Charming Lust



0His two bodies that had just cooled down started to heat up again.    


Wang Hu slowly lifted Zhao Xiulian's body. From his legs to his front, his hands had never touched her final line of defense. He had promised not to take the final step, and he was afraid that he would lose control of himself.    


Zhao Xiulian could feel all the pleasure Wang Hu could bring by lying on her body.    


Zhao Xiulian was not as nervous as she was when it came to actual combat. She hummed happily.    


Hearing Zhao Xiulian's voice, Wang Hu was even more excited. He grabbed one of her long legs and rubbed it against his own body with his slippery knees.    


It was the same with Zhao Xiulian. The two of them intertwined and used their own methods to obtain the items from each other.    


Touching Zhao Xiulian's smooth back, Wang Hu's palm gradually sunk deeper into the ground.    


As he paced back and forth, Wang Hu became more and more fond of Zhao Xiulian's body. It was so soft that it made people unable to stop.    


Looking at Zhao Xioulan's delicate shoulder, Wang Hu gently bit on it with his teeth.    


"Hu Zi."    


Zhao Xiulian felt her body getting hot and wet. Her body began to tremble as she arched her body. She could not help but call out Wang Hu's name.    


The strength of Wang Hu's words gradually increased. When Zhao Xiulian immediately felt the pain, Wang Hu once again slowed down his strength. Listening to Zhao Xiulian calling him made her feel even stronger.    


After a while, Zhao Xiulian's eyes started to blur from her shoulders to her neck.    


The two of them tightly embraced each other, and the ambiguous atmosphere in the room started to rampage wildly, until both of them were released at the same time.    


Zhao Xiulian pulled her leg back. Wang Hu had made it sticky, giving it a masculine appearance.    


Wang Hu felt somewhat embarrassed. He had originally wanted to move to the side himself, but he was unable to control himself.    


Looking at the crystal clear skin of Zhao Xiulian's leg, the fine beads of sweat on it and the traces of himself on it, Wang Hu couldn't bear to look away. He suddenly had an idea. He didn't want Zhao Xiulian to wipe it clean.    


However, Zhao Xiulian's actions had shattered his fantasies.    


Zhao Xioulan pulled a tissue and quickly wiped her legs clean. Wang Hu felt a little disappointed.    


Zhao Xiulian, who was wearing clothes and pants, seemed to be able to read Wang Hu's mind. She patted him and put the tissue into her pocket.    


To Wang Hu, this was a fatal blow.    


More than half of Zhao Xiulian's shirt had been ripped off by Wang Hu. The scene of her chest was exposed to the outside. She couldn't wear it anymore, so she blamed Wang Hu in a soft voice. It was all because of him.    


Wang Hu smiled as he scratched his head. In that situation, who could still control his hand and not completely tear the clothes into pieces? Wang Hu felt that he had shown mercy.    


However, he couldn't allow her to leave like that. Wang Hu picked up a coat and draped it over her shoulders, then wrapped his arms around her once more.    


Wang Hu did not do anything. He just quietly held onto Zhao Xiulian. Zhao Xiulian, on the other hand, felt that this action was even more heart-rending than before.    


"I have to go back. Aunt Wang should be back soon."    


Zhao Xiulian looked at the time and broke free from Wang Hu's embrace, afraid that Wang Cuiping would come back and see her.    


Normally, it didn't matter much when he sent her home, but now, Zhao Xiulian was so afraid that she wouldn't budge at all. Wang Hu couldn't beat her, so Zhao Xiulian quickly returned home, leaving no one behind.    


When Zhao Xioulan got home, she changed out of the torn clothes inside. In her hands, she was still holding Wang Hu's jacket.    


Wang Hu was not sloppily dressed. His clothes were very clean and there was a faint smell of washing powder on them. Zhao Xiulian was reluctant to put them down.    


Looking at the shirt on the brick bed with the collar open, Zhao Xioulan thought about what had happened at Wang Hu's house and felt confused.    


When the two of them were together, Zhao Xiulian's heart was filled with anticipation, so she didn't have to force herself. She felt very warm inside.    


After that, whenever Wang Hu hugged her, her heart would beat rapidly. The palpitations in her heart could not fool others, but Zhao Xiulian was still afraid.    


She didn't dare to imagine what it would be like if the two of them took the final step. Would they really be able to have each other without any fear? Zhao Xiulian wasn't sure.    


However, she was already somewhat reliant on Wang Hu. She was more used to Wang Hu appearing by her side at any time and place. It was as if the part in her heart where Gu Dacheng had been hollowed out had been filled up and overflowed by Wang Hu, filling up her heart to the brim.    


Wang Hu was always able to bring her to many areas that Gu Dacheng had never brought her into before. There was novelty, happiness, and occasionally, bitterness. Zhao Xiulian gradually began to find the dull life in the village interesting.    


However, if the two of them continued like this, what would happen? Zhao Xioulan could not predict what would happen next. She did not dare to think about what would happen in the future.    


After Zhao Xiulian left, Wang Hu cleaned up the room. However, he was reluctant to move where Zhao Xiulian had been. He wanted to keep the smell of Zhao Xiulian longer.    


He tore off a piece of cloth from her clothes and put it together with what she had given him. He suddenly felt that he was not only infatuated with her, but also with everything she had touched.    


He might be insane, but he liked the feeling of going crazy because of Zhao Xiulian.    


That night, Zhao Xiulian passed her days with some worries, but Wang Hu slept soundly. When he woke up in the morning, he went to Zhao Xiulian's home.    


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