Beautiful Ex-wife's Contract Son-in-law

C53 Rescue

C53 Rescue

0"Xiaohui, you... Where are you now?" His mother's anxious voice immediately came from the phone.    


" Mom, I am working outside. "Gu Xiaohui did not dare to say that she was at Ma Junhao's house. After perfunctory words to her mother, she asked," Did something happen? "    


"No, it is not good. Just now, the police called and said that your father was in a car accident, "Mrs Gu replied.    


"Ah? What did you say? " Gu Xiaohui's heart shook and she hurriedly asked, "My father was in a car accident? Where is he now?"    


"Police... the police called and said that your father's car collided with a large truck. After the accident, the driver died on the spot and your father was being rescued at the City People's Hospital. Tell our family members to hurry over... "Mrs Gu replied truthfully.    


"Ah, how could this be?" Gu Xiaohui comforted," Mom, don't worry. I will rush to the hospital now! "    


After saying that, Gu Xiaohui quickly put her phone back into her handbag.    


Ma Junhao struggled to get up from the ground and sat on a wheelchair next to the bed. He saw that after Gu Xiaohui spoke with her mother on the phone, she showed a panicked look and asked with concern.    


"Xiaohui, what happened?"    


Gu Xiaohui said with a sad face, "My mother called and said that my father was in a car accident. The driver died on the spot. He was in the hospital for emergency treatment. I don't know how the situation is yet. I have to rush over immediately!"    


"Ah? How could such a thing happen?" Ma Junhao was shocked and could not help frowning. He saw Gu Xiaohui so anxious that tears were about to flow out. He did not continue to be angry with her and said, "You can go. Don't worry about me. Don't worry. Uncle will be fine."    


Although Ma Junhao hated Gu Xiaohui's parents to the bone, he still did not dare to show his true thoughts in front of Gu Xiaohui.    


Gu Xiaohui did not want to continue nagging him, so she turned around and left the room. Just as she walked out of the courtyard, she saw Ma Junhao's mother carrying a few plastic bags containing lettuce home.    


"Xiaohui, what is wrong with you? Where are you going? Let's go after dinner! " Mrs Ma saw Gu Xiaohui's flustered look and was the first to greet her.    


"Auntie, I have urgent matters to attend to so I will not be eating at your house. If you have anything to say, go and ask your son!" After Gu Xiaohui finished speaking, she ran out of the alley in front of her house like a jog.    


"What a good girl. Why does she like our Junhao and not abandon him?" Watching Gu Xiaohui's figure disappear at the end of the alley, Mrs Ma shook her head.    


Suddenly she remembered Gu Xiaohui's panicked behavior just now and mistakenly thought that she was angry with her son. She hurriedly walked into the kitchen and placed the plastic bag on the kitchen table. Then he quickly walked to Ma Junhao's room and saw Ma Junhao sitting in a wheelchair in a daze. He loudly questioned:    


"Junhao, did you bully Gu Xiaohui?"    


"No... No..." Ma Junhao quickly explained when he saw his mother looking like she was here to denounce him.    


He remembered that he wanted to get out of bed and go to the toilet, but he accidentally fell to the ground and was coincidentally bumped into by Gu Xiaohui who had just entered the room. He took this opportunity to vent his anger on Gu Xiaohui and felt a little guilty.    


"You didn't bully her. Why did she leave our house in a hurry?" Mrs Ma frowned and asked.    


Ma Junhao explained, "Gu Xiaohui's father was in a car accident and was being rescued in the hospital. She needs to go to the hospital!"    


"Ah? How could this be?" Mrs Ma hurriedly asked, "Is it serious?"    


" Yes, it is probably a little serious. I heard that the driver died on the spot... " Ma Junhao told his mother the news he heard from Gu Xiaohui.    


"It is really unfortunate. If Gu Xiaohui's father cannot be saved, what should she do?" Mrs Ma asked anxiously.    


"It is good that the old man is dead. In that case, I can be with Gu Xiaohui." Ma Junhao finally showed his true colors in front of his mother.    


"Junhao, you can't say that. If Gu Xiaohui knew what you said, what would she think?" His mother comforted him.    


"So what if she heard it? I'm telling the truth. " Ma Junhao shamelessly said, "If it was not for that old man stopping me, I would have married Gu Xiaohui long ago!"    


Mrs Ma reminded, "Don't forget, Gu Xiaohui is the daughter of a rich family. If Gu Xiaohui's father died and the Gu's Group was taken over by someone else, how could Gu Xiaohui have the ability to support us?"    


"Mom, your idea is wrong." Ma Junhao shook his head and said, "The Gu's Group is owned by Gu Xiaohui's family. If Gu Xiaohui's father died, Gu Xiaohui became the legal heir to the company. At that time, Gu Xiaohui will become the company's chairman, and I will be able to help her legally. If I marry Gu Xiaohui, wouldn't the Gu's Group become ours?"    


" But have you ever thought that if Gu Xiaohui becomes the Chairman of the Gu's Group, would she still agree to marry a disabled person like you? " Mrs Ma asked worriedly.    


"You don't have to worry about this matter. I have my own ways!" Ma Junhao said confidently.    


"Okay, I don't care about you." Mrs Ma knew her son's ambition and was too embarrassed to say more. She reminded him, "Even if you have such thoughts, you cannot show it in front of Gu Xiaohui. Do you understand?"    


"Don't worry, I will handle it well!" Ma Junhao said confidently.    




Gu Xiaohui rushed out of Ma Junhao's alley and jumped onto the BMW she parked by the side of the road. She hurriedly drove to the People's Hospital in the city.    


After parking the BMW in the parking lot, Gu Xiaohui came to the door of the operating theater like a small cannon.    


Because Gu Xiaohui's home was closer to the hospital, her mother arrived first.    


At this moment, Mrs Gu was anxiously pacing back and forth in front of the operating theater's door. When she saw Gu Xiaohui, she rushed over and held her hand as she sobbed.    


"Xiaohui, your father is in the middle of an operation. If anything happens to him, how will the mother and daughter live? Wuwuwu... "    


"Mom, don't worry. Dad will be fine!" Even though Gu Xiaohui felt a sharp pain in her heart, she still tried her best to comfort her mother.    


At this time, the red light at the door of the operating theater went out and the door was pushed open from the inside.    


A middle-aged doctor wearing a white coat and a big mask on one of his ears walked out and asked, "Which one of you is the family member of the injured Gu Yuming?"    


"Doctor, I am Gu Yuming's daughter." Gu Xiaohui hurriedly let go of her mother's hand and asked loudly, "How is my father's condition?"    


"Sorry, we have tried our best." The doctor shook his head and looked helpless. "But..."    


"No... but what?" Before the doctor could finish his words, Gu Xiaohui's mother screamed. Her body swayed a few times and she almost collapsed to the ground.    


Gu Xiaohui held her up and comforted, "Mom, don't worry. My dad will be fine. Listen to the doctor."    


After her mother calmed down a little, Gu Xiaohui turned around and looked at the middle-aged doctor. She asked him, What happened?    


"Doctor, what did you say just now? I... What happened to my father..."    


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