Urban Strongest System

C113 Special Forces

C113 Special Forces

0Then he held the instrument close to the position, moving it left and right slightly, the flashing frequency of the indicator changing between fast and slow.    


After moving around a few times, Hei Ya finally pressed the trigger in the fastest position.    


When he picked up the device again, there was already a very small object attached to it.    


Based on the analysis of the system, Luo Ning soon knew that it was a transmitter that could be implanted into the skin.    


Hei Ya immediately took out an unmanned aerial vehicle from the trunk and hung the transmitter in a glass box under the unmanned aerial vehicle.    


"Are you trying to mislead them?" Luo Ning asked.    


Hei Ya smiled and said: "Not only that, we also have to test their reactions and earn some extra money."    


"What do you mean?" Luo Ning didn't understand.    


"This thing will fly directly to where Lee Dao and the others are at now. If this antibody is really very important to Prof. Dushee, then he will definitely send someone to take it back."    


Hei Ya didn't need to continue explaining to Wu Tie to understand that Luo Ning was the person who used this bait to ambush Prof. Dushee.    


As for earning extra money, that was all about the enemy's equipment.    


If the bait didn't work, then the antibody might not be important.    


Luo Ning was suspicious at first. Prof. Dushee, who was elusive like a dragon, had hidden himself so deeply but had put a seemingly very important antibody in such a place.    


The guards were also very weak. Even the robot that Luo Ning didn't expect at the beginning wasn't as strong as Smiley Man.    


On the body and weapons of the robot, no Source Gold were detected.    


After the drone took off, Wu said to Luo Ning, "Let's go back to the safe house first."    


"Is that coffee shop a safe house?" Luo Ning's chariot arrived on call. He asked as he sat on it.    


Hei Ya smiled and said: "Sometimes, it's better to hide it well than to hide it well. There are still many safe houses like the coffee shop. I will explain it to you in detail when the time comes."    


Luo Ning turned the handle, and the engine of the chariot let out a beast-like growl, full of ferocity.    


"See you." After Luo Ning said this, he rode on the chariot and only left Hei Ya with a cool back.    


When Hei Ya drove back to the coffee shop, Luo Ning had already been standing at the door for a few minutes. He noticed that this time, the door did not open automatically.    


Only then did Luo Ning realize that the automatic operation was not a face-recognition operation, but a manual operation by Hei Ya.    


Hei Ya took a glance at the pinhole camera, then a holographic password appeared on the glass door.    


Hei Ya didn't enter the password. Instead, he took out a card and placed it beside the password. Then, a dark blue outline appeared around the card.    


Hei Ya took out his card and opened a thumb-sized secret compartment on the wall next to the door.    


Luo Ning immediately knew that it was the fingerprint verification lock. He had seen too much in the movies. In any case, those important places could only be entered with sound and fingerprints.    


However, Hei Ya's operation was very novel. He did not scan the fingerprint lock, but rather, after entering the password, he would scan the fingerprint lock. After that, the glass door that Luo Ning could kick open was finally opened.    


This glass door was not made of ordinary glass, but tempered glass.    


Luo Ning could not help but ask Hei Ya, "Why did I not react when I saw it earlier?"    


Hei Ya said, "Your data hasn't been recorded into our system, so there won't be any response. I don't think you'll let us take your fingerprints, otherwise, it would be equivalent to telling us who you are, so I didn't ask you."    


"Then why is it that the password isn't entered, but the card?" Luo Ning always felt that the safe house's strategy was very deep.    


"It's very simple. If it's the same as usual, it would be too dangerous, so you can't enter the password when the password appears, and then the fingerprint would appear. You can't verify the fingerprint first, or else you'll know that you're not one of us."    


Luo Ning laughed in his heart. This was indeed a profound scheme. If this was in a secret service movie, the main character would definitely die.    


"Are the other safe houses the same?"    


"Don't worry, every safe house has a different plan." Hei Ya smiled slyly. All the security systems in the safe zone were designed by him.    


Luo Ning asked again: "Since we need fingerprints, even if I know about the safe house, I still won't be able to enter."    


"I have no doubt about the capabilities of your system." Hei Ya's tone carried a hint of helplessness as he continued, "The person before didn't even need any authority to freely access and use the safe house, so our security system is useless in front of him."    


"Eh …. "Is it really that overbearing?" Luo Ning suddenly felt that the future him would be amazing.    


As time passed, there was still no news from Lee Dao and the others. Luo Ning couldn't help but start to worry.    


"Is there any problem with Lee Dao and the others?" If there were too many enemies or. I met something like before. " Luo Ning's worries were not unreasonable.    


Although Lee Dao and the others were using bait to fish, how would they know what kind of fish it was? Besides, there were only four people on Lee Dao's side.    


Hei Ya could see that the mysterious man was very worried about Lee Dao's situation, and he also felt that it would take a little too long for Lee Dao to arrive. He said: "If you're worried, you should go over and take a look."    


When Luo Ning heard this, he did not hesitate and immediately asked, "Where?"    


As a member of Black Sect, Luo Ning really wished to fight alongside Lee Dao.    


Especially after this first solo mission, he had a feeling that he had been given a mission.    


Luo Ning thought it would be in the outskirts, at least not in such a conspicuous place in the city.    


However, it was obvious that he underestimated Hei Ya's strategy. If they chose to live in a remote area, the enemies might not be fooled.    


Under a tall road in Z City, there was no one around. It was extremely desolate and desolate.    


It was not far from the coffee shop, and there was no one around. It was a good place to "fish" in the middle of the night.    


In fact, less than ten minutes after Luo Ning left, Hei Ya received the news from Lee Dao that the enemies had been cleared out.    


The reason why Hei Ya frowned was because the enemies Lee Dao was talking about were two Special Forces.    



There were a lot of Special Forces in that group, and the Special Forces were all wearing black exoskeleton armor of the same type.    


That armor was not just any ordinary metal, it was an alloy made of titanium and other metals. It was light, yet possessed extraordinary defensive properties.    


Titanium gold was equivalent to ordinary iron to the people in that organization. Compared to Source Gold, it was insignificant.    


Their weapons were all cold weapons, long swords and daggers. Everyone's fighting ability was quite outstanding.    


Every Special Forces was a team of six people. They served the organization, so Hei Ya was now sure that Prof. Dushee had already cooperated with that organization.    


When Luo Ning found Lee Dao and the others, the battle seemed to have just ended.    


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