Supplier of Heaven

C198 Ferry and Frey

C198 Ferry and Frey

0Lu Ningshuang moved closer to Freyr and stretched out her hand in an attempt to touch Freyr's chest, but was stopped by Freyr.    


"What are you doing?" Freyr asked.    


"You're so young, let me see if it's true. I've never seen someone as young as you. You must be their legendary Soup Dumplings." Lu Ningshuang said.    


Freyr glanced at Lu Ningshuang's chest. Although it wasn't turbulent, it was still something to be expected.    


Freyr narrowed his eyes and snorted coldly, "What's so great about that? It's just two lumps of meat. I just haven't grown up yet. When I become an adult, I will definitely be bigger than you, hmph."    


The two women openly discussed Bo's size in front of several men. The men's faces were rich in color.    


Suddenly thinking of something, Zheng Kai and the others looked at Fillet with disdain.    


Abduction of underage girls, such a scum. I didn't expect you to be such a person.    


Facing the crowd's accusations, Fillet's head was full of black lines, making it difficult for him to say anything.    


Lu Ningshuang and Freyr were quarreling intensely.    


Freyr was the first one who couldn't take it anymore and started to attack Lu Ningshuang. Naturally, Lu Ningshuang couldn't just obediently take the beating.    


Thus, the two women beat and cursed at the same time, really brilliant.    


The men were amused, but could do nothing about it.    


After being done in by these two women, the few of them tossed the Patriarch to the back of their heads.    


The clan leader himself was somewhat unable to hold it in.    


A gust of wind picked up the two women, rolled them up, and parted them.    


At this moment, a young man walked out from behind the wall.    


The moment he came out, he grumbled in dissatisfaction, "Hmm, women are really annoying. Alright, you two women, go outside to pick some flowers and play."    


With a wave of his hand, the two women were swept out of the hall by the wind. The next moment, the door to the hall slammed shut.    


After doing all this, the youth clapped his hands and said, "It's much quieter this time."    


The young man straightened his collar, smoothed his shiny hair, then pulled out an ornate couch and slowly sat down.    


Then he cleared his throat and said, "Welcome to Rose Garden. I am Wynn Trader, patriarch of the Trader clan."    


With that, a rain of rose petals fell from the sky.    


Zheng Kai could only admire this act of posturing. He secretly cursed, this fellow's taste was too low, it was truly vulgar.    


Lu Ying pulled over a chair from the side and placed it behind Zheng Kai.    


Zheng Kai sat down and silently praised Lu Ying's wit. F * ck, dead Foreigner, showing off. Luckily, I also have people under my command. Otherwise, it would seem as though he was being too low class.    


Zheng Kai smiled and said, "I am Zheng Kai, it is my honour to meet Patriarch Telde. These are my friends, Lu Ying, Mao Bayi, Zhang Jike."    


After each introduced themselves, Zheng Kai joked to Lu Ying and the others, "You guys go find a chair to sit down. You guys stand in a row like a small mountain will bring a lot of pressure to the Patriarch."    


"Yes, take a seat. Fillet, take a seat too." Only after hearing Zheng Kai's reminder did the Patriarch remember and speak casually.    


Fillet's mouth twitched and he sighed. This guy's IQ is leaking again. Pity him, he's a normal person now, yet he still has to worry so much about vampires. What a pity.    


The few of them sat down and did not say much. The chief had already sold himself out, exposing his true nature.    


Fillet covered his face and could not bear to look.    


Zheng Kai had a good impression of this silly and sweet Patriarch.    


The Patriarch took the initiative to tell Zheng Kai about the assassination association, causing Zheng Kai to listen attentively.    


"On the surface, the people who attacked you were the hitmen organization, but in reality …" He really is an assassin's guild. " The chief said, but none of them got to his laughing point.    


When the clan head saw that no one was laughing, the atmosphere turned cold. He continued, "One of the purposes of this organization was to provide the Morrisia family with fresh blood, and to start the murder business."    


"Do vampires have special requirements for blood? They repeatedly attacked Meng Yao. " Zheng Kai asked.    


The Patriarch sneered and said, "Heh, only low level vampires need to drink a lot of blood, and people who cause a huge ruckus all do it. Tsk, tsk, disgusting. For a pure vampire like us, blood isn't a necessity, so of course we have to pick our prey. If they were offering pure-blooded prey, it's possible that Meng Yao was chosen, but as far as I know, Morrisia is just a mixed vampire family, and they don't need to do that at all. "    


"So you're saying, they have stronger pure-blooded vampires behind them?" Zheng Kai asked.    


The chief shrugged his shoulders and said, "I can't be sure of that. But, no matter what, our goal is the same. Destroy this assassination organization."    


Zheng Kai looked at the Patriarch's eyes and asked: "Why?"    


In the current world, the number of humans far exceeds the number of vampires. The space for vampires to survive is already very narrow, once a war breaks out, it's not a good thing for the entire vampire clan. One mistake could lead to extinction, so for this organization that destroys the balance between vampires and humans, we are determined to eliminate it. The chief explained.    


In this way, Zheng Kai had a general idea of what was going on. He said, "It's my honor to be able to form an alliance with the Trede clan."    


"Now that we are partners, I hope you can do me a personal favor." the patriarch said.    


Zheng Kai and co. did not react for a moment as they thought about the Patriarch's jumping thoughts.    


Fillet was very anxious. You're poking a knife? How can you be so straightforward? Euphemism, euphemism, how many times had he said it? F * ck, this idiot, Ah Dou really can't help you up.    


"What is it? Please speak." Zheng Kai maintained a polite smile and said.    


"Oh, it's just …"    


Before the Patriarch could finish his words, he was interrupted by Fillet.    


"Let me talk about it."    


"Oh, alright then. He said he would be more clear-minded about his own matters." the patriarch said.    



Everyone looked at the Patriarch, then looked at Fillet.    


Mao Bayi whispered to Zhang Jike, "Isn't that the Patriarch's private problem? How did it become a matter of Fillet? "    


Zhang Jike gave him a look and listened.    


Fillet cleared his throat and said, "This matter is a bit complicated, so the story is a bit long. "First of all, let me talk about myself. I am now a normal human, but I was a pure-blooded vampire before as well."    


His words successfully aroused the interest of the crowd.    


"Secondly, the most important thing today is to hope that the matter that everyone will help with is related to Freyr."    


Speaking of Freyr, everyone once again looked down on Fillet.    


Fillet continued awkwardly, "Freyr looks like a child that hasn't grown up, but she is already 300 years old."    


Everyone came to a realization. So there was a story. These two definitely had something going on.    


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