Almighty System

C390 Envoy Recruiting

C390 Envoy Recruiting

0Outside the Longevity Realm, two warships were still flying at high speed. Danger lurked everywhere, and whenever the girls were bored to death, they would always catch one of Du Dapeng's clones by themselves. They were either acting spoiled, playing around, or chatting. Their days were not too boring. They would occasionally stop the warship.    


Stopping the warship wasn't too dangerous. In fact, with the blessing of Great Devil God's power of faith, unless it was a super large-scale void storm... The reason why they stopped... It was also for Little Wushuang's cultivation. She wanted to devour the void storm!    


The void storm contained all types of chaotic and mixed natural laws. To other creatures, this was a fatal thing. The unstable natural laws that formed, all creatures' cultivations couldn't display much. Only the Void Beast was unique, this place could be said to be their paradise.    


It wasn't until two months later that the two warships finally appeared near the border of Longevity Realm. Unexpectedly, Du Dapeng did not come out of seclusion. The soldiers did not dare to stop him. He let them pass. What kind of joke was this? Du Dapeng was no longer the same as before. Even the Great Sovereigns were afraid of him.    


In fact, some of the young men who weren't willing to leave secretly guessed that with Du Dapeng's current power and Nine Thousand Clones, none of the Sovereign Kings in the three dimensions would be able to do anything to him!    


This caused the minds of the youths to become complicated. Some were happy, some were depressed.    


The warship moved as fast as lightning, and only stopped in Small Boundless Mountain after nearly a month. The two little fellows pulled Du Dapeng's clones and looked at it again and again. Finally, their small mouths deflated, and they roared at the same time, "Where's dad? Why isn't he back yet?"    


"Haha! Father is still in seclusion! Can you take Dad to play?"    


" Quick, quick, quick! A few more people! We found a strange place! "    


" How many people do we need? "    


Just like that, Du Xiaopeng and Du Xiaoling pointed at more than ten clones of their father. They were about to leave Small Boundless Mountain arrogantly, but they were stopped by Lin Qingmo. "Wait! Take this with you. If you are in danger, activate it. You can freely enter and exit your father's Inner World!"    


Two small pendants were hung on the necks of the little fellows. The few mothers reminded them again before letting them leave Small Boundless Mountain. The two little fellows could not stay idle. Their cultivation bases were not very high, but they had already walked around the surroundings of the Small Boundless Mountain. Fortunately, it wasn't too dangerous.    


This wasn't strange. The Small Boundless Mountain region was the territory of the Bi'an Holy Clan. The saints were few in number, and they loved these two little fellows even more. There was no need to worry about people with malicious intentions, because the Holy King was always paying attention to these two little fellows.    


The two little fellows entered and left again and again, playing with each other very happily. They actually kicked a clone of their father, and then hid in their father's Inner World. Coming out again and changing again, this made Du Dapeng laugh continuously. He purposely chased and played with the children.    


At this time, Du Dapeng's other clones also greeted his parents and elders. Only then did they enter secluded cultivation. They were considered independent individuals, but they could gain relevant enlightenment from the original body. There was no bottleneck in their cultivation, but their cultivation bases would always be lower than their true selves.    


After half a day of fooling around, the two little fellows finally brought Du Dapeng to a quiet place. There was a hundred acres of rocky hill here, an environment where not even a blade of grass grew. It was unknown what the two little fellows thought was interesting, but Du Dapeng only followed them.    


"Dad! Do you still remember the Heavenly Slaughter Stone Forest in Heavenly Beast Forest?"    


The two children spoke at the same time, which stunned Du Dapeng." Oh? Are you saying that this place is like the Heavenly Slaughter Stone Forest?"    


Du Dapeng couldn't help but feel interested when he recalled the time when he sent the two little fellows to the Heavenly Slaughter Stone Forest. They had been beaten up until they cried. Now that they were mentioned, Du Dapeng couldn't help but feel interested. "You were beaten up and cried again?"    


"Pooh! Pooh! Pooh! We didn't! This place is different from the Heavenly Slaughter Stone Forest!"    


" Come and take a look! "    


When they thought of themselves in the past, the two little fellows felt embarrassed. They had been wise for a long time and remembered clearly what had happened back then. Immediately, they were too embarrassed to mention the Heavenly Slaughter Stone Forest again, so they simply brought along their father's dozen clones. They charged valiantly towards the center of the stone forest.    


"Yi? The power of yin and yang?"    


Du Dapeng was very interested. The closer he got to the center, the denser the pure Yin and Yang energy became. This surprised Du Dapeng. He simply picked up the children and let them sit on his shoulders. With a thought, he realized that he couldn't use the Innate Dharma.    


"Hehe! Did you discover it? You can't use elemental energy here!"    


Ignoring the children's gloating, after Du Dapeng confirmed that he was unable to transform into the Bi'an's true form, he simply ran all the way, relying on the strength of his physical body, and soon arrived at the center of the stone forest. There was actually a divine "small pool!"    


This was a fist-sized puddle, rich in yin and yang origin energy. It was from within that the pond seemed to be divided into two parts: Yin and Yang. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be just a pool of clear water, which looked extremely strange. He didn't expect that there was such a place in the Bi'an Holy Clan.    


"Yiya! Grandpa Holy King said that this was the place where a Kunpeng fell. Someone from the Kunpeng Saint Clan had a grudge with the Bi'an Holy Clan, and they had actually started fighting. After that, the Kun Peng died, and this mysterious place was left behind. However, no one was able to take away this pool of clear water!"    


"Sixth Aunt's grandfather also said that this is a great fortune, but the current Roc Clan is unable to take it away either. It seems to have its own consciousness, and it won't be able to get close to anyone it doesn't like..."    


After the explanation from the two little fellows, Du Dapeng finally understood something. It turned out that a long time ago, the Kun Peng Saint Race had a great war with the Bi'an Holy Clan. The Kun Peng Race and the Dragon Clan had never been on good terms with each other, and the Bi'an was also Dragon Son's race. It was normal for there to be fights.    


However, that time was different. At that time, the Kun Peng Race was extremely powerful. They had actually attacked the Small Boundless Mountain, and it was the Dragon Clan who had come to assist them. After killing the most powerful Kun Peng, the Three Language was finally restored. It was said that the Bi'an Clan had also paid a huge price at that time.    


That was an era when the saints were at the top of the Dao, and the strongest of them all. It was the Roc Clan, and they had a total of ten Kunpeng that were comparable to Great Sovereigns. They were strong enough to rival the Dragon Clan and Bi'an Holy Clan. It was said that during the battle that year... They fought for a few decades, and in the end, both sides suffered heavy losses before they finally gave up.    


At that time, the strongest main fighting force of the Kun Peng Race was called Sniper Ling. This was the place where he had fallen after his death. This Wang Qing Quan was also his inheritance. Since ancient times, many people from various clans had come, but none of them had obtained the recognition of Wang Qing Quan.    


"Did your Sixth Mother and Uncle Qingtian also come?"    


"They came, they can't get close at all! I don't know why!"    


"This is strange! Our grandfather and third brother are all Bi'ans, and can be considered to be the descendants of Sniper Ling's enemies. We can even approach them, but why is it that the Kun Peng Race is unable to approach them?"    


Du Dapeng could not figure it out no matter how hard he thought about it, and his mind moved. He was just about to communicate with the clone that was still in the clan. Bi'an Holy King's voice sounded beside his ear, "Don't ask anymore! Actually, I can't get close to them, including that Old Bird. No one knows why! "    


This made Du Dapeng even more surprised. He simply sat cross-legged around Wang Qing Quan and began comprehending. He also reminded the children to be careful and not fall too deep into it. It was hard to predict the good fortune here. Du Dapeng might as well leave behind an ordinary clone to take care of his realm.    


A month later, Du Dapeng and the children came to some realization. As for Du Dapeng Yidam, he came out of seclusion and fused with the Mountain River Cauldron. Finally, the Mountain River Cauldron revived. This sovereign came over to investigate. He immediately put away the child and the clone with a light smile.    


He could feel that this Sniper Ling was very interesting. He left behind a clear spring. Actually, it was not some inheritance. It was that he knew that he was powerless to return to the heavens. He might as well turn all of his essence energy into a clear spring and retain some of his consciousness.    


Sniper Ling was proud. Even if he died in battle, he would confiscate any disciple. This clear spring was precisely what he left for his disciple. Du Dapeng could get close to the children. Although there were some opportunities, it would take a lot of time. There were still other things he needed to do right now!    


"Come again when you have time!"    


Du Dapeng muttered and immediately switched back home to greet his parents and elders. Only then did he get someone to spread the news. It meant that he didn't want Longevity Realm to be at a disadvantage. Du Dapeng was willing to bring all the Heaven Breaking experts to the Devil Realm to undergo the tribulation, and those who were interested would come as soon as possible.    


At the same time, there were also a few rare and precious items that Du Dapeng didn't have. In order to restore the Inner World and the Heaven Opening Divine Artifact, he was willing to do so. He directly said that he could help all the experts above the Heaven Breaking realm refine weapons and concoct pills, and those who had the rare materials they needed would be given priority.    


In just a short period of time, the Small Boundless Mountain was filled with people. Everyone knew Du Dapeng's ability. Usually, they wanted to ask him to refine weapons and concoct pills, but they couldn't. Now that they had the chance, who would be willing to miss it?    


In just a month's time, most of the top experts in the Longevity Realm had arrived.    


Even if they didn't want to forge weapons and concoct pills, they still had to come to the Devil Realm to transcend their tribulation. Even if they didn't want to transcend their tribulation, it would be good for them to experience the world. With so many top experts gathered together, it was impossible for them to fight each other, right?    


If there were fights, there would be excitement!    


Du Dapeng didn't dare to be neglectful. He took advantage of this opportunity. It just so happened that the people from Longevity Realm who had a grudge against each other had a fight, which was equivalent to a disguised reshuffle. It would make the entire Longevity Realm more motivated. When the time came, it would merge with the Devil Realm and the Spirit Realm. They wouldn't be suppressed by the other two families.    


This was a rare event, and the meddlesome people had even given this event a name. They called the special envoy to recruit soldiers, and this news reached Du Dapeng's ears. Du Dapeng also laughed lightly. Guild master my a * s. I don't want to lead everyone to war. Wouldn't that be a burden?    


The person who spoke didn't mean it, and the person who heard it meant it. Du Dapeng, the main character who was the center of attention. Although he had not made it clear, many people were keenly aware of something. Many young people with high aspirations, and even some big names of great families... They actually joined the Reborn Pavilion one after another.    



This shocked Du Dapeng. In just two months, the Reborn Pavilion had become the strongest power in the three worlds. This was probably the news spread by the Prodigy. Many young men were very straightforward. They joined the Reborn Pavilion and started to believe in Du Dapeng.    


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