Almighty System

C23 The Ancient Cave

C23 The Ancient Cave



Du Dapeng was thrown to the ground a few meters above ground, while the Golden Roc brought Little Snake King to the mouth of the volcano.    


After half a minute, Du Dapeng finally caught his breath and stood up like a carp. Du Dapeng stood up again and took a deep breath. He turned his head to look at Little Snake King and the Golden Roc and saw that the Golden Roc was struggling for the last time. It actually fell into the fire cave along with the little green snake. At the same time, Du Dapeng used the Heavenly God Steps and the Great Sky Lifting Palm. He only grabbed a few golden feathers.    


Is he dead?    


Little Snake King had just evolved into a great help, and he died just like that?    


The Golden Roc was so beautiful, but did he also die like that?    


But, why do I feel a little sad?    


It's just a snake, I don't need it, right?    


I wanted to kill someone this morning, but why am I feeling sad for a snake now?    




The heart of a benevolent person!    


Is it because I condensed the Heart of Benevolence that I pity the withering of my life?    




What a soft-hearted person!    


Du Dapeng sat blankly at the mouth of the volcano for a long time, letting his thoughts run wild.    


An electronically synthesized sound suddenly rang out, "Ding! A large amount of Dragon Breath Grass has been found. Do you want to transplant it?"    


"Of course! Isn't this the reason why we were in such a dangerous situation? Wasn't it all because of a patient?"    


Du Dapeng impatiently tidied up his messy thoughts. He waved his hand casually and took all the visible Dragon Breath Grass into the Heaven Cauldron Herb Garden. There were at least one to two hundred of them, big and small.    


"Ding! Obtained three mature Dragon Breath Grass. Do you wish to refine two Blood Activated Meridian Pills?"    


"Don't cultivate first. We'll talk about it when we return!"    


Du Dapeng patted the dust off his body. After he finished, he did not forget to return to the edge of the crater. He stared at it for a long time. In the fire cave, it was pitch black. It was deep and there was nothing else. He let out a soft sigh. It was as if he was sighing about the death of Little Snake King and the Golden Roc, as well as his own benevolence. Du Dapeng resolutely turned around and was just about to turn around and walk back when he suddenly felt a chill run down his spine. It was like six months of frost, and a snow-white figure appeared in front of him. It was a woman. She was wearing a set of snow-white ancient clothes, outlining the beautiful curves of a woman. She had an alluring charm, even though she was wearing a veil. It could be imagined that she had a beauty that could topple the world. Of course, at this moment, Du Dapeng didn't have the mood to think about it, because the girl was waving a sickle that was surrounded by wisps of black Qi. She wanted to harvest his head without any hesitation.    


"Argh! F * ck me!"    


The sudden attack made Du Dapeng panic. He took a step back and followed the footsteps of Little Snake King and the Golden Roc. He fell into the fire cave!    


He was dead for sure!    


Just when Du Dapeng was in a daze and thought that he was dead for sure, a snow-white ribbon wrapped around him and tied him up like a big rice dumpling.    


Du Dapeng was slowly lifted up. It was the girl in white. She carried Du Dapeng just like that without putting him on the ground. Her cold eyes looked at Du Dapeng again and again, and then her veil trembled. It was as if her nose had moved a few times before she coldly shouted, "There's the smell of Golden Roc. The Golden Roc that I injured must have been plucked by you, right?"    


Only now did Du Dapeng understand the situation. It turned out that the Golden Roc had been injured beforehand. No wonder Little Snake King was able to perish together with it. After thinking about it for a while, Du Dapeng unexpectedly came up with a bunch of nonsensical words. "This beauty! Looks like I have to thank you for injuring the Golden Roc. After that, I will let my Little Snake King die together with it, and I will curse you. It's all your fault for injuring the Golden Roc, causing it to start attacking us the moment it came back. You caused my Little Snake King to die in battle, and I want you to curse you even more. You actually attacked me the moment I saw you, causing me to slip into the mouth of the volcano. I almost followed in the footsteps of the Golden Roc and Little Snake King. Now... Please pull me up first, and I'll tell you about the touching story of Little Snake King and the Golden Roc perishing together..."    


Before Du Dapeng could finish his words, he was interrupted by the cold voice of the white-clothed woman, "I only want to ask you where my Golden Roc is!"    


"Eh? Where is the Golden Roc? It was said to be dead! Little Snake King and it perished together, both of them fell into the fire cave!"    


" Then you can die! "    


The woman in white shook her hand as she spoke, and Du Dapeng fell down once again in a daze.    


"Don't! Help! I have a treasure for you!"    


Du Dapeng's pleas did not get the pity of the woman in white. He grabbed randomly, but he did not catch the white silk that tied him up just now.    




Along with the sound of the wind, anger and despair filled Du Dapeng's heart. How unlucky and useless he was. Just now, any bird had almost taken his life. And now, another girl could end his precious life?    


Could he really be reborn after dying this time?    


Du Dapeng had never longed for strength so much. If he had strength, who would dare to toy with him like this?    


However, the reality was the reality. The reality was that he had fallen into the dark and deep cave of fire. He would die without a doubt, and the girl in white could only watch him fall to the ground coldly. When she saw that Du Dapeng had completely fallen into the darkness, the girl took out a strange little mirror. She looked at the dark and deep cave of fire, her eyes flickering. No one knew what she was thinking... "Bang!"    


The sound of heavy objects falling!    


Silence... Half dead silence... After an unknown amount of time, perhaps a few dozen seconds, or even a few minutes... Or perhaps a few decades, Du Dapeng finally moved his right index finger slightly. Trembling, trembling again, he struggled to open his eyes. Pain!    


The intense pain of the fire burning and moving!    


The system notification sounded again, "Host's HP is below 30. Would you like to open the Gold Mall and buy the Deadwood Rejuvenation Pill for treatment?"    




Du Dapeng made a decision helplessly. A golden light flashed across his mind again. Du Dapeng endured the heart-wrenching pain and found the Deadwood Rejuvenation Pill in seconds.    




Du Dapeng suddenly spat out three liters of blood and passed out again. Because he saw the price of the Deadwood Rejuvenation Pill: 100 million gold coins!    


... "Cough cough..."    


After an unknown amount of time, a weak cough could be heard from the silent cave. Du Dapeng woke up once again. At the same time, a voice that sounded like a devil curse was heard once again. "Ding! Host's HP is below 20. Would you like to open the Gold Mall and buy the Deadwood Rejuvenation Pill? "    


"Buy - you buy - sell - horse... No... It... He did... Is it legal? "    


Du Dapeng asked intermittently, "Yes, for example, if you take an Activated Blood Meridian Pill, you can raise your health by 30 points for a position that will lead you to death."    


"Then refine a pill..."    


Du Dapeng made a choice weakly.    


"Pill refining in progress, please wait a moment... Ding!"    


Three Blood Activated Meridian Pills appeared in Du Dapeng's palm. He swallowed two without even thinking. The remaining one was once again stored into the Heavenly Cauldron Space. Just as he was about to close his eyes to feel the wonderful feeling of his Health Points being restored, the system's voice rang out once again, "Ding! The Spirit Pet has received a fatal injury. It requires Yin Yang Grass. Ding! Discovered half-dead beginner level demon bird. Do you wish to capture it? "    


" What? Little Snake King is not dead? This is great! "    


Du Dapeng sat up excitedly, and only then did he realize that he had fallen onto the Golden Roc!    


"Hey! Is this Golden Roc still cured?"    


Du Dapeng asked with slight anticipation, "Ding! The Heavenly Cauldron System is the highest grade magic treasure in the Dragon Soaring Continent, of course it can solve such an ordinary problem... "    


Without waiting for the system notification to fade, Du Dapeng made a wise and heroic decision, "Then let's capture it first!"    


"Spirit Pet Name: Golden Roc (Beginner Demon Bird)"    


"HP: 2,000"    


"'Dexterity: 4,000 '"    


"Intelligence: 360"    


"Derivation: 300"    


"Bloodline: Golden Winged Dapeng's direct blood relative."    


"Skill: Flight."    


" Command: 2000. Can command 2000 birds that are lower level than oneself, except for special bloodlines. "    


Du Dapeng couldn't help but mutter, Beginner level demonic bird?    


He should be able to speak now, right?    


And Little Snake King... Before Du Dapeng could finish muttering, the system notification sounded again, "Ding! Spirit Pet, Golden Roc, blind and poisoned. Requires Bright Eye Grass and Myriad Poison Absolute Life Grass to treat!"    


Du Dapeng could not help but be dumbfounded. "Is it over? Where are we going to find these medicines? "    


"Ding! He sensed that there were large amounts of spiritual medicines nearby, among them Yin Yang Grass, Bright Eye Grass, Ten Thousand Poison Life End Grass, as well as a thousand year old ganoderma, ten thousand year old red ginseng..."    


Before the dull system notification sounded, Du Dapeng couldn't wait to look around. It was only at this moment that Du Dapeng realized that the bottom of the volcano had an entirely different world. It was already good enough for Du Dapeng to have such a big mental state.    


This was an open-air stone pit. The walls of the pit were very smooth, and the four sides of the ground were at least 100 square meters. There was a fist-sized Moonlight Stone embedded in each of the four walls of the pit, and it looked to be about five or six meters deep. Although the ground was covered in dust, it still looked very flat. It was very strange. It was very dry. The Golden Roc and Little Snake King were both kept in the Heavenly Cauldron Space. It seemed like only Du Dapeng was left alive in the entire stone pit.    




Du Dapeng rubbed his hands in excitement!    


"What a great opportunity! What a great opportunity! This must be the legendary ancient cave dwelling! There must be a lot of treasures..."    


Du Dapeng excitedly ran to one of the stone walls and fumbled around. He wanted to find the so-called mechanism, but he searched for a long time. He touched all the places he could, and then he ran around and touched the other three stone walls. Finally, he squatted down and touched the dusty floor, making his face look like dirt. He was so angry that he couldn't catch his breath. He didn't find anything!    


Du Dapeng was dejected. Only then did he think of asking about the Heavenly Cauldron System.    


"Ding! He could only sense the approximate location of the treasure. He was unable to pinpoint its exact location. There were magical treasures, spiritual herbs, and everything else! "    


Du Dapeng's eyes turned white. "How powerful do you think it is? I can't find it, and you can't find it either, right? "    


Du Dapeng did not have the energy to complain. He sat down on the ground and did not care about the dust on the ground. He supported his body with his hands and raised his head to think. Silence!    


Except for Du Dapeng's breathing, there were no other sounds in the huge stone cave. Except for the stone wall, he was the only one. If there were really other things, there were only a few valuable Moonlight Stones.    


"That's right! Moonlight Stones!"    


Du Dapeng jumped up and excitedly ran towards the stone wall in front of him. He ran for two steps and stopped again. What the hell was with the moon!    


That Moonlight stone was three to four meters tall!    


He couldn't reach it!    


Du Dapeng was stunned and scratched his head. After a long time, Du Dapeng finally thought of a solution to the problem. He waved his hand and a huge golden bird appeared at the foot of a stone wall. It was the Golden Roc!    


Du Dapeng didn't care that the Golden Roc was already fighting with the Death God. He muttered, "Brother is looking for medicine to save you."    


He jumped onto the back of the bird.    


Finally, he touched the fist-sized Moonlight Stone. The gentle light illuminated Du Dapeng's dirty little face.    




A slight cracking sound was heard. Perhaps it was because it was too old, or perhaps Du Dapeng's actions were too rude, but the Moonlight Stone actually cracked!    


Even though there was still light coming out, even though it was just a few small cracks, it seemed like the expensive Moonlight Stone was going to drop by more than half of its price. This made Du Dapeng's heart ache a little. If it wasn't for him staring at the Moonlight Stone, he would have thought that the sound had triggered the mechanism. He carefully looked around the Moonlight Stone and confirmed that there was nothing suspicious about it. Only then did Du Dapeng give up.    


Du Dapeng thought about it and really had no choice but to wander around the stone room. He touched this place and that place. There was nothing suspicious about it. In the end, he impatiently sat in the corner with his back against the intersection of the two stone walls. Thinking about it made him a little angry, and he actually used the back of his head to lightly knock against the corner of the wall a few times.    




"F * ck!"    


Du Dapeng suddenly felt as if the sky and earth had been turned upside down. He only had the time to exclaim before he lay on the ground with his face facing upwards. A large crack had actually appeared in the corner of the wall!    


Fortunately, he did not fall freely again. Du Dapeng hurriedly stood up.    




It was so bright that it hurt people's eyes!    



Du Dapeng narrowed his eyes. What the f * ck?    


Weeds, wild flowers, small shrubs, and large trees!    


Am I not in a fire cave?    


I came out?    


How long had I been unconscious for?    


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