Charming Lust



0The more Wang Hu thought about it, the more he felt that this was the case. The reason why Zhao Xioulan was guarding this house was because she wanted to follow Gu Dacheng and live the rest of his life, but a slut like Liu Ting came out of nowhere.    


It was such a cold autumn day that Zhao Xioulan didn't even want to use hot water, but Liu Ting was having fun with her husband outside.    


Wang Hu was so angry that he couldn't sleep.    


Tomorrow, Liu Ting would return to the city with Gu Dacheng and perhaps urge him to do some dirty work. He had to get an explanation for Zhao Xioulan. Thinking of this, Wang Hu got up and ran off in the direction of Old Liu's house.    


When they arrived at the door, Wang Hu was emboldened to knock on it.    


"Who is it? It's so late at night."    


It was Liu Ting's voice. Wang Hu puffed out his chest as he waited for Liu Ting to open the door.    


However, the moment the door opened, Wang Hu's toughness was instantly destroyed by the scene before him.    


What Liu Ting did in the city was beautiful hair. Her style of dressing was much more exotic than the girls of the same age in the village. She wore a lace nightgown, and came out after covering herself with a shawl.    


The nightgown was very close-fitting, showing Liu Ting's exquisite figure in full detail, especially the touch of delicateness on her chest, like two snowy mountains. Along with Liu Ting's shallow breathing, it slowly moved, as if it was about to burst out.    


Her slender legs seemed to have a light of their own in the hazy night. The nightgown was not short, but Liu Ting was taller, just a bit over her buttocks.    


Wang Hu couldn't move his eyes away at that moment. He almost forgot what he was here for as he stared intently at Liu Ting's beautiful body.    


"What are you looking at?"    


Liu Ting discovered that Wang Hu's eyes seemed to want to grow on her, so she wrapped the shawl around himself.    


However, he didn't know if Liu Ting did it intentionally or not. What was supposed to be covered was not completely covered, but instead raised the half-revealed white flower in front of her even higher. The gap in the middle had turned into a deep ravine.    


"What, you came here just to get lucky?"    


Listening to her words, Liu Ting didn't have any intention of getting angry.    


"Who? Who's going to take advantage of you? What are you going to look at?"    


Wang Hu swallowed his saliva, but he still remained stubborn.    


"What's there to be embarrassed about? Do you want to touch it?"    


Liu Ting walked closer to Wang Hu and whispered into his ear. The warm air rushed toward Wang Hu's neck. Wang Hu was startled and took a step back.    


"What are you trying to hide for? If you don't touch her, I'll tell everyone about the ugly things that happened between you and Zhao Xioulan."    


"What nonsense are you talking about? She's my sister-in-law."    


Wang Hu did not expect Liu Ting to drag Zhao Xiulian into it.    


"Don't think that I don't know. You just have to run to the Gu family every few days. If you have nothing to do, you just watch as Zhao Xioulan falls into a trance and says that no one will believe you two."    


Liu Ting raised her chin and spoke with confidence.    


"I'm warning you, don't talk nonsense."    


"Huzi, I know you used to like me, but now you should be happy if you touch me. If you don't, don't blame me for telling Gu Dacheng about you and Zhao Xiulian and whether or not Zhao Xiulian will still have the face to stay in this village."    


Gu Dacheng originally wanted to blame this on himself, but he was just worried that he wouldn't have the chance. If Liu Ting's bullshit spread out, the white one would turn into a black one.    


"Are you trying to make me look bad? Not only can you take advantage of me, I can also help you keep your secret. It won't be a loss to you, otherwise, I can only tell you Big Brother Dacheng and the villagers ?"    


Liu Ting caressed Wang Hu's cheek. Wang Hu quivered again. This matter was not good for Zhao Xiulian. It didn't matter what she touched, she wouldn't be at a disadvantage.    


Wang Hu slowly raised his trembling hands and stared at the two large bowls on Liu Ting's chest. Just as they were about to fall, Liu Ting opened Wang Hu's hands with a "pa" sound.    


Wang Hu was startled and was unable to recover for a moment.    


"You really dare to touch me? You toad, your thoughts are actually on me. Why don't you take a piss and see what kind of virtue you have? Hurry up and f * ck off."    


Liu Ting had already wrapped her shawl around her body. She no longer had that attitude toward Wang Hu and her face instantly became gloomy.    


Wang Hu was momentarily at a loss for words. All he could hear was Liu Ting cursing at him.    


However, just as she was about to retort, Liu Ting turned around and entered the courtyard. She forcefully pushed the door open and almost smashed Wang Hu's nose.    


After returning home, Wang Hu was even more vexed. He originally wanted to clarify things with Liu Ting, but he didn't expect that he would be played by her.    


For Gu Dacheng to be bewitched by this kind of woman, he reckoned that she was a small marten and was definitely not a good person.    


However, he had to tell Zhao Xiulian about it tomorrow. Wang Hu believed that he had to let her know what kind of person Gu Dacheng was.    


The next morning, Wang Hu got up. It was almost ten o'clock. Wang Cuiping had already left for the city, so she did not have time to eat. Wang Hu hurriedly went to Zhao Xiulian's home.    


Gu Dacheng should have returned to the city by now. Zhao Xiulian was left alone in the yard, busying herself.    


"Hu Zi is here. Come in quickly. Aunt Wang must have left for the gathering in the city today. Stay here for lunch."    


Zhao Xiulian saw Wang Hu standing at the door, beckoning him to enter the courtyard while she set up the utensils.    


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