Supreme King In City

C1737 Elves

C1737 Elves



Chu Hee was also dumbfounded. He never thought that Wisp would take such a detour and not be able to reveal the answer in the end. It was as if it had explained everything that had happened, and now it had lost the key! This feeling was extremely uncomfortable!    


After all, even though he had unraveled the mystery, in the end, something went wrong.    


Wisp seemed to feel a little awkward and an embarrassed smile appeared in his cunning eyes. "This time, I really didn't lie to you. I really don't know the exact time." After all, only the Goddess of the Elven race has the right to know about these days. However, the Goddess Elves were the most noble existences and would not easily leave the Elven Forest. Even Divine King couldn't easily step into the Elven Forest and barge into it. Even we elves do not know the exact date. If you want the power of seven stars, then you can only go to the Elven Forest to get Elf Goddess's approval and you will then know the exact date. "    


After such a long time, he naturally knew the vastness of this realm. However, he had never known that there were Elves in this world, so he was quite surprised to hear what Wisp said today.    


After all, in the entire Level 1 Interface, it seemed that no one had ever seen the appearance of the Elves. Moreover, this Elf looked very cute and did not have any killing power.    


"Why have I never heard of the elves before?"    


Wisp also glared at Chu Hee as if he had seen through Chu Hee's thoughts, "Don't think that we elves look down on us just because we don't have powerful strength, okay? We know Mind Reading! More importantly, even if we don't have powerful strength, the talent bestowed to us by the heavens and earth is unrivalled. Even Wu Tie's power has no restriction on us, no one can catch up to us! Unless the elves are willing! It's just that we've never harmed anyone! Is this not considered powerful? "    


Chu Hee's mind was seen through, so he was clearly embarrassed. He repeated his previous question, "Since all of you are so powerful, why haven't I heard about your Elven race before?"    


"We are Elves after all, alright?" Who do you think we are? We are the living beings of this world, and in other words, the world is our parents! How could ordinary cultivators like you know about us? Moreover, humans are cunning and unpredictable. If they were to know about the existence of our Elven race, it would bring us a great disaster instead! Therefore, under normal circumstances, we, the Elven race, would never easily show ourselves! "    


Chu Hee looked at him again as he spoke like this. It seemed like he understood what he meant.    


"You must ask, since you do not easily appear, how did you manage to see me?"    


Chu Hee seemed to be already used to his Mind Reading, so he nodded his head heavily and looked expectantly at the little elf. For some reason, he seemed to like this little elf more and more!    


"You got Ruo Feng's seal earlier and he sealed me here. Coincidentally, you also broke the seal and saved me from danger. We elves know how to repay favors! Naturally, I have to repay you as well! So, I showed up to see you! "    




Hearing Wisp's answer, Chu Hee looked at him strangely, "Didn't you say that no one can catch you if you want to escape? "Even if it's Divine King, it's impossible for him to succeed!"    


Wisp's cunning expression also changed slightly. Obviously, Chu Hee's question also confused him. This question made him feel especially awkward.    


Therefore, Wisp muttered, "In principle! Aren't these people often walking by the river? Don't they have wet shoes? Who told Ruo Feng to be so cunning, and because my Mind Reading technique was not stronger than refining, I was unable to read his mind and was deceived by him in an instant! That was why he had sealed it here! Forget about the past! "    


Chu Hee was even more curious when he saw Chu Hee's evasive look.    


"How the hell did he get you?"    


After all, from the moment he came into contact with Little Fairy, he could feel that she was extremely cunning. From the very beginning, he had also fooled himself, so Chu Hee was extremely eager to know the reason why Little Fairy was tricked by Ruo Feng!    


Wisp didn't expect Chu Hee to ask so many questions. Although he looked extremely embarrassed, he still answered Chu Hee with a displeased tone, "He made people make delicious pastries! I really can't stand the temptation of that smell, so I was deceived by him and fell into his trap! "    


Wisp's unhappy and embarrassed look made him even more adorable.    


Chu Hee couldn't help but smile, "To think that the elves with high intelligence that are hard to catch would be lured to this place by the pastries! You're the first! "    


Perhaps it was to not excite the little elf more, so Chu Hee tried his best to suppress his laughter.    


Wisp was obviously infuriated by Chu Hee's words. On her petite face, her big eyes were filled with anger.    


"Have you said enough? I didn't expect you to be like Ruo Feng, an ingrate! "    




Wisp's words made Chu Hee feel helpless. He didn't expect that a single sentence would anger this cute elf. He could only stop smiling and return back to the topic at hand.    


Although Wisp's words were clearly spoken, he didn't have any hostility towards Angele's attitude. It seemed like it was also to tease him!    


"Alright, I won't be making fun of you anymore! Can you tell me where the Elven Forest is? I want to obtain the power of seven stars, and quickly raise my strength to the Divine King realm! Only with this kind of strength can Ruo Feng and I have the strength to fight back! I will definitely avenge you when the time comes! "    


Chu Hee understood in his heart that this Little Fairy also had a great grudge against Ruo Feng. It was evident that they did not like Ruo Feng's craftiness.    


Wisp was obviously very satisfied with Chu Hee's words, so the discontent in his heart was appeased.    


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