Supplier of Heaven

C200 The Patriarch's Secret

C200 The Patriarch's Secret

0"I'm sorry." Fillet apologized and thought: "That's why when we met again, you kept punching and kicking me, unlike that adorable girl from before. You made me think that you had no memory of her at all."    


"You really should apologize. The current me doesn't want to become a vampire the most, but I don't dare to easily give up on myself, because you used your life in exchange for that. You made me shoulder the burden of two people." Freyr said in a low voice.    


Fillet came forward and hugged Freyr's skinny body, saying, "Sorry."    


"Liar." Freyr cried at the chest of Fillet, "Now you have to leave me alone again."    


Fillet understood that Freyr was talking about treating her. Once Freyr completely absorbed the ancestor blood in his body, she would have a high chance of evolving into a six generations pure blood. She would have an immortal body and he would only be able to live another twenty years. By then, she would be alone again.    


Fillet hugged Freyr tightly, wrapping her whole body, burying his head in her neck.    


Under the moonlight, the air surrounding them seemed so cool.    


Fillet picked up Freyr and looked at her through the eyes.    


He looked at Freyr with an expression of his own and said, "I hope that you can live a good life and live a happy life. No matter where I am, I will always love you."    


Freyr hugged Fillet's neck and cried.    


On the other side, Lu Ningshuang was also hugging Zheng Kai's arm and wailing, "This is too tragic, it's too touching, it's so heartbreaking. So everything that happened on TV is real."    


Zheng Kai slapped Lu Ningshuang away with a slap. Lu Ying handed over a tissue and Zheng Kai wiped off the unknown liquid on his body. As soon as he took it, it was like he was doing an assignment. The two of them were extremely compatible.    


Lu Ningshuang snorted and was going to hug Mao Bayi.    


Mao Bayi quickly jumped away and shouted: "Men and women shouldn't touch each other, don't ruin my innocence!"    


Zhang Jike laughed heartily when he heard that.    


"Fuck, aren't you the same, an old virgin?" Mao Bayi said angrily.    


Zheng Kai followed the commotion and turned his head to ask, "Patriarch, why do you want us to see this?"    


The Patriarch pressed the remote control and the screen froze on the scene of Fillet and Freyr kissing.    


a man and a little girl, the picture is really... It was impossible to say.    


Zheng Kai ridiculed the Patriarch's bad taste. Why can't you move forward or a little behind? He had to be frozen here? F * ck.    


"Personally, I think their love is something worth crying over and I really envy them. As pure blood, even though we have immortal bodies, it's very difficult to find love. I hope you guys can feel the same way. I hope that you will do your best to help them. " The chief said.    


"Indeed, we will definitely do our best to help them." Zheng Kai said solemnly.    


The Patriarch was very satisfied with Zheng Kai's words and left with a happy smile.    


Zheng Kai pressed his temples. So this Patriarch had a hidden heart of a girl. F * ck, he was clearly threatening me just now, right?    


Zheng Kai looked at the two people who were passionately kissing on the screen and remained silent.    


After that, Zheng Kai strolled around the castle by himself. He found himself in a huge library, filled with books.    


Zheng Kai skimmed through it and found some history books about vampires in the corner.    


He took it out and read it with interest. When he took out the third book, he found that the book could not be taken out. It was stuck to the bookshelf and was fixed in place.    


Zheng Kai curiously studied the book and thought of a few ways to move it, but it didn't budge at all. Finally, Zheng Kai tried to rotate it. It moved. At the same time, the wall to Zheng Kai's right also moved. Behind the wall was a secret chamber. It was pitch black inside.    


Zheng Kai stepped into the secret room and all the candles in the room instantly lit up.    


The secret room was empty except for a gorgeous coffin.    


Zheng Kai cautiously walked closer to the coffin and secretly asked: "Xian'Er, can you find out the situation here? Is there any danger? "    


"Reporting to master, we haven't found any abnormalities here for the time being." Xian'er said.    


Zheng Kai stared at the coffin and suddenly heard a sound coming from the door of the secret room. Zheng Kai looked towards the entrance and saw that the wall had closed tightly.    


Zheng Kai looked around the secret room and didn't find any switches that could be touched. With this, Zheng Kai thought for a moment and felt that he could only start from this coffin. Zheng Kai was still hesitant to open the coffin.    


Just as Zheng Kai was hesitating, the coffin automatically opened. Zheng Kai held his breath as he looked at the situation inside the coffin. He didn't expect that the coffin was also empty.    


Suddenly, a hand reached out from behind and patted Zheng Kai's shoulder. Zheng Kai's heart skipped a beat as he looked down and saw a withered hand on his shoulder. He turned his head slowly and sure enough, there was a vampire standing behind him.    


This vampire looked similar to the chief, but there was too much of a difference. The skin on his face and hands was a greenish gray. His cheeks were sunken, and he was wrapped in a large piece of cloth. He was so thin that he looked like a legendary paper man that could fly when the wind blew. This vampire was the only malnourished vampire Zheng Kai had seen so far.    


F * ck, Zheng Kai couldn't help but exclaim in his heart. This guy is so hungry, it can't be that he hasn't eaten for a long time, right? You want to suck my blood?    


Zheng Kai secretly gulped and turned around. Facing the vampire, he lightly brushed off the vampire's hand and took a step back. With a fitting smile on his face, he said, "Hello, I am Zheng Kai, a friend of Patriarch Wen Trude. It's a pleasure to meet you.    


The vampire tilted his head, looked at Zheng Kai's outstretched hand, then looked at Zheng Kai's face. He was expressionless and slightly squinted his eyes, as if he was not friendly.    


Zheng Kai stood there, his expression slowly turning stiff. Zheng Kai's heart was about to jump out of his chest. He felt that the entire secret chamber was so quiet that he could only hear his own heartbeat.    


Suddenly, the vampire's face relaxed and let out a series of "ha-ha" laughter.    


Under the infection of the laughter, Zheng Kai also relaxed.    


"Hello, Zheng Kai. I'm Wen Treaded." said the vampire.    


Zheng Kai's eyes widened and his pupils contracted. He tried his best to maintain his expression so that the other party wouldn't notice the change. As a man, he wanted to stay in HOLD. Naturally, he couldn't let others see through his thoughts so easily.    


Zheng Kai tried his best to relax and said in a light tone, "Ah, Patriarch, it's nice to see you again. However, your current appearance really surprises me."    


The Patriarch moved his face closer to Zheng Kai, his eyes to his eyes and his nose to his nose. He almost kissed Zheng Kai.    


Zheng Kai resisted the urge to jump away and gently pushed away the Patriarch's body with his hands.    


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