Bigwig Son-in-law

C139 Father

C139 Father

0"Think of a way. We can't let him continue this nonsense. This is a challenge to the law. All of us will be punished!" Chu Lianyi's expression was extremely ugly.    


Although Li Lei seemed to be insulting Mu Caiyun.    


But this was already equivalent to challenging the law. It was equivalent to insulting Chu Lianyi and Liu Yueru.    


However, facing Li Lei's excessive actions.    


They had no choice but to let him do whatever he wanted.    


"Where are the people from the government? Where are the police? Why isn't anyone taking care of them?"    


"They're already here. They don't dare to go in. Didn't you hear that? There's a bomb inside. Who's not afraid of death? "    


"Hehehe, don't you always brag about how powerful you are? How come you can't even handle a small kidnapping case?"    


"I hate keyboard warriors like you the most. Stop talking nonsense here. If you have the ability, go up yourself!"    


... ""    


At this moment, this kind of content appeared on the bullet screen.    


Seeing these comments, the City Lord's face turned pale from anger.    


However, they did not find a way to deal with Li Lei and not harm the hostage.    


Could it be that they could only wait for Reed to come over?    


However, Reed was only a priest. Even if he did come, he might not be able to solve the problem.    


At this time, Li Lei was even more excessive.    


He actually sprinkled a plate of beans on the ground and made the woman lie on the ground like a dog to eat.    


"Li Lei, kill me!" Mu Caiyun almost bit her lips.    


She didn't want to be insulted anymore.    


"Kill you? Haha, Mu Caiyun, I'm still waiting to marry you. How can I kill you? I won't!" Li Lei gave a strange smile. As he spoke, he raised his gun and shot a hostage in the leg.    




The person immediately cried out in pain.    


"Hehe, you'd better do as I say. Otherwise, the next time, it might not be a kick!" Li Lei sneered.    


Mu Caiyun gritted her teeth so hard that blood was dripping out. She was a famous figure in Tianhai City.    


Now that she was insulted like this, she really wanted to die.    


"Mu Caiyun! Do you want me to die? Do as he says!" The man who was shot immediately shouted at Mu Caiyun.    


He didn't want to die here.    


"Don't you dare harm us!"    


"Mu Caiyun, eat quickly!"    


"Haven't you harmed us enough!"    


... ""    


The dozen or so hostages all roared at Mu Caiyun. At this moment, they were truly frightened.    


They had thought that Li Lei was just scaring them, but they never thought that Li Lei would be so cruel. He would shoot just like that.    


Even if it was a kick, Even if it was a kick, it would still hurt.    


"How is it? Did you see that? They won't be grateful to you even if you think for them!" Li Lei teased.    


Mu Caiyun stared blankly at everyone's hateful expressions. As she listened to the endless insults and accusations, a hint of bitterness appeared in her heart.    


She was clearly a victim as well.    


Forget it, forget it. Everything started because of her. She deserved it.    


She finally lowered her proud head and laid on the ground like a dog...    


"Sigh, goddess, I finally lowered my head."    


"There's nothing goddess can do. Didn't you guys hear what the criminal said? If you don't do what he said, you'll hurt others."    


"Who cares what they do, those people can do whatever they want, what does it have to do with me whether they die or not? I only care about my goddess"    


"Goddess, we support you No matter what, you are still our goddess!"    


... ""    


The netizens were still very supportive of Mu Caiyun's actions.    


After all, Mu Caiyun could completely ignore Li Lei's threat.    


The woman's body became lower and lower, and her tears also fell down.    


As a strong woman, she rarely cried.    


She had almost forgotten the taste of tears.    


Just as Mu Caiyun's face was about to touch the ground.    


A voice suddenly came from outside.    


"Priest Reed is here!"    


Priest Reed is here!    


A sinister expression appeared on Li Lei's face.    


That damn priest, after the wedding, kill him.    


"Let him come in with both hands above his head, don't play any tricks, otherwise, you all know the consequences!" Li Lei waved the detonator in his hand at the camera.    


"Hehe, perhaps you guys still don't know how advanced my detonator is. Let me tell you the truth. My detonator has many kinds of detonating mechanisms. Only when I hold it in my hand will it not explode!" Li Lei said coldly to the camera.    


At this moment, everyone outside was tense.    


Including Liu Yueru and Chu Lianyi.    


If there were any accidents and the bomb detonated, many people would die.    


The netizens watching the live broadcast all held their breath. Even the bullet comments were reduced by 90%.    


Very quickly, the restaurant's door opened a gap.    


A foreigner wearing a priest's uniform appeared in their line of sight.    


He raised his hands high and slowly walked in.    


When he walked in, the door was immediately closed.    


"Slowly walk over!" Li Lei aimed his gun at the priest.    


The priest followed Li Lei's instructions and slowly walked over.    


"Please don't let anything happen to you!" Outside, Chu Lianyi's fists were clenched tightly.    


The priest walked to the place Li Lei requested.    


Seeing this scene, everyone heaved a sigh of relief.    


However, Li Lei's mouth suddenly curved up.    


He sneered at the camera and said, "Do you really think I'm an idiot? You actually dare to send a fake person here to die?"    


"What's going on?"    


The expressions of everyone outside changed greatly.    


At this moment, it was naturally impossible for Reed to be the real one.    


The real Reed would need at least ten hours to arrive.    


Then, where did this Reed come from?    


That's right. This Reed was disguised as Lin Dong.    


As members of the Dark Night, disguising was the most basic lesson they needed to learn.    


When no one knew what to do, Lin Dong said to Liu Yueru and found the priest's photo. He also found a set of clothes similar to the priest. He also needed a box of silver needles and a whole set of cosmetics.    


"Are you trying to pretend to be a priest?" Liu Yueru asked. Liu Yueru was surprised when she heard Lin Dong's words.    


Lin Dong was very powerful.    


But he was too different from a priest.    


It was not just his height, age, and face shape that made a big difference.    


Even his nationality was different, so how could he pretend to be one?    


At this moment, time was of the essence. One more minute would bring more danger. Therefore, Lin Dong did not explain too much. He just asked her to do as she was told.    


Chu Lianyi trusted Lin Dong very much. Moreover, there was no other way now.    


She immediately found someone to find all the things Lin Dong wanted.    


Then, in front of everyone, Su's hand first rubbed his face a few times.    


His originally slightly thin face turned into a square face, and his nose also became tall and straight.    


Unexpectedly, it looked a little like a foreigner.    


Then, he inserted more than ten silver needles into his face.    


His facial shape had changed.    


After that, he opened the makeup box.    


After a while, his face looked exactly the same as the Priest Reed in the photo.    


"This... What kind of sorcery is this?"    


Even the woman who often wore makeup was stunned when she saw this scene.    


How is this still a cosmetic technique?    


It was simply a demonic technique.    


He had actually transformed a dragonman into a foreigner.    


None of the women present could compare to Lin Dong in terms of his makeup skills.    



"But your figure is different from that priest's." Even so, Chu Lianyi was still a little worried.    


After all, Lin Dong's figure was not as muscular as the priest.    


Although the probability of being recognized was not high.    


However, once he was recognized, the consequences would be unimaginable.    


Thus, he couldn't take the risk.    


Lin Dong just smiled faintly.    


After that, crackling sounds came from his body.    


His body actually began to change.    


In the blink of an eye, his body grew taller and at the same time became burly.    


Everyone was once again extremely shocked.    


What kind of monster is this?    


Actually, this was not some magical thing.    


It was only because Lin Dong had practiced the Bone Shrinkage Technique. This skill was not the kind of skill that could change the size of a bone in a movie.    


Instead, it could change the gap between the bones to increase or shorten the effect.    


"Sister Ripple, I hope that my actions today will be completely confidential." Lin Dong said to Chu Lianyi.    


"Don't worry!" Chu Lianyi nodded.    


She knew the severity of the matter. She immediately said to the people who saw this scene, "Anyone who dares to leak a word will be sentenced to life imprisonment!"    


Life imprisonment was even more terrifying than the death penalty.    


Losing freedom for the rest of his life, it was better to just die.    


Therefore, Lin Dong swaggered into the prison as Reed.    


He was very confident in his disguise.    


Unless he and Li Lei were husband and wife.    


Or they were especially close, otherwise it would be impossible to recognize them.    


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