Bigwig Son-in-law

C178 Past Life

C178 Past Life

0"Young man, Little Cui is a famous beauty in our tribe. She has high standards, and she doesn't like ordinary men. " You must cherish such a good opportunity. When Little Cui gets pregnant, You won't have a chance! " While explaining to Lin Dong, the black man couldn't help but look at Little Jie's delicate figure. She looked very envious.    


Xiaojie had a good figure and a pretty face. Many of the black men wanted to spend the night at her house.    


However, Xiaojie always had high standards. She did not like ordinary people at all. For some reason, she had taken a fancy to Lin Dong.    


It could be because Lin Dong was strong or because Lin Dong was handsome.    


Lin Dong tilted his head and looked at Chu Qing, who was drinking with Soong Xue. In the end, he tactfully rejected Xiaojie's good intentions.    


After all, he still wanted to live a few more days.    


Seeing Lin Dong reject her, a hint of disappointment appeared in Xiaojie's eyes.    


However, she did not pay too much attention to it and went to dance happily again.    


It seemed to be a very normal thing for her.    


Lin Dong sighed in his heart. Although this girl from the Hei clan was good, warm, kind, hardworking and beautiful.    


But he didn't expect that each and every one of them was so unrestrained.    


However, this was the custom of others, so there was nothing to say.    


After Lin Dong rejected Xiaojie, Chu Qing looked over and gave Lin Dong a knowing look.    


The corner of Lin Dong's mouth twitched.    


Luckily, I am honest enough not to be touched by beauty.    


After Xiaojie left, Not long after Xiao Jie left, another sixteen or seventeen year old black girl walked over.    


The little girl was very pretty, especially her eyes. They were very pure.    


She held a silver belt and came in front of Lin Dong.    


"Big brother Lin Dong, this is for you."    


Lin Dong felt a little embarrassed.    


After all, he did not know anyone else. It did not seem good to take someone else's gift.    


"Take! Take! Take!"    


As for the group of black men, they clapped their hands and cheered.    


Lin Dong did not want to brush off other people's wishes. In the end, he took it.    


Seeing Lin Dong take the silver belt, the little girl was very happy. She moved to help Lin Dong put it on.    


Lin Dong looked at it.    


This silver belt was heavy, and the workmanship was very delicate. It should not be cheap.    


If he sold it in the city, it could probably be sold for a lot of money.    


Since he had received gifts from others, Lin Dong was too embarrassed to take it for free. He took out a dagger and handed it to the little girl.    


She thought to herself that the people of the Black Tribe made a living by hunting, so giving a dagger to the other party should be very suitable.    


Moreover, the dagger was not made of metal. From its appearance, it looked a little like a fish.    


In fact, the dagger was made of a kind of fish. This fish was the hardest fish in the world. Once its flesh dried up, it became very hard, like metal.    


Because it was very small and about ten centimeters long, Lin Dong always carried it with him.    


This thing could not only be used as a dagger, but it could also be used to cook and eat if one day they could not find food to survive in the wilderness.    


However, this fish did not taste good. On the contrary, it was very unpleasant. However, this fish dagger, Lin Dong, had undergone special processing. The stench on it had been removed. Instead, it emitted a faint fragrance. Its appearance was also beautiful.    


After receiving Lin Dong's dagger, the little girl was very happy. She quickly kissed Lin Dong's face and ran away with the dagger in her hands.    


Lin Dong was shocked. Luckily, Chu Qing did not see it this time.    


Lin Dong had been to many places. He had seen many kinds of customs and customs, but this was the first time he had come to the Black Tribe.    


This kind of rich natural and simple Qi made him feel comfortable.    


After the banquet, the enthusiastic and hospitable black tribe invited everyone to their homes as guests.    


Especially the few Black Race girls, they all threw scorching gazes at Lin Dong.    


Judging from their clothing, these women were all married. They were probably in the same situation as the girl from before.    


The Black Clan's custom was that women who sat at home could enjoy freedom in that area.    


However, women who were not married had to maintain their loyalty.    


The world was big, and there were all kinds of customs.    


No one knew who set the rules back then.    


However, it was not their fault that these girls were passionate. Men and women loved each other. They had basically known each other since they were young. They did not feel anything new at all.    


Besides, after all, if they didn't meet each other when they raised their heads, perhaps they would meet their own husband one day.    


However, Lin Dong was different. Lin Dong was an outsider. He would leave this place very soon.    


If something happened to Lin Dong, the impact would be minimal.    


Besides, Lin Dong was pretty good looking. He was so strong that even the black men couldn't compare to him.    


It wasn't hard to understand why Lin Dong would be so popular.    


Lin Dong naturally rejected the girls' warm welcome with a face full of righteousness.    


What a joke, he was not that kind of person at all!    


"Big bastard boss, why don't you just surrender to them? Otherwise, when will your fifty condoms be used up?" Soong Xue said with a wicked smile.    


"How about you blow up all 50 condoms tonight?" Lin Dong narrowed his eyes and said.    


"Sure, I'll blow it up with Director Chu!" Soong Xue was not afraid of Lin Dong's threat at all.    


"You're awesome!" Lin Dong did not dare let Chu Qing blow on the condom.    


In the end, Lin Dong and the others stayed in the house of the tribe leader.    


Chu Qing had a plan to stay in the house of the tribe leader.    


According to the rumors, there was only one person in the entire Black Race who had mastered the weaving skills.    


She had planned to interact with him before, but that person was very reclusive and did not seem to interact with anyone.    


The only person she was familiar with was the tribe leader.    


Furthermore, Black Lion and Black Girl happened to be the family of the leader.    


Lin Dong originally thought that even if the tribe leader was not an old man, he should still be a middle-aged man.    


Unexpectedly, the tribe leader was a young woman, less than 30 years old.    


Moreover, she was extremely beautiful. There was not the slightest bit of makeup on her face, but she was so beautiful that it made one's heart tremble.    


This was a pure and natural beauty. She had not undergone any postnatal plastic surgery.    


At this moment, she was wearing a white black race outfit. It was very tasteful.    


"This is the leader of our tribe, and also my sister Black Willow Jade. You can call her Great Ling Si." Black Girl introduced.    


This title may sound mysterious, but it is actually similar to the village chief that we often speak of.    


However, her authority is much greater than the village head.    


Basically, all the black clansmen will listen to her words.    


And above the Great Spirit Division, there was the Great God Division.    


The Great God Division was more powerful. It was something that belonged to the Black Tribe. It was sacred and inviolable.    


"Sister Liu Yu," said the Great Spiritual Division's Great Spiritual Division's Great Spiritual Division's Great Spiritual Division's Great Spiritual Division's Great Spiritual Division's Great Spiritual Division. These are Chu Qing, Soong Xue, Miss Jiu Yan and Mister Lin Dong. They saved my child on the train." The black girl introduced a few people to Great Ling Si.    


Welcome to the Hei Family. " Hei Liuyu smiled and greeted everyone.    


"Brother Lin Dong, you are here." At this moment, a skinny figure ran over. It was the girl who had given Lin Dong the silver belt.    


Lin Dong didn't even know her name.    


"This is my little sister, Hei Zhenzhen." Hei Niu continued to introduce.    


"Zhenzhen, help big brother take the things inside!" Hei Zhenzhen was about to come over and take Lin Dong's luggage.    


"No need for Zhenzhen. I can take them myself." Lin Dong didn't have the nerve to do so.    


"It's okay," Lin Dong said. "You should take care of me." Hei Zhenzhen said with a smile. Her eyes were smiling like a crescent moon.    


Since she was so warm, Lin Dong wouldn't be polite.    


However, he couldn't help but be curious. Wasn't this girl of the Hei Family too warm?    


What he didn't know was that under normal circumstances, girls from the Black Race wouldn't be so warm.    


There was a reason why Hei Zhenzhen was so good to him.    


When he entered the house, he felt a simple and unadorned aura.    


Almost all the objects in the room were made of stone and beast bones. They were filled with a primitive smell.    


But now, there was no longer a saying from the primitive people.    


They would also come into contact with people from the outside world, but they didn't come into contact with much.    


"Zhenzhen, you greet the guests first. I will go out for a while."    


Great Ling Si smiled at everyone and then walked into a room.    


Lin Dong took a glance from afar and found a few patients lying inside. The smell of herbs assaulted his nose. He did not expect Great Ling Si to be a doctor.    


The black people were too hospitable. They brought everyone to the dining table. Soon, meat and milk were brought to the table.    


While they ate, they chatted.    


Not long after, The Great Spirit also came over.    


First, he toasted everyone with a cup of horse milk wine. Then, he asked, "Dear guests who have come from afar, what business do you have to attend to this time?"    


Although the Black Tribe had beautiful scenery, the traffic was not smooth, and there were still over thirty miles to walk.    


Therefore, very few people came here to travel under normal circumstances.    


Usually, people who came here had a purpose.    


Since the other party asked, Chu Qing did not hide anything and directly told him about her situation.    


"Hello, I want you to introduce me to the person by the lotus pond."    


Hearing Chu Qing's words, the originally smiling Great Ling Si's expression immediately changed drastically and said with a gloomy expression, "If you are guests, we welcome you very much. But if you want to have ideas about her, then I am sorry and you all can leave."    


After saying that, she placed the wine cup on the table with a thud. She looked very angry.    


This scene was somewhat unexpected for Chu Qing. She did not expect the other party to have such a big reaction and was a little confused.    


"Don't worry, Great Ling Si. I will not learn her technology for free. I will pay at least 100 million in patent fees." Chu Qing quickly said.    


She was a businessman, so she naturally had to use money as a bargaining chip.    


This money was definitely not a small amount. It was enough to show Chu Qing's sincerity.    


Moreover, what she said was at least.    


If it was not because the amount of funds involved was too large, Chu Qing would not have invited Soong Xue over personally.    


She believed that as long as Soong Xue saw that kind of craftsmanship, she would agree with her own choice and would be willing to spend 100 million to buy this technology.    


But Chu Qing's words were like a bomb that made Great Ling Si furious. He pointed at the door and said, "Zhenzhen, send the guest away!"    


"The price of the Great Ling Division can still be negotiated..." Chu Qing frowned and said.    


This was 100 million yuan.    


Could it be that the other party thought it was too little?    


100 million was not the starting price in Chu Qing's heart, but it would not exceed 150 million.    


Lin Dong hurriedly stopped Chu Qing who still wanted to continue speaking. He said to Great Ling Si, "Sorry Great Ling Si, we are just guests."    


Great Ling Si glanced at Lin Dong, then looked at everyone, and then said coldly, "You can be a guest, but I want to tell you that you are not allowed to take a step closer to the lotus pond. Otherwise, you will have to bear the consequences!"    


Great Ling Si waved his sleeves and left.    


Chu Qing's stomach was full of questions. She did not understand why it was like this.    


"Boss, maybe it's not about money. Tell me what exactly is going on." Lin Dong said.    


He only knew that Chu Qing went on a business trip to get a formula, but he did not know what kind of formula it was.    


"It's like this. In the depths of this mountain, there is a lotus pond. There is a woman living next to the lotus pond. She is the only person who has mastered the technique I want. " But I heard that this woman has never come into contact with anyone outside. "    


"Really? Do you know what's going on?" Lin Dong looked at Zhenzhen.    


This little girl was very considerate. She had been sitting next to him all this time. She poured wine for him and cut his meat.    


The little girl sighed softly and said, "The Lotus Pond used to live there, but she has already lived there for more than ten years."    


Hearing Hei Zhenzhen's words, everyone finally understood why she would react so strongly when she mentioned the woman by the Lotus Pond.    


The former Great Ling Si was called Hei Ling.    


Her man was an outsider.    


The two of them went from being in love to getting married. After getting married, the man also lived in the Black Race. The two of them lived like deities.    


However, the good things didn't last long. A year later, that person suddenly disappeared, leaving behind Hei Ling who was still pregnant.    


From then on, there was no news.    


Someone said that... He's dead, and some say he married Hailing just to steal Hailing's cooking.    


Since he had the skills, there was no need for him to stay here any longer.    


From now on, Hei Ling lived at the place where the two of them met for the first time.    


Lotus Pond.    


From that day on, she never left.    


Every day, she washed her face with tears.    


By now, almost fifty years had passed.    


"And the former Great Spirit Division was Sister Liu Yu's mother-in-law, so Sister Liu Yu didn't want anyone to disturb her." Hei Zhenzhen explained in detail.    


They didn't think that there would be such a story.    


This was going to be troublesome.    


Originally, Chu Qing thought that as long as she spent money, she would be able to obtain that skill.    


Now, it seemed that the only person who had mastered that skill, Hei Ling, was still alive, but perhaps he was already a dead person.    


Even if it was a billion yuan, it would not be able to move her.    


But even if there was only a sliver of hope, Chu Qing was not willing to give up.    


This time, she mustered up her courage with great difficulty and personally made this trip.    


Now that she had left the company, she was actually taking a risk. During the period when she was not in the company, the granny would definitely think of a way to reduce her influence.    


As long as she could obtain this technology, she could even start a new life. Soon, she would be able to catch up to the current Chu Family, or even surpass it.    


On that day, the Chu Family... It was no longer her bond.    



It was precisely because of this that she was worried about anyone else and wanted to come by herself.    


But now, it seemed that the process would be very difficult, and the success or failure was still unknown.    


They lived here directly. Hei Zhenzhen lived here directly. She was really good to Lin Dong. She even helped Lin Dong wash his feet with water. He even helped Lin Dong wash his feet.    


Lin Dong thought that the girls of the Black Race treated their guests like this, so he didn't refuse.    


However, the others did not have a good life at all.    


Want to wash their feet? Go get some water by yourself!    


Take Chu Qing and Soong Xue for example.    


The two of them took a basin and went to get some water.    


When they passed by Lin Dong's room, everyone was extremely envious when they saw Hei Zhen squatting on the ground and rubbing Lin Dong's feet.    


Especially Chu Qing, she was so angry that her teeth itched.    


Both of them were the company's bosses. They needed to fetch water to wash their feet. Where was Lin Dong? Someone was actually helping him wash his feet!    


This was too much!    


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