Supplier of Heaven

C66 Adequacy

C66 Adequacy

0Eight million four hundred thousand? Damn, I never thought that Chen Family people would be able to sell Beauty Pill at such a sky-high price.    


"Mr. Zheng Kai, I'm so envious of you. You were able to get so much money when you were at home, but we still ran all over the place. How about you support me?"    


"Cough cough, Miss Chen is joking, how can I afford to take care of you? Your Chen Clan has an extremely large business, I still have no way of relying on you. "    


"Aiyo, Mr Zheng Kai, I'd rather let you take care of me and stop gossiping. Why are you still trying to get us some Beauty Pill? It's all sold out here."    


When Zheng Kai heard the Beauty Pill being sold so fiercely, he thought that since they could be sold, they must be able to sell other Pill. Giving it to the Chen Clan was indeed much better than selling it himself, he should get some different Pill so he could earn more money.    


"Alright, alright, alright, I'll go back and get the Beauty Pill. Also, I'll tell you another good news, my family's secret recipe does not only have the Pill, there are other types of Pill as well."    


When Chen Yingxue heard Zheng Kai's words, she was pleasantly surprised.    


"That's great! Quickly tell me what kind of Pill they are, I am extremely curious. "    


"Miss Chen, don't worry, the Pill I'm talking about is still in the secret formula. I have not developed it yet, but the possibility of it being developed is very high. If it can be developed, then the effects of this kind of Pill could be said to cure all illnesses!"    


There was another cry of alarm from the other end of the phone.    


"What?" Solving all diseases! "Isn't this too magical, I wonder what your ancestor does exactly?"    


"Hehe, don't be too happy too early. I'm talking about successfully developing it and I only have a secret recipe but I don't have any techniques. Even so, it's only half complete and the effects are only half of what it was before."    


Chen Yingxue asked.    


"Prolonging lifespan? That's pretty good too. But why is it an incomplete product? Is it because your research conditions are not good? In that case, we can cooperate. We will give you the best conditions. "    


Zheng Kai heard Chen Yingxue ask so many questions, of course he couldn't answer her. Besides, the Beauty Pill had already attracted so much attention, if he took out other Pill, then it might bring about unnecessary trouble.    


However, Zheng Kai was in urgent need of money, so he couldn't not sell the Pill. It seemed like he could only lower the effects of the Pill.    


"Miss Chen, it's not because of these external factors, but because of my Pill secret formula, many of the required medicinal herbs are extinct, so I can only find a replacement herb. However, the medicinal effects are definitely not as strong as the original formula."    


Chen Yingxue sighed softly after hearing Zheng Kai's words.    


"Sigh!" It's a pity, but the effect of being able to extend one's lifespan is pretty amazing, can you tell me more specifically about the use of this Pill? "    


"Miss Chen, I'm sorry, but it's not convenient for me to say it right now. How about this, I'll develop it in a few days and invite you out after I've taken the sample. We'll talk face to face."    


"Alright, remember to hurry up, your Beauty Pill is gone too."    


Chen Yingxue reminded Zheng Kai:    


"Yes, I will get some Beauty Pill."    


With that, Zheng Kai hung up. After that, he left Qiu Hua's house, feeling elated that he could get whatever he wanted. Now, he had almost 10 million yuan, ah, 10 million. This was a sum that he had never dared to even think about before.    


With Qiu Hua's design, sales, and Elder Sister Chang'e's shop in Immortal Realm, all he needed now was a factory to produce clothing. As long as the factory was in place, he could open a clothing store in the mortal world and Immortal Realm.    


However, where could Zheng Kai go to find such a factory? If Zheng Kai invested more money to build a factory, then he wouldn't have enough money.    


Zheng Kai was depressed when he thought about how he was complacent and then worried about money in the blink of an eye.    


Zheng Kai walked back gloomily. He thought about where he should go to get more money. When he walked past a crossroad, he suddenly heard a voice from behind him:    


"Robbery! Someone come quickly!"    


Then, with a "sou" sound, a person holding a lady's handbag ran over from behind. Zheng Kai heard the shout and tripped that person over without thinking.    


Immediately, he stepped forward and kicked again. The person on the ground screamed miserably, Zheng Kai picked up his bag and looked at the person who fell down: "Huh? Why is it him! "    


At this moment, heavy breathing came from behind. Zheng Kai turned around and looked back. It was a woman in her forties. She looked well-dressed.    


"Thank you. Phew, little brother."    


The woman panted and said:    


"Hehe, don't worry about it. For a just and brave man, this is your bag?"    


Zheng Kai said to her.    


"Yes, little brother, I was just walking on the side of the road when he suddenly snatched my bag from behind me. It's all thanks to you."    


"It's okay, this is what I should do."    


It turned out that this person was the one that Fann Zihua, the chairman of the Big River Corporation, had sent to Zheng Kai's shop to steal from them. It was just that this person was under Fann Zihua, why did he become a robber now?    


Zheng Kai squatted down and said:    


"Aren't you under Fann Zihua? Why are you here? Could it be that he can't even afford to have his own subordinates?"    


That person looked at Zheng Kai in surprise and said:    


"Who are you and why are you meddling? Be careful that I don't kill you! "    


"Oh, he's pretty arrogant."    


Zheng Kai kicked him hard again, stepped on one of his hands and said:    


"You don't need to know who I am. I have a few questions for you, you just need to answer honestly."    


Zheng Kai stepped on his hand again as he said that.    


"Aiyo, forgive me, but I was wrong. What are you asking me? I'm asking you!"    


Under Zheng Kai's severe punishment, he answered every question. It turned out that after Zheng Kai ordered Zhou Family to capture Zhao Zhi last time, Fann Zihua also lost his backer, and with the evidence of Fann Zihua's crimes provided by Zheng Kai, the Big River Corporation declared bankruptcy and mortgaged many industries under their name. The people under Fann Zihua were also like monkeys in the water, even the clothing factory where this person worked was mortgaged.    


After listening to his words, Zheng Kai knew that his original clothing factory was facing bankruptcy. The owner of the factory was a distant relative of Fann Zihua, and he was looking everywhere for someone who could buy the factory.    


It just so happened that Zheng Kai needed a clothing factory. Although the benefits of this factory weren't great, Zheng Kai didn't need him to benefit much, because he was targeting the gods of Heaven Realm and Qiu Hua's clothes, he just needed his production capacity.    



Zheng Kai asked for his contact information from the boss of the clothing factory. At this time, the police also came. Without Zheng Kai saying anything, the woman explained the situation to the police.    


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