My Line Connect To The Demon World

C28 Learning the Cultivation Method

C28 Learning the Cultivation Method

0"Xuanxuan, let's go."    


He knew that Sun Shengxi was a pauper.    


Zhuh Yuvyuv instantly lost interest in him.    


Such a person was not worthy of her.    


"Not waiting for him?"    


"What are you waiting for him for? Look at how he eats shit?"    


Zhuh Yuvyuv glared at Ye Fan.    


"Just you wait. Sooner or later, I will make you pay the price."    


"Why don't you know how to be a bad person?"    


"I clearly helped you recognize who he is, yet in the end, you still want to blame me?"    


Truly strange things happen every year, especially this year.    


Zhuh Yuvyuv was not taken advantage of for free, but it was all thanks to him.    


"Hmph, are you trying to help me? You are clearly helping your brother vent his anger."    


Ye Fan shook his head.    


She was already possessed, and her heart was somewhat twisted.    


She had completely different thoughts from normal people.    


"This is Bai Xuanxuan, right?"    




Ye Fan actually took the initiative to greet me?    


Please don't tell me about our relationship.    


"Yes, what do you want?"    


"Nothing, I advise you to stay away from people like her in the future."    


"Those who are close to her will be influenced by her. Under her influence, even the white lotus will eventually rot one day."    


"That's all. You weigh the pros and cons."    


Bai Xuanxuan secretly gritted her teeth.    


She clenched her fists.    




Are you trying to teach me a lesson?    


You poor bastard, an orphan who lived in my house for more than ten years.    


What right do you have to teach me a lesson?    


I won't listen to you, so I want to be with you.    


"Youyou, let's go."    


At this moment, Sun Shengxi stumbled out.    


At this moment, his body was covered in dirt and there were tears on his face.    


This was the first time he had seen someone cry while eating shit.    


"Big brother, I've finished eating. Give me the money."    


"What money?"    


Ye Fan pretended to be stunned.    


"Didn't you ask me to go to the toilet to eat sh * t?"    


"Why don't I remember?"    


"Are you going back on your word? You've been playing tricks on me from the beginning to the end?"    


Sun Shengxi had never expected this.    


He, an old thief, had actually been played by a little sparrow.    


"This is ten thousand yuan, take it and get lost!"    


Ye Fan was afraid that he would do something extreme.    


He splashed the shit on his mouth onto himself.    


It was better to send him away first.    


"Ten thousand it is, humph!"    


Sun Shengxi took the money and walked to the door.    


"Hehe, let me tell you! Just now, I didn't even eat four feces. I only ate one. Do you feel like you've lost money?"    


"Haha, you want to trick me? You're still too tender."    


Zhuh Yuvyuv covered her face.    


She really did not expect Sun Shengxi to be so foolish.    


Why didn't she notice it before?    


Ye Fan also didn't expect it.    


One poop and four poop were no different to him.    


He just wanted to make Sun Shengxi lose his reputation and suffer humiliation.    


He didn't expect him to enjoy it.    


The force of this Crimson Sincerity Treating Talisman was really great.    


"Got it, got it. You're awesome, alright?"    


Sun Shengxi was incomparably pleased with himself.    


"Of course!"    


"Also, don't think that just because you spend money on me, it means nothing. If you have the ability, buy a house in Xijiang Yue."    


"Don't pretend to be a big tail wolf in the future. Keep a low profile."    


Zhuh Yuvyuv agreed with this point.    


"That's right. You poor bastard. The money in your pocket is not enough for you to pretend to be a big tail wolf!"    


"If you have the ability, buy a house immediately and let us see it."    


"No problem."    


Bai Yuan originally wanted to buy a house.    


This was exactly what he wanted.    


"Little Missy, I'm going to book the house we talked about just now."    




Chen Feng nodded his head. "That's right."    


"The full version of it?"    


"[That's right.]"    


" Okay, sir, please wait for a moment. "    


The sales lady's eyes were filled with joy.    


This was a villa, worth more than 9 million yuan.    


If Ye Fan could buy it all, she would be able to get a commission of at least tens of thousands.    


This was a huge increase in her life.    


"Am I seeing things? You really want to buy a house?" Zhuh Yuvyuv could not believe it.    


"Of course. Could it be that the sales lady will play with me? " Ye Fan shrugged.    


" Hmph, that must be a small house with a corner. Senior Liu gave it to you?"    


"How shameless. A young man like you actually wants to eat a woman's meal."    


Ye Fan didn't want to explain himself.    


She would naturally understand when she saw the truth later.    


Less than three minutes later.    


The young lady returned.    


She muttered the details of the property and made a final confirmation with Ye Fan.    


"Sir, you want to purchase villa 16 in Xijiang Yue sector, three floors on the ground, one floor underground, the total area of the building is 269 square meters."    


"The third floor is a gift area with a total of 78 square meters. There is also the garden and parking space in front of the door, a total of 150 square meters."    


"About 28,000 square meters per square meter. A total of 9 million yuan. The remaining money will be used for the renovation and the entrance fee..."    


This was the first time Ye Fan bought a house.    


He listened to the introduction very carefully.    


After confirming that it was true, he nodded.    


"No problem. Let's sign the contract and pay now."    




It was written in black and white on the contract.    


At this moment.    


Not to mention Zhuh Yuvyuv, even Bai Xuanxuan was shocked.    


She knew that Ye Fan had won the lottery.    


But according to his way of flower, he would spend it all in a few days.    


Hmph, as expected, he was good at doing nothing.    


What was the use of buying such an expensive house?    


One. Can a person live here?    


How vain.    


If he had known earlier, he would have borrowed some money from him to help him squander.    


"Xuanxuan, let's go."    


Zhuh Yuvyuv did not have the face to stay any longer.    


A house worth nine million yuan was bought without any hesitation.    


How bold was this?    


It was a lie if he wasn't envious.    


She wished she could move into the villa that was more than three hundred square meters.    


"Okay, let's go."    


The two girls left.    


Wang Yiqiao finally couldn't help but feel curious.    


"Mo, why are you so rich? You can actually afford a house worth 9 million."    


Ye Fan smiled.    


"Actually, I'm a rich second generation. I'm going to lay my cards on the table."    


It was obviously a joke, but Wang Yiqiao took it for real.    


"So that's how it is. I just feel that you're not ordinary. You are handsome and have a good temperament. How can you be a pauper?"    




Ye Fan rubbed his nose.    


Boss was really hit hard.    


Otherwise, with his personality, how could he say something like that?    


A scumbag girl's injuries are not shallow.    


Xijiang Yue's properties are all currently available.    


After paying, Ye Fan could directly carry his bag and move in.    


In order to cultivate.    


Ye Fan decided to stay here for the next few days.    


Finally, he could take a look at the cultivation technique Black Mountain Old Demon had sent him.    


He even felt a little excited when he thought about it.    


He opened the Treasure Chest.    


The Nine Circles Golden Dragon Spell lay quietly inside.    


He opened it.    


"'Ding... do you wish to learn the Nine Circles Golden Dragon Spell? '"    




The order was given.    


Ye Fan felt weak all of a sudden, as if his body had been stirred by a meat grinder.    


The intense pain made Ye Fan roll his eyes.    


The veins on his forehead and neck bulged.    


F * ck!    


Isn't this too painful? What's going on?    


Actually, he didn't know that the followers of the Nine Circles Golden Dragon Spell were those who had mastered some lucky techniques.    


Ye Fan was just a little white boy, and he had built a pavilion in the sky.    


Naturally, he had to pay a price that ordinary people couldn't bear.    


Ye Fan's sweat was as dense as rain, and his entire body was trembling violently. He looked like he was about to pass out.    


He curled up on the ground, and white foam appeared at the corner of his mouth.    


Who knew how much pain he was in?    


At this moment.    


A petite figure appeared in Ye Fan's house, quietly searching for something.    



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