Supreme King In City

C1656 Discovery

C1656 Discovery



Chu Hee was secretly shocked when he heard their discussion. Unconsciously, his mind also seemed to be affected by some fluctuations. While he was feeling apprehensive, one of them seemed to suddenly turn sharp. He looked towards Chu Hee's direction with vigilance.    


The icy aura emanated with a powerful aura, and it flew towards them like a sharp sword!    


Chu Hee had already understood in his heart, they had obviously noticed where he was.    


Sensing the powerful force flying towards him, he did not hesitate at all, slapping his palm and releasing a pale golden Spiritual Force. The powerful force directly dispelled the force that was flying towards him. His figure also flew far away, maintaining a certain distance from them!    


Obviously, Chu Hee could no longer hide in such a situation and could only show himself.    


Other than the man who previously fought with Chu Hee, who was currently recuperating with his eyes closed, the other four people all went forward with a vigilant look.    


"I never thought that there would actually be someone who could find this place! It was really out of our expectations! "    


His expression was ice-cold as his gaze drifted over. He obviously did not expect Chu Hee's appearance, but the strong killing intent in his eyes was already unreserved.    


This place was originally their safest place to stay, but now that Chu Hee found out, he definitely couldn't let Chu Hee leave here alive!    


"I never thought that Ruo Feng's men would also be hiding in this kind of place like rats! It's really hard to find! "    


Since Chu Hee had already been discovered by them, he didn't hide anymore and didn't give in to them with his words.    


It was a life-and-death situation between them. Chu Hee knew that the four of them had locked onto him. No matter what he did, they would not let him leave this place alive.    


"A sharp tongue!"    


The four of them seemed to be decisive people as well. Now that they had been discovered, they were even more unwilling to hold anything back. Powerful energy whistled and transformed into a huge palm that descended from the sky. Powerful energy erupted and completely sealed off all paths of retreat for Chu Hee.    


The other three did not stay idle either. Similarly, they brandished their Spiritual Force s from three other sides. As the Spiritual Force s rushed over, their power was not the slightest bit weaker than that giant palm.    


It was obvious that these people did not care about their reputation at all. The impact of such a powerful force was as powerful as if it could topple mountains and overturn seas. No one dared to rashly touch its edge.    


Chu Hee did not dare to be negligent. He knew in his heart that he was not a match for these four people. The feeling of danger was like an intense alarm in his heart.    


As such, he directly activated his Heavenly Jewels, and after a while, a mysterious light flew out from between his eyebrows. That powerful light enveloped his entire body. The mysterious Force Wave Movement also formed an extremely strong defense.    




Just at this moment, four forces simultaneously struck Chu Hee's body. Chu Hee only felt the fire barrier slightly shake and a huge rebound force hit his body, causing him to feel a sweet sensation in his throat. Blood surged out from his heart and he vomited a mouthful of blood.    


Chu Hee knew clearly in his heart that he really had no way to resist the four of them working together!    


"Humph!" You dare to come here alone! "You're courting death!"    


The faces of the four men were also dark and fierce, with a trace of disdain on their faces.    


Clearly, they did not put Chu Hee in their hearts at all!    


Chu Hee's expression did not change at all. With a flash of light, a dense light enveloped him. The Thunder Tiger's wings behind him also expanded quickly. Then, his body turned into a ray of light as he quickly retreated backwards!    


The four of them had already locked onto Chu Hee. Now that they saw him running away so quickly, their faces revealed expressions of disdain.    


"Want to run? With just you? You think you can escape? "    


The four of them urged their Spiritual Force s to chase after him as well.    


Sensing that they had been following him, Chu Hee couldn't help but smile, showing a trace of a mocking smile.    


"I've taken the bait!"    


The Spiritual Force that was swimming in his body did not seem to be harmed in the slightest.    


Although the power from before was extremely strong and the backlash was applied to his body, the strength of his body was not something that ordinary cultivators could compare to. The force of impact poured out. It was able to easily resolve the repulsive force.    


However, Chu Hee knew clearly in his heart that he was no match for the four of them. If the stalemate continued like this, the one who would be injured in the end would be him. He might as well act out a good show with them. This way, he would be able to expose himself and lead the four of them out of the canyon!    


He was already a bit worried and didn't know how to lure the four out of the canyon. Now, it made sense for him to lead them out of the canyon without a single flaw. As long as they left this valley, they would be able to rule this world from the outside! After all, with the chubby old man guarding the perimeter, they would not be able to gain any benefits from the chubby old man!    


Chu Hee's speed was extremely fast, the Strength of Thunder around his body whistled, and even the Strength of Thunder in the fog did not harm him at all.    


They chased after him and in just a short while, they had almost reached the center of the fog. However, the four of them slowed down at this moment.    


"Something's wrong! Could it be that there's an ambush outside? "    


One of them looked to be extremely lean and shrewd, and he seemed to be suspicious. His eyes also flickered, revealing a trace of astuteness.    


Although the others were a bit slower, they still denied his assumption.    


"How is this possible? If someone was with him, wouldn't that mean that he had already brought people to our castle to break into it? He knew that his own strength was no match for the four of us, so he turned around and fled without hesitation! We can't let him leave, otherwise, if this news gets known by others, people from the Fire Temple will come chasing after him, and only then will we ruin Divine King Ruo Feng's plans! This is a responsibility none of us can afford! We need to get rid of him as soon as possible! "    


The other three people were slightly dissatisfied with the skinny man who was blocking their way and quickly increased their speed.    


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