Supreme King In City

C424 Magical Beasts Without Intelligence

C424 Magical Beasts Without Intelligence



After Chu Hee's aura exploded, the Golden Feathered Cloud Flood Dragon that was originally soaring in the air seemed to have seen something terrifying. Its originally ferocious eyes also revealed a sense of dread and fear. He was no longer as vicious as he was before. Instead, he looked like a frightened tiger. Only, his ferocious appearance did not give off a strong aura.    


Even Chu Hee was surprised by the situation that was unfolding in front of him. He never thought that in this Mortal Realm, he would only use his imposing manner and would not even have the chance to fight.    


Chu Hee was somewhat surprised, which also made him have a lot of confidence in killing this Golden Feathered Cloud Flood Dragon.    


After all, the Monarch's pressure was with him, and it would not change. If the Golden Feather Cloud Flood Dragon was that fearful, then he could also use this opportunity to gain quite a bit of advantage. He hoped that he would be able to gain quite a bit of advantage in the upcoming battles.    


After all, morale was down, so the loss would be locked on. Moreover, although they were human and beast, the difference in strength between them wasn't too great. Coupled with the fact that the Golden Feathered Cloud Flood Dragon was injured like this, there was no way it could have changed much.    


Therefore, after hesitating for a moment, Chu Hee was also very excited. After all, this sort of unforeseen event would allow him to gain quite a bit of advantage in his future battles.    


Previously, in the Heaven Realm, although his imposing manner had a great effect on Devil Beast, it was only directed at Devil Beast weaker than himself. "After all, those Devil Beast already possessed Sagacity. When a normal cultivation Devil Beast's strength level reached a certain level, they could even transform into a human. Their battle strength was twice that of an ordinary cultivator.    


Even those Devil Beast that could not morph into humans had many differences from one's imposing might. After all, people like him, who only possessed an imposing manner, did not have true strength to suppress others. There were even more Devil Beast who could be differentiated from one another.    


There were very few Devil Beast that were as fearful as the Golden Feathered Cloud Flood Dragon. As a result, Chu Hee was unable to determine whether the Devil Beast was truly afraid or was a trap set up due to severe injuries.    


After all, to Chu Hee, once he had Devil Beast, they were no weaker than humans. Furthermore, they were extremely cunning. Even if they set up some traps, it might not be impossible for them to do so.    


No matter what, Chu Hee would never relax or underestimate them. Even if his opponent was only a low-ranked Devil Beast, he had deeply experienced this in the past three thousand years in Heaven Realm. It was a habit that had long been carved into his bones.    


Even if he returned to the Mortal Realm …    


Chu Hee wouldn't be relaxed or at ease either. Everything needed to be repeated. Even if he had his previous experiences in the Heaven Realm and was able to avoid detours, in the Mortal Realm, the spirit energy was already extremely weak. Adding to the fact that these Devil Beast were scarce, even if he was able to kill a few of them, it would not be enough to make up for the lack of spirit energy.    


Furthermore, with his current strength, he would not be able to hunt higher level Devil Beast. Therefore, it would not be of much use to him. Furthermore, this kind of treasure was also extremely rare. Even Pill s were extremely rare and expensive. If he wasn't self-sufficient, he probably wouldn't be able to recover to his current state in such a short time.    


And it wasn't as if there weren't any experts present within this Mortal Realm. Moreover, his current level was different from the boundaries of Heaven Realm, so he needed to sense the difference carefully. However, Chu Hee could already feel the presence of crouching tigers and hidden dragons in the academy. Even in this situation where resources were scarce, there were still many people who became dragons and phoenixes in this world!    


Because of these comparisons, the pressure around him made Chu Hee more certain that he had to increase his strength as soon as possible without any delays or unforeseen circumstances. He didn't want any more accidents to happen.    


After entering the academy for only a short period of time, he had already encountered wave after wave of unforeseen events. If he did not eliminate all these difficulties and the people who had targeted him or intimidate those people, he would naturally not allow Chu Shan to enter without worry.    


As long as he could participate in the academy's Large Competition after this experiential learning, win the final victory, protect the academy's face at the end, and protect the academy's glory as the number one cultivation school in the empire, it would be a lot of time before Chu Hee would enter the academy. Then he would be able to reunite with his family, at least for the time being.    


Chu Hee was also quietly waiting for the Devil Beast to reveal its weak point. After all, this was just a situation, so he couldn't completely tell if the Devil Beast was truly afraid to ask or to pretend.    


Therefore, Chu Hee did not wait for the Golden Feather Cloud's next attack. Chu Hee was the first to strike out and the Spiritual Energy on his palm roared as it rushed out towards the Golden Feather Cloud Dragon.    






What surprised Chu Hee was that after he struck out, the originally strong and ferocious Golden-feathered Cloud Dragon did not switch hands. It only quickly retreated, but unfortunately, Chu Hee's palm still landed on its body.    


It was pushed back more than a meter back by the force of the impact.    


However, this result made Chu Hee feel incredulous. Even he found it hard to say anything. Under the flow of his gaze, he suddenly felt that his suspicion from before had been dispelled.    


This Devil Beast seemed to really be afraid of him! However, due to the fluctuations of his powerful aura, his Spiritual Energy was extremely weak. It was obvious that there was a huge gap between it and such a powerful aura. If it was a human, they would have recognized that it was just an exaggeration to have such strength!    


Unfortunately, the Golden Feather Cloud Flood Dragon in front of him was clearly a Devil Beast without any Sagacity. It was only able to sense the other party's strength through its aura. Chu Hee also gained a lot of advantage from having this kind of perception. With the current situation, even Chu Hee wouldn't have any chance of losing!    


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