Godly Farmer

C31 Your Steps Are too Much of a Load of Bullsh T

C31 Your Steps Are too Much of a Load of Bullsh T

0"I'm sorry, Xiaoloong." Yang Jingjing felt very guilty.    


Although the manager said it was not because of her, Yang Jingjing felt that... If she had not followed them here and deliberately said those irritating words... In the end, she was the one who messed up this matter.    


He was only here to interview Zhang Xiaoloong, not his real girlfriend. Although he had suffered a small loss yesterday, it wasn't a big problem. Furthermore, it was just a misunderstanding. What right did he have to be jealous of Zhang Xiaoloong?    


There must be a lot of reasons why the top scholar did not report in. No matter what the reason was, she must have encountered difficulties. Not only did she not help, but she had also caused trouble for the other party. This made Yang Jingjing blame herself even more.    


"It's none of your business. Even if the price is still the same as yesterday, I will not buy it." Zhang Xiaoloong frankly said.    


"Why?" Yang Jingjing was curious.    


"You can't blame me for being too realistic and not keeping my word, right?" Chen Yaru said nervously.    


"I grow vegetables to earn money. No matter how big or small it is, it is still a business. To do business, you need a win-win situation in order to be able to last long. If you are too close to losing money, you will be at a disadvantage. If Bian Er takes advantage of me, I definitely won't be able to maintain it. " Zhang Xiaoloong smiled gently at the two girls. "So neither of you can be blamed. It was me who was too impatient. I didn't understand my own foundation, and I always wanted to reach the sky in a single bound. In ancient words, if one wanted to be fast, one would not be able to achieve it. There was also a saying among farmers, if one's steps were too big, it would easily lead to an egg..."    




The two beauties spat at the same time.    


Hearing him speak in such a straightforward manner, who would have thought that he would say such dirty words at the end.    


After the spray, the two of them looked at Zhang Xiaoloong's waist and below.    


"Cough, cough, cough..." Being stared at by the two beauties at such a crucial point made Zhang Xiaoloong feel uneasy. He also realized that it was not appropriate to say this in front of the girl, "This is also considered... The words are rough, so I will listen to my father. When I go back, I'll pick up the earth wall myself and make a few bamboos to make plastic sheets. When I have the strength, I'll talk about the glass greenhouse. "    


"I can help!" When Yang Jingjing heard that, she immediately raised her hand to sign up.    


"Okay." Zhang Xiaoloong smiled, thinking that it would already be good if you did not cause trouble.    


Chen Yaru listened to their conversation and felt a little envious. What they meant just now was that this beautiful reporter was going to follow Zhang Xiaoloong back to Qinghe Village.    


Although she understood that the two of them had nothing to do now, she always felt a faint threat from this girl.    


According to her father, Chen Zhaomin, Zhang Xiaoloong was a piece of unpolished jade. Now, he had already started to wipe away the dust covering it. If she was late, she would definitely be taken away by someone else.    


She didn't care about the unpolished jade. Every time she stood in front of this big boy, she felt an inexplicable sense of security. She felt that even if he wasn't a jade, he was a stone, and she wanted to hug him.    


This feeling was very strange. It was as if there was a smell on his body that was pulling her along. Once she smelled it, she wouldn't be able to withstand that kind of temptation. She wanted to get closer in confusion.    


"Using a self-made wall, plastic, greenhouse to harvest light in all aspects is not good. If the company is invited to do it, then... The cost is also around twenty to thirty thousand," Chen Yaru thought for a moment and then said, "But plastic sheets greenhouses only have a lifespan of about three years, while glass greenhouses can be maintained for thirty years. If you want to do it for two years, then forget it. The former is definitely cost-effective. But if it is a long-term investment, the glass greenhouse is still the first choice."    


"With my current condition, even if I invite the company to do plastic greenhouses, it's still not enough, so I have no way to consider the long-term investment problem. The first thing I need to do is to solve the problem in front of me." Zhang Xiaoloong said helplessly.    


"Actually, I have two ways to solve the problem in front of me. Do you want to hear it?" Chen Yaru said slyly.    


"Which two ways?" Zhang Xiaoloong's eyes lit up, but Yang Jingjing immediately became alert.    


"The first one can be paid in installments, considering before the vegetables ripen. There may not be any income, so I can start calculating the repayment period from three months later. Or... Half a year is fine too. As for how much each week is, it depends on your sales situation. It doesn't matter if it's a little less, until it's paid off." Chen Yaru looked at Zhang Xiaoloong probingly, wanting to see his reaction.    


Zhang Xiaoloong was a little embarrassed. Although it was said to be in installments, the other party's conditions were so relaxed. It was obvious that he wanted to take care of him, especially that it would depend on the sales situation. As long as he said that he did not make any money, this money could be dragged on indefinitely. It was like giving it away for free.    


"Then we'll start repaying the money in three months." Although he still owed a favor, he just had to return the money as soon as possible. It was different from receiving a favor like a few hundred thousand yuan for free. "The interest was calculated at the normal interest rate. It had to be paid. Otherwise, I can't accept it. "    


"Don't worry, I will be within the range of the country's regulations. I will let you pay the highest interest." Chen Yaru heaved a sigh of relief and then reminded, "There is still the two thousand yuan transport fee, which is the same as the interest. All of them have to be paid back with vegetables and cannot be paid with money. Once a week. Do you still remember this agreement? "    


"No problem." Zhang Xiaoloong agreed readily.    


"Don't you want to hear the second method?" Chen Yaru tried to tempt him again. "Compared to the first method, this method is less risky. Not only do you not need to pay, it can also reduce a lot of trouble with your business."    


"Don't tell me you want him to marry you with his body?" Yang Jingjing said half-jokingly and half-seriously.    


Zhang Xiaoloong also quickly said, "I think the first one is very good. I will return the money as soon as possible."    


Chen Yaru did not comment much and just said, "The second method is to let our company sell all the vegetables you planted. It is equivalent to us setting up a greenhouse. Even the seeds and fertilizers that you need to plant the vegetables will be managed by you. Both parties will split the profits equally. We can set a base price with you. If you can't sell it at this price, we will also guarantee that half of your profit will be enough. If the price is higher, we will split it equally at a high price. What do you think?"    


Zhang Xiaoloong was silent for a moment. In his heart, this method was also possible.    


On the surface, it seemed that the other party had given out everything and even managed the basic sales. He only had one person to manage it, but he was able to get half of the profit. This was completely taking care of Zhang Xiaoloong.    


But in Zhang Xiaoloong's view, the vegetables he planted were definitely different from other people. It should be said that no one else could plant it and give it to the other party to sell. In fact, it was the Yuanbo who benefited from it. He did not even need to owe them a favor.    


"Let's go with the first method." Zhang Xiaoloong thought about it and said seriously.    


"Okay." Chen Yaru was a little disappointed, but she did not insist. She blinked. "If there is nothing else, let's go and see the materials. We will talk about what you have in mind after we look at it. Although the specific design needs to be drawn after looking at the terrain, generally speaking, we'll try our best to meet your requirements. After looking at them, I'll send you back to Qinghe Village. "    


"Ah? Why are you going to Qinghe Village?" Zhang Xiaoloong was puzzled.    


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