Supplier of Heaven



0Her hair was flowing like a waterfall, and her waist was exquisite. Looking at her face, Zheng Kai was not only stunned, he then remembered: "Why do all these women look the same?"    


"This is said to be the bad taste of some big boss, but luckily they are all very pleasing to the eyes, so don't bother so much with it." Mao Bayi said.    


"Country bumpkin." A sneer floated in from the side.    


Zheng Kai looked towards the source of the voice. A feminine looking man was standing there with a glass of wine in his hand and a few people following behind him. It was obvious that the man was from the month of the Moon in the hearts of the masses.    


"That is Zhang Yilong, the son of the Sect Leader of Dragon Tiger Mountain Sect."    


When Mao Bayi explained the man's identity, Wu Junyi immediately understood why he was so arrogant.    


Then, Mao Bayi added awkwardly: "He's always been against me."    


So it turned out to be hatred.    


Zheng Kai asked Mao Bayi in a low voice: "What kind of physique is this? Why do I have enemies everywhere I go? "    


Mao Bayi's face turned red, and said: "I don't know, when I was young, my elders liked me the most, and my little friends played with me pretty well, but ever since my Cultivation Level entered the Refinement Stage, these grown up little friends suddenly looked at me with hostility."    


"If you enter the Refinement Stage, what about them?" Zheng Kai asked.    


"They didn't, but later on they all entered the Refinement Stage, and they were a few years later than me. It was also very fast." Mao Bayi answered.    


Didn't he already understand this very clearly? You don't know yet. Zheng Kai was so slow with Mao Bayi that he could no longer speak.    


"Forget it, lead the way. Let's pay a visit to those masters first." Zheng Kai said weakly.    


Mao Bayi nodded and brought Zheng Kai inside.    


At the very end of the banquet, there was a circle of seats. This seat was specially reserved for those with high expectations in the industry.    


Mao Bayi and Zheng Kai arrived with more than ten people inside. These people were all different. Some looked smooth and youthful, only seventeen or eighteen years old. Some looked like they had just climbed out of a coffin, their faces covered in ravines and were ashen green.    


Mao Bayi had explained to him that everyone who was able to sit here was at least 180 years old.    


Zheng Kai was very confident and looked calm on the surface, but he didn't seem to be afraid at all.    


He said hello to the crowd. The first impression was unanimously praised.    


"Number Eight One, are you going to send them out from Mao Mountain? An independent door? " An elder of the Shadow Mountain Faction asked.    


"No," Mao Bayi waved his hand and said, "I was hired by Elder Brother Zheng. This is my boss, Zheng Kai."    


"Oh, Bayi, I heard that your Mao Mountain Sect hasn't been peaceful recently and hasn't sent even a single person over." An elder of the Shadow Mountain Faction asked.    


Junior, just a few days ago, I sent my sister back, everything in the sect is good, but the Mao Mountain are very busy, so it is real that no one has been sent here, thank you elder for your concern. Mao Bayi said respectfully.    


"So that's how it is. I heard that your Cultivation Level is gone, and now that I look at your aura, not only do you have your Cultivation Level, you have it even more advanced than before. As expected, you're one of the best among the younger generation." An elder of the Shadow Mountain Faction said.    


"There has indeed been a small mistake in training. However, with the support of the elders of the sect, this junior has been fortunate and benefited from this misfortune. Thank you for your concern, elder. This junior will naturally concentrate on training." Mao Bayi said.    


"That's good too, little friend Zheng. We just joined the guild. Bayi, take him to get familiar with him. Also, let's wait for his performance. It's a rare opportunity to observe." An elder of the Shadow Mountain Faction said.    


"Yes." Mao Bayi replied.    


These people completely treated Zheng Kai as air. They said hi to Mao Bayi and chased him away. Zheng Kai was indignant in his heart, but he held it in.    


Zheng Kai followed Mao Bayi around the venue for a round and got to know quite a few of his peers. After one round, Zheng Kai's knowledge had also increased. There were all kinds of people in the ghost catching industry, as well as a few oddly-shaped ones.    


Among them, the most normal person that Zheng Kai met was the young master of Longhu Mountain whom he had met before.    


Oh, why not Mao Bayi? It was very simple. This fella was carrying a huge peach wood sword on his back, which he said was the symbol of his master. Today, he had two identities, one representing himself and one representing his master.    


The other people had more props than Mao Bayi, some of them were even dressed like a Christmas tree.    


Zheng Kai was helpless and didn't even bother to complain.    


Zheng Kai was shuttling around the venue out of boredom. Suddenly, the broadcast sounded and the entire venue quieted down.    


"Respected guests, we welcome all of you to participate in the biannual internal gathering of the Eight Trigrams Association." A male host said. He was wearing a black tailcoat and a red bow tie. His black hair was neatly combed and shiny against his head. It was out of place in the Chinese style of the entire venue, as if it had come from another world.    


"A thousand years of heritage have a long history. All along, our Eight Trigrams Society has always taken the task of defeating demons and demons as our responsibility. For this, we have gone forward and sacrificed countless spirits. But we are also proud and honorable because of this, it can be said that the peace and stability of the human world is our credit. This is the credit of everyone here and our colleagues. Everyone, please applaud yourself. "    


The host's inflammatory speech naturally received countless warm applause. Afterwards, the host said, "As everyone knows, the Eight Trigrams Association has many capable people, and each of them has their own unique skills. In this bustling day, how can there be a lack of interesting programs? "Next, let's invite Mr. He of the West Mountain School to perform for us for our first performance. This is a classic — Please God."    


After the host finished reporting, a group of people came up behind him to put out their props. After the props were set up, a middle-aged man wearing a yellow daoist robe, holding a bell in one hand and a spell incantation in the other, walked up the stage step by step while chanting an incantation. He was walking in circles on the stage.    


It was a dazzling bright red, bright and bright yellow, as if it was a stage play. This made Zheng Kai very dramatic, and it was really hard for him to get mixed up in his complaints.    


"Although it's a small school with 18 lines, this person's basic skills are quite solid." Mao Bayi said.    


Zheng Kai didn't understand, so he asked, "Do you want to invite ghosts or gods?"    


"Generally, you are invited to join a sect's Dao Seeking Sect." Mao Bayi said.    


Mao Bayi saw Zheng Kai seemed to be interested in these performances, said his opinion to Zheng Kai: "These are all small tricks. If the Zhong Kui competition, which is held once every ten years, is going to be spectacular, then it will be a contest between experts.    


Zheng Kai thought for a moment and said, "That's far. It's still nice to look at these first. I'll observe them first."    


Mao Bayi nodded and said, "Sure."    


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