Supplier of Heaven

C118 A Car Show Was in Full Swing

C118 A Car Show Was in Full Swing

0"Let's start quickly. It's almost time, we can't wait any longer."    


Just when Zheng Kai was thinking if he could start, a voice sounded by his ear and a group of deities, who were waving their tickets, started shouting at the same time.    


"That's right, that's right. Hurry up and start. Stop dawdling."    


"Damn it, we've covered hundreds of thousands of miles and came here on purpose. If we don't start now, I'll get angry."    


"Tsk, hundreds of thousands of miles is nothing. Did you say anything at all about tens of millions of miles?"    


"That's right, how dare you call us over for hundreds of thousands of miles?"    


The exhibition hadn't even officially started. Under the bombardment of the advertisements, many immortals had rushed over and squeezed the square so tightly that even hundreds of thousands of people were unable to enter.    


There were even some anxious immortals that flew up and started to shout loudly.    


To think that so many people would come for the first exhibition, and this was only the first day. The exhibition would take more than just one day, and in the next few days, there would definitely be more immortals gathering from all over the place.    


With so many deities coming over, even though there weren't many that could afford a car, Taibai Golden Star was still so happy that his mouth couldn't close.    


The reason was simple. Zheng Kai followed the mortal world's rules and sold tickets to all the deities who entered the car exhibition. Visits were not allowed without tickets.    


Although the price of a ticket wasn't too high, it was still easy to buy a ticket even if the deity couldn't afford a car. But they couldn't hold the numbers. A single ticket, even if it only cost a hundred contribution points. With so many immortals and hundreds of thousands of people, there would definitely be even more. How many contribution points would there be in the next few days? Several hundred million? Billions? Even billions?    


"Hahaha, it seems like everyone is getting impatient. Let's start."    


Just the price of the tickets alone was enough to make Taibai Golden Star's hands cramp up. Not to mention the upcoming car sales. Such astonishing profits made the kind Taibai Golden Star smile like a Maitreya Buddha.    


Looking at the surging crowd in front of him and listening to their complaints, Taibai Golden Star also turned around and said to Zheng Kai.    


Taibai Golden Star's request was just in line with Wu Junyi's wishes. He couldn't wait to start earlier so that he could earn some money. Zheng Kai also hurriedly nodded and said with a serious expression.    


"Alright, begin."    


Seeing that Zheng Kai also nodded in agreement, Taibai Golden Star's smile became even wider. He turned his head and waved at a steward, who eagerly rushed over and ordered him.    


"Yes, Supreme Immortal."    


After hearing Taibai Golden Star's order, that manager politely agreed and then quickly ran out to make preparations.    


Bang, bang, bang.    


As the order to start the exhibition was passed on, dozens of ceremonial cannons appeared out of thin air.    


After the gunfire, a series of ceremonies, such as cutting the ribbon and the Leader's speech, followed the rules of the mortal world.    


Obviously, as the rulers of Heaven Realm, even though Jade Emperor and Three Purities were not used to this kind of situation, after seeing himself finished talking, the deities below cheered, Jade Emperor, the Queen Mother, and even the usually calm Martial Ancestor of Three Purities were all flushed red with pride. The brilliant smiles on their faces never faded.    


Seeing that they were so happy, Taibai Golden Star also looked at Zheng Kai with astonishment. He joked, "Brat, I didn't know that you could kiss ass like that. Just by talking to you, you made Jade Emperor and the Three Purities Martial Ancestor so happy."    


Towards Taibai Golden Star's praise, Zheng Kai only smiled shyly and stopped boasting about himself.    


After the Leader finished his speech, it was naturally a literary performance. The exhibition of cars began. At this time, the power of the modern dance that Zheng Kai had created in the mortal world was fully demonstrated.    


Some of the deities were anxiously watching the car as they swarmed the room. Most of the deities, however, were attracted by the stunning group of deities on stage, as well as the new clothes they were wearing, and more importantly, their performance.    


"Oh wow, Fellow Daoist, what sort of song are these fairies performing? It's as if we've never seen them before."    


"I don't know. I've never seen it either."    


"Neither did I."    


"Heh, you don't need to say it. Although I've never seen it before, this dance is truly beautiful. It is full of vitality and the song is also very nice to listen to. I feel like singing and dancing with you all the time."    


"That's right, that's right."    


Standing in front of the stage and watching the performance of the deities on the stage, and listening to the rhythmic melody, the deities couldn't help but discuss with each other. Some of them were even deeply intoxicated, and couldn't help but sing along, jumping up and down.    




Zheng Kai couldn't help but feel proud when he saw the performance of these deities.    


Being attracted by the novelty of cars, the immortals who traveled thousands of miles to attend the exhibition were naturally not stubborn, rotten or conservative old men. Since they were so interested in cars, which was a modern technology, they naturally accepted this new style of singing and dancing performances.    


Due to the clothing store in front of them, the fairies who were currently performing wore clothes, so they were no longer seen as outstandingly dressed. Coupled with Zheng Kai's choice for them, which was full of youthful energy and moving energy, the fairies' performances had captured many spectators from the very beginning.    


"Hehe, the material life is constantly improving, smart civilization needs to keep up."    


Looking at these deities who looked like they were drunk on the stage, Zheng Kai couldn't help but think in his heart, "First, I'll nurture you guys up. Then, after this car show, I can also start other aspects of my plans, such as the music, dancing, and other modifications to the Heavenly Court. I can even start an entertainment company to nurture my own celebrities."    


The meal had to be eaten mouthful by mouthful, and the journey had to be made step by step. This car show was a great opportunity for Zheng Kai to experiment a lot of new things. From the looks of it, this experiment was quite successful. These deities had a very strong ability to accept, so Zheng Kai's plan in the future would be relatively easy to carry out.    


Seeing the intoxicated looks on the faces of the deities, Zheng Kai also smiled and said to Taibai Golden Star, "Let's go. Immortal, let's go to the car showroom to take a look."    


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