Almighty System

C78 Evil Thoughts of the Human Emperor

C78 Evil Thoughts of the Human Emperor

0"You guys don't be noisy, I won't sleep over, I just want to take a rest"    


Du Dapeng's eyes were filled with emptiness and confusion. He also knew that he couldn't die. If he died, everyone would die here. However, his current condition was just too terrible. He felt very tired and wanted to have a good sleep. However, he didn't dare to sleep. He wanted to climb to the top of the mountain. However, he found that he didn't have any strength.    


"Ding! The host was extremely exhausted and was attacked by the evil ghost Yin Qi. As a result, there was insufficient Yang Qi and he became half human and half ghost!"    


The unreliable Heavenly Cauldron System finally had some reaction. Du Dapeng seemed to have grabbed onto the straw that was asking for his life, "How should I get out of this state?"    


"Ding! The Golden Crow Egg contains a strong sun Qi. The host will be able to dispel the Yin Qi after consuming the Golden Crow Egg. "    


Du Dapeng did not say anything. He used all his strength before taking out the Golden Crow Death Egg. "Use everything you have!"    


Under the shocked gazes of the three brothers, Lin Qingmo used her sharp sword to dig a small hole in the egg shell. Then, she carefully dripped the egg white into her husband's mouth.    


When the egg white entered her mouth, it was like strong liquor pouring into her throat, turning into a warm flow. The originally dim Innate Dharma had attacked all of Du Dapeng's limbs and bones. The light became brighter and brighter, illuminating a large section of the mountain road.    


Du Dapeng finally woke up a little. Cold sweat flowed down his forehead as he thought to himself, Scary... He didn't even know when he was born. It was a strange feeling that he couldn't describe. Furthermore, he was surprised to find out that he was in the same state as before. His memories were actually becoming more and more blurry. This was truly strange.    


After drinking the egg white, the egg yolk was crushed and eaten. Du Dapeng felt as if his entire body was on fire. At the same time, his lower abdomen was also pregnant with an even more intense fire. This was unexpected.    


Du Dapeng completely recovered his consciousness. He stood up and roared, "Let's go! Let's go up the mountain to catch ghosts!"    


Seeing that her husband had recovered, Lin Qingmo smiled brightly. "Hee hee! Was it really a ghost just now?"    




The Li brothers replied in unison, and then they were all shocked. "It might be Human Emperor's evil intentions..."    


Du Dapeng suddenly roared angrily, "Are you afraid?"    


"Afraid of him my ass!"    


The few of them laughed. Du Dapeng stared at the end of the mountain road. He was closer, closer!    


"Dong! Dong! Dong..."    


The entire mountain was clearly trembling. Du Dapeng did not care at all. The dead egg of the Golden Crow had allowed him to regain his strength and clear mind. His previous dispirited and weak state had been swept away. Now, he was full of vigor and vitality. His eyes were like a torch, and he soon arrived at the peak of the mountain!    


"Hiss! How magnificent!"    


Although they had been mentally prepared for this, they still couldn't help but feel surprised when they reached the peak of the mountain. The so-called Human Emperor Training Hall was actually an open-air platform!    


There was only a nine zhang tall platform at the center of the platform. At this moment, the gray fog on the peak of the mountain was surging towards the platform.    


The gray fog became thinner and thinner, while the platform became darker and darker. Finally, it became completely black and emitted a faint black light.    


"Ding! Host has completed a large amount of exercise that exceeds his own. Receiving a Primary Strengthening Pill!"    


Du Dapeng immediately took out the Strengthening Pill and ate it. The last time he ate it, there would be an accident. Now that his body was already very strong, there wouldn't be any accidents.    


Du Dapeng was on tenterhooks as he walked over. Human Emperor should have died on that tall platform. What about his treasure?    


The few of them became excited as they thought about it.    


What Du Dapeng cared about wasn't the treasure. What he cared about was his mission. Combined with the information he had received previously, Du Dapeng was very sure. The evil ghost that the Heavenly Cauldron System was talking about should be Human Emperor's evil thoughts. As for Human Emperor's evil thoughts, the only place he could hide was on the high platform.    


It had changed!    


It had completely changed!    


The originally pitch black platform suddenly turned completely white, and the black color was forced to the top of the platform. Finally, it condensed into a majestic man. That man's entire body was pitch black. The edges and corners of his face were clear and vivid. He looked quite majestic. It was also very strange.    


Everyone stopped in their tracks and bowed solemnly. "Greetings, Human Emperor!"    


Du Dapeng was even more direct. "Is Human Emperor waiting for someone?"    


The man opened his eyes and said with an expressionless face, "We have finally waited! Come up!"    


Du Dapeng hesitated for a moment and followed the small steps up to the tall platform.    


The high platform was filled with all kinds of ghostly symbols, and Human Emperor's evil thoughts. Du Dapeng sat cross-legged in the middle of the high platform and bowed. It was only after Human Emperor's evil thoughts indicated that he let go of his wife and the three brothers. He also put away the Innate Dharma and sat down cross-legged.    


"It was just a joke, you don't have to mind!"    


Human Emperor's lips curved up slightly, but Du Dapeng went straight to the point. "Junior doesn't understand. Why did I, the emperor, stay here?"    


Human Emperor smiled. "It hit the nail on the head! I like it! This emperor stayed behind precisely to wait for you!"    


" Wait for me? What do you mean?"    


Seeing Du Dapeng's vigilant face, Human Emperor smiled again. "Don't worry, I have no ill intentions. I just want to tell you my story!"    


They were all surprised, "Great! We are very curious about your past!"    


Under the gazes of these juniors, Human Emperor slowly began to talk about his past.    


It turned out that Human Emperor's family was originally a large family in Small Spirit Heaven, and they had even commanded the Human Clan for many years. Later on, Human Emperor obtained a devil Holy Weapon, which had a weapon spirit. The weapon spirit had taught him many strange techniques, causing him to become extremely powerful. Later on, he realized that there was something different about the Holy Weapon. There was also a person's remnant soul hidden within the Holy Weapon. It was the remnant soul of the original owner of the Holy Weapon!    


It was a devil soul!    


The reason why the Holy Weapon had made Human Emperor so powerful was actually because it wanted the original owner to borrow his body to revive himself.    


Of course, Human Emperor did not want to be used, but in the end, he was still suppressed. The soul of the Holy Weapon's master had taken control of Human Emperor's body, so he did all kinds of things that made people angry. However, Human Emperor was extremely powerful. He had been struggling all this time, and sometimes, he could regain control of his body.    


In the end, the Holy Weapon Master couldn't be bothered anymore. He went into seclusion on this tall platform. He planned to use the formation on the tall platform to destroy Human Emperor's divine soul in one fell swoop. After a battle between the two souls, both of them actually died at the same time!    


The Holy Weapon Master was very unwilling to accept this. In the end, he sacrificed himself and cast the devil technique, causing all the demons to kill all the Human Clan and bury them with him!    


Human Emperor was also very unwilling to accept this. Hence, he used the form of a remnant soul to travel around the Human Clan's tribe. He requested that all of them die in a cycle of reincarnation. In this way, he could leave behind all kinds of treasures in the territory of the Human Clan. Du Dapeng was stunned. "It's that simple reason?"    


"No! No! It's not that simple. I fought with that devil soul for a long time and accidentally obtained part of his memory! I vaguely know the truth of the ancient war! "    



Human Emperor's words caused the few of them to become serious." The truth of the ancient war? Does that war really exist? "    


"Of course! And it's very scary. The result of that battle is that Dragon Soaring Continent will become..."    




Just as Human Emperor was about to reach the critical point, a sudden clap of thunder was heard. A blood-red lightning bolt appeared in the sky and struck Human Emperor's body. Human Emperor's body trembled, and his dark skin began to darken!    


"Sure enough, I can't say it directly!"    


Human Emperor looked up at the sky and heaved a long sigh. Then, he started to talk about other things.    


"I thought I had also mastered the Innate Dharma that you had mastered at that time. It was also because of the divinity of the Innate Dharma that I was able to fight with that devil soul to the death. The Kun Roc Old Bird left a mark on your bodies. You must know how strong he is. When I was at my peak, I was a bit stronger than him. And that me... That's all... "    


Du Dapeng was shocked. No wonder the Demon Emperor Old Bird always had a complicated expression when it talked about the Human Clan. It turned out that Human Emperor had always been on good terms with him. But... Later on... Human Emperor, who was controlled by the devil soul, stabbed him. No wonder Demon Emperor kept reacting to it.    


The few of them listened quietly. Human Emperor talked endlessly and told them a lot of things that they did not understand. It was only when the sun set that Human Emperor looked deeply at the setting sun. Finally, he sighed and said, "A dead person cannot be resurrected. Now, I have missed the opportunity to reincarnate. If I want to reincarnate again, I can only rely on your Innate Dharma! "    


Du Dapeng was stunned when he heard that. "Innate Dharma has this function? How come I don't know?"    


"Because this is a secret technique that this emperor created. That Devil Soul taught this emperor to form Dharma Idols, but this emperor did not know that this emperor created all kinds of secret Dharma Idols to suppress him!"    


Human Emperor pointed at his index finger as he spoke. A fluorescent light flew over slowly and stopped in front of Du Dapeng. When it saw Du Dapeng nod, it drilled into Du Dapeng's forehead.    


Du Dapeng felt that there were many things in his mind. After checking them, he found that they were all the various uses of the Innate Dharma. Among them was the method to release vengeful souls.    


Looking at the unconcerned face of Human Emperor, Du Dapeng felt a little reluctant. "Is my emperor really going to leave just like that? Is there anything else you need to tell me?"    


Human Emperor could not help rolling his eyes. "How can he not leave? You have a living brother and a living wife, but what about mine? They are all dead, it's meaningless for me to live! "    


Du Dapeng suddenly had a thought." No! You and Kun Roc Holy Emperor are still alive!"    


"Then Old Bird? Help me tell him that I don't blame him!"    


Human Emperor turned around and stared at the setting sun. "I have sealed the truth about the ancient war in the depths of your mind. When you reach a higher level, it will undo itself!"    


Du Dapeng bit his lips and bowed solemnly. "Good day to the emperor!"    


The things Human Emperor gave him were precious. Not only did he have the magical power, but he also had the truth of the ancient war, as well as the Non-Death Technique!    


There were even all types of strange things. However, the outstanding individuals of this generation were still going to leave. The king of the generation was about to disappear... At the same time, in the Kun Roc Ancestral Land, Old Bird suddenly opened his eyes. His eyes were red and he started to mutter, "Are you really going to leave like this? Will you blame me? Sigh... "    


Du Dapeng formed all kinds of strange hand seals and sent ripples onto Human Emperor's body. The sound of chanting could be heard without an end. Human Emperor had a serene expression on his face. He allowed his body to become fainter and fainter. In the end, his body became transparent and completely disappeared. Vaguely, sigh... The few of them heard a sigh as if a heavy burden had been lifted off their shoulders.    


They stood there blankly, not saying anything for a long time.    


After a long time, they looked at each other and bowed to Human Emperor again before retreating from the platform.    


"The emperor of a generation has completely disappeared just like that..."    


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