just want to bring the murderer to justice!" Gu Xiaohui said agitatedly.    


"Miss Gu, please rest assured. We will conduct a serious investigation and handling of this case. " The fat policeman comforted her: "Since the matter has already happened, you should also express your condolences... Deal with your father and the driver's funeral as soon as possible..."    


After the fat policeman exhorted Gu Xiaohui again, he said goodbye and left.    


When Gu Xiaohui returned to the ICU, a few medical staff had already lifted Gu Yuming's corpse from the bed and placed it on a cart. They covered it with a white cloth and were ready to send it to the funeral home.    


Although Mrs Gu stopped crying, her tears kept flowing. When she saw that her daughter had finished talking with the police and came back, she went forward to hold her hand and asked:    


"Xiaohui, did you catch the murderer who killed your father?"    


"Yes, I did." Gu Xiaohui was afraid that her mother would lose control of her emotions, so she said, "The driver who caused the accident was arrested by the police and was detained. The police are interrogating this case. Let us settle our father's and Leiming's funeral in peace... "    


"That wicked driver is simply not human. Why did he want to kill our family's Old Gu? I really wish I could cut him into pieces," Mrs Gu cursed angrily and said to Gu Xiaohui, "Quickly go and call Wu Xu over and let him deal with your father's funeral matters with us!"    


Gu Xiaohui asked back, "Wu Xu is now lying in the ward. He is like a clay Buddha crossing the river and is unable to protect himself. What's the use of me calling him over?"    


"You mean you don't want to tell him about your father's accident and death?" Mrs Gu questioned.    


Gu Xiaohui impatiently said, "He is a wimp to begin with. Even if he can get out of bed, we will not be able to do anything to him even if we call him over. Let him rest well in the ward!"    


"Since that is the case, we will not tell him about this for the time being. We will talk about it after he recovers." Mrs Gu felt that her daughter's words were not unreasonable, but she also felt that she had other intentions. She reminded, "Xiaohui, don't forget your father's last words. You must not let down his feelings."    


Gu Xiaohui said impatiently, "Mom, I don't have the mood to think about these things right now. Let's wait until after dad and Lei Ming are done with their funeral!"    


A medical staff member said to Gu Xiaohui and her daughter, "We are going to send the deceased to the funeral home now. Do your family members need to go with us?"    


"Yes, I will go with you!" Gu Xiaohui nodded and led her mother and medical staff to push Gu Yuming's body down the stairs.    


After going downstairs, the medical staff put the body into a corpse truck.    


Gu Xiaohui led her mother to the parking lot and jumped onto the BMW that she drove over. She followed closely behind the corpse truck along the street with flashing neon lights and arrived at the Rongcheng City funeral home one after another.    


After Gu Xiaohui paid the corresponding fee, the funeral parlor staff cleaned and put on makeup on Gu Yuming and Lei Ming's bodies. After putting on the birthday suit, they placed them in the crystal coffins in the two morgue rooms.    


Mrs Gu stood next to Gu Yuming's crystal coffin with a blank face. At this time, her tears had dried up and her voice had become hoarse.    


Gu Xiaohui was afraid that her mother would be too sad and cause trouble again, so she comforted her, "Mom, since Dad has already gone, you should take care of your own body and take care of his funeral matters in peace!"    


Mrs Gu grabbed her daughter's hand and said with a begging face,    


"Xiaohui, your dad has already gone. We don't have any other relatives. Wu Xu is a good child. You'd better not divorce him again. You two should live a good life. Let him assist you and help you manage the Gu's Group that your father founded! "    


Gu Xiaohui said against her heart," Mom, I will handle the matters between Wu Xu and me. Don't worry about it. The most important thing right now is to deal with the aftermath of my father and Lei Ming. Let them settle down as soon as possible! "    


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