Godly Farmer

C5 Pi Pi

C5 Pi Pi

0The next day, the rain kept falling. Lu Xiaoya finished her vacation and braved the rain to rush back to Yanjing to catch a car.    


At the same time, Zhang Xiaoloong, who was determined to be the top farming scholar, was chased all over the yard by his father, Zhang Daniu, with a broom.    


"Alright, both of you are wet. What if you catch a cold again? Let me save my heart!" Liu Mei looked at the father and son pair and helplessly held two bowls of hot soup in the house and shouted.    


"Stinking brat, drink a bowl of soup and I will beat you up!" Zhang Daniu also felt that his body had become cold. He was afraid that his son would become even colder. As he muttered, he went back into the room first.    


"How dare you? It's not easy for my son to wake up. Don't beat him up so easily, alright? If you really want to beat Xiaoloong up, you better watch me fight you to the death!" Liu Mei was so angry that she snatched back the bowl of soup. "You hit my son and you want me to make soup for you. If you have the ability, go and make it yourself."    


"It's your fault, isn't it?" Zhang Daniu was so angry that he could not find a place to vent his anger. He slammed the table and shouted.    


"Yes, I did. What about it?" Liu Mei did not give him any face at all. She said with a tough neck.    


Zhang Daniu saw that this move did not work and immediately softened his stance. He muttered, "If you want to go back on your words, then go back on your words. It is not like you have never gone back on your words. You are all grandfather, alright?"    


Liu Mei burst into laughter and quickly pushed the bowl of soup over. At the same time, she called out to her son, "Xiaoloong, quickly come back to the house. Your father does not dare to do anything to you. Otherwise, I will teach him a lesson!"    


Zhang Daniu wanted to rush, but when he saw Liu Mei's stern face, he coughed dryly and buried his head into the bowl of soup.    


The couple had been very happy these few days. Their son had woken up, and Lu Xiaoya that girl also made them quite satisfied. The only thing that was missing was that Zhang Xiaoloong did not want to report back to the school. He insisted on being the top farmer, which made Zhang Daniu very angry. That was the scene just now.    


Zhang Xiaoloong saw that his father had stopped moving, so he returned to the house unhappily. He took the hot soup bowl from his mother and drank two mouthfuls.    


"Xiaoloong, why aren't you going back to school? Is there any discomfort in your body?" Liu Mei watched her son drink the soup dotingly as she carefully asked. " If there is any discomfort, let's go to the big hospital and have a check-up. Don't worry about spending money. There's a lot of money at home. "    


"I..." Zhang Xiaoloong thought that it was not right to keep doing this. He had to find a suitable excuse.    


He thought quickly and quickly thought of an idea. "Actually, I am a little uncomfortable. I went to the doctor that day. He said that it was because he overused his brain, which caused two injuries to his spirit and Qi. The brain is weak and needs to rest for a while. Otherwise, it may cause nerve damage... "    


"What? The brain is going to break, isn't that serious?" Zhang Daniu and his wife were not educated, but when they heard that his brain was damaged, they could not help but feel nervous.    


Liu Mei wiped her tears. "This child, why didn't you say so earlier? You should know that even if the throne room invites us, we won't go, not to mention a lousy university."    


After saying that, she glared at Zhang Daniu as if she hated him for hitting her son just now.    


Zhang Daniu also panicked. "Let's not talk about this first, then how should we treat him? Tomorrow morning, we will go to the county hospital to take a look. No, we will go today. If the county can't take a look, we will go to Yanjing!"    


Zhang Xiaoloong felt ashamed when he heard that. He randomly made a name. He did not expect that the two elders would be so scared. He quickly said, "Don't worry. The doctor said that the illness is not that serious. You just need to rest your brain. There is no other medicine to take. There's nothing wrong with the other parts of the body, but I'm afraid you'll be worried. That's why I said that I should rest at home for a year. I'll see if I should go back to school next year. "    


"No rush, no rush." Liu Mei quickly said, "As long as your body is fine, you can stay at home for the rest of your life. Mom and Dad can support you."    


"Mother, look at what you said. I am strong and strong. How can I really lie at home every day?" Zhang Xiaoloong laughed. "And the doctor also said to work more and use less brain. It's better than any elixir, so I thought. If we work at home for a year, perhaps we'll be able to recover from all kinds of illnesses. When the time comes, I'll go to the Yanjing and go to university. Wouldn't that be fine?"    


"Really?" His parents asked at the same time.    


"Of course it's true. Since young, when have you seen me lie?" Zhang Xiaoloong had never lied before, so at this time, his heart was extremely weak. He still had to brace himself and endure.    




An explosion sounded in the sky, and the rain outside became heavier and heavier.    


Zhang Xiaoloong's heart, on the other hand, suddenly became hot again after two days of silence.    


"I'm going to rest for a while!" Once he sensed the change, he immediately put the bowl down and turned his head to leave the room.    


Looking at his strange son, Zhang Daniu hesitated and asked in a low voice, "Do you think what Xiaoloong said is true? I keep feeling that it's a little strange."    


"If my son says so, then so be it," Liu Mei said unhappily. After a long while, she muttered again, "Although... I also feel that it is a little strange..."    


"Then what do you think we should do?" Zhang Daniu immediately asked when he heard that.    


"What else can we do? Just leave it to him." Liu Mei rolled her eyes at the man again. "Xiaoloong has been a sensible child since he was young. Even if he really lied, there must be a reason. He did not want to go to college. Then let's not go first. Our son is going to college. Which one do you think you should choose?"    


" Of course it's the university... Bah. " Zhang Daniu saw that his wife wanted to eat people and quickly spat on himself. “ Of course I want a son. As long as Xiaoloong is fine, I don't have to worry about anything... But if I can get him, that would be even better."    


"Didn't Xiaoloong say that he will go after a year if he gets better? Let's give this kid some time. Maybe he will be a hundred times better than the current top scholar." Liu Mei said.    


"Why do you say it is so strange? What else can be better than the top scholar? What a glorious thing, but it was ruined by a lightning. What a back-up. " Zhang Daniu couldn't help but complain.    




Zhang Xiaoloong, who was hiding in the room, pushed the door open from the inside. Immediately, he saw the shadow of the small black cauldron emerging from his chest. This time, it was even clearer than before.    


When Zhang Xiaoloong had just woken up, this small cauldron would appear three times a day. After the second day, it would appear once a day. But this time, it hadn't appeared for two consecutive days. Zhang Xiaoloong thought that he had recovered. Who would have thought that the phantom would be even more solid than before?    


* Hong Long...... *    


The thunder rumbled loudly in the sky, and the shadow of the small cauldron on Zhang Xiaoloong's chest seemed to be very excited. The dense yellow light was even more intense, and it actually slowly drifted towards the roof.    


Zhang Xiaoloong opened his mouth wide, and just as he saw the unbelievable scene, a bolt of lightning struck down from the sky, creating a big hole in the roof. It directly struck towards the top of his head, and in an instant, his entire body was numbed by the powerful lightning energy.    


My god, I, Zhang Xiaoloong, have never done anything wrong. The last time you did it, it was fine, but is this still not over?    


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