Supreme King In City

C1566 Try It

C1566 Try It

0Try it    


Chu Hee never thought that a powerful warrior who had been famous for a long time would kneel to him and beg for his help.    


Such a situation was something that Chu Hee had never encountered before in the Heaven Realm. After all, men had gold under their knees. In addition, to cultivators, their relationship was extremely indifferent. In fact, there would even be many battles and schemes between relatives. Perhaps it was due to the lack of kindness from others, so under normal circumstances, the probability of such a thing happening was extremely low. Even though Chu Hee knew from Han Bingbing that her parents had a deep relationship with each other, he didn't expect Han Qianshou to do this.    


Han Bingbing seemed to be a little surprised by her father's actions, but she quickly reacted and looked at Chu Hee with a longing gaze.    


Chu Hee had always been someone who wouldn't bite off more than he could chew. He never would have thought that he would be eaten up by the father and daughter pair. Right now he still needed the help of two people to head to the Nine Thunder, even though everything had been stated clearly before, and it was clear as day that the two of them had a request for him, Chu Hee did not know how to refuse.    


"Chu Hee, I know you want to break through to the God Realm. As long as my wife wakes up, maybe she can help you a little!"    


Seeing Chu Hee's hesitation, Han Qianshou pleaded again.    


Chu Hee, who was originally hesitant, seemed to have made up his mind when he heard Ye Zichen's words.    


"Then let's give it a try. But let's say it in advance. Don't blame me if something goes wrong!"    


For Chu Hee, if he wanted to expel the death aura, he had never tried it before. After all, doing this now was more like saving a dead person from death, it was heaven defying, not to mention that he did not even step into the God Realm. There were not enough Vital Strength at that time, so how could it be that easy to dispel the death aura?    


The two of them saw that Chu Hee agreed. Chu Hee's words were vague, but being able to agree to their request made both father and daughter feel extremely excited and excited.    


Chu Hee also allowed the two of them to get out of the way as the Perceptual Strength quickly covered the woman's body. The Perceptual Strength quickly locked onto the deathly aura within her body.    


Based on Chu Hee's current Perceptual Strength, locking onto the location of the death aura was naturally an extremely easy task. However, he could only determine the location. It would not be so easy to expel the aura of death! That kind of power was like sugar, tightly connecting to his body. Even if it was a Vital Strength, it would not be easy for it to dissolve this kind of death aura first. Otherwise, the Vital Strength s from before would have already been dissolved.    


The grey power carried a kind of ancient aura, and although this kind of power was very weak, but just now, when they were in the surroundings, Han Bingbing and Han Bingbing could clearly feel that this kind of power seemed to have greatly affected the power in their bodies, and they could only feel an instinctive kind of suppression, which caused them to involuntarily use their own Spiritual Force s to barely be able to resolve this kind of coercion.    


Such a change caused the two of them to look over in shock.    


Even though Han Qianshou was experienced and knowledgeable, he was still confused by this kind of power! The gaze that looked at Chu Hee had even more confidence!    


Under such circumstances, he could do nothing but try everything he could. There was no other way! After all, Chu Hee was indeed very powerful. In his opinion, perhaps the strong had their own methods to save his wife's life. So, when he saw Chu Hee use that power, he felt a lot more relaxed.    


At least this kind of power was enough to prove that Chu Hee was indeed capable!    


Chu Hee wasn't clear about their thoughts. He could feel that the power of chaos contained in his Space of Rules had all been mobilized by him. Back then, when he was connected to the Chaotic Space in the World Spirit Gate, he was able to control some of the power of chaos. However, with his current strength, the Chaotic Force he controlled was extremely weak. Even though he wanted to absorb the Chaotic Force again, there didn't seem to be any progress under such circumstances. It was obvious that his body was like a container, absorbing the Chaotic Force to a saturation point. If his strength didn't increase further, he wouldn't be able to absorb the Chaotic Force again! Even his Space of Laws was unable to contain any more power of chaos!    


However, because of this, Chu Hee was very sure that the Chaotic Force was not ordinary. There were even many Vital Strength that seemed to have some sort of connection with the Chaotic Force. Even the Vital Strength seemed to be floating in this chaotic land. It was as if the Chaotic Force was the king of all powers.    


Because of this, Chu Hee could only give it a try. Perhaps this Chaotic Force could have the same restraining force against the death aura. After all, other than this method, there were no other effective one! After all, the Vital Strength like that from before could already be considered extremely powerful to this woman. Even so, it could not wake her up.    


Since there was no other way, he could only give it a try!    


The grey Chaotic Force floated in the air, and a terrifying pressure also followed his fingertip and fell onto the woman's body. The terrifying power flowed through the woman's meridians, and under Chu Hee's control, nothing unexpected happened, and Chu Hee's control was very smooth. This situation made Chu Hee feel a lot more relaxed!    


In just a short period of time, that Chaotic Force had reached the place where all of the death aura was gathered.    


Under Chu Hee's Perceptual Strength, all the Chaotic Force floated like an inescapable net that wrapped around the death aura.    


The terrifying pressure caused the deathly aura that was like candy to loosen a bit. All of the power quickly retreated and flowed through the woman's meridians, wanting to avoid Chu Hee's frightening power of chaos.    


It was obvious that although the aura of death did not have any intelligence, this instinctive fear made it different from before, and it did not change at all.    


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