Rise Against Desperation



0Zhan Jun was known as the second generation in the Zhan Clan. He was so lawless that he did not even place the Martial King elder in the sky in his eyes.    


At this moment, although Xiao Ya's eyes were filled with fear, she pouted her lips and looked at the figure that charged up. At the same time, Lin Hu also quickly jumped onto the stage and held onto Xiao Ya's hands as he walked off the stage.    


When Lin Hu looked around, he found that Xiao Ya's elder sister did not seem to be there. Moreover, there were also some people who were at the peak of the Martial Spirit Realm. He had some doubts about this scene.    


However, at this moment, he did not think too much and brought Xiao Ya to the stage. However, he was once again stopped by the figure standing in front of him.    


As he looked at the second generation ancestor of Zhan Clan, killing intent surged in his eyes. This second generation ancestor was always going against him.    


"Out of the way!"    


His words caused Zhan Junwith a smile on his face. "You brat, I've discovered that you're very arrogant."    


"Have you forgotten that punch?"    


With this said, Zhan Jun's complexion turned ashen. The faces of so many Zhan Clan members had been sent flying a hundred meters away. Although the fist marks on their cheeks had been restored to normal due to the treatment, an unerasable humiliation was left behind.    


"You only sneaked an attack on me before, did you dare to fight me fairly?"    


When these words were spoken, the Martial King in the sky seemed to be unable to continue watching and his brows twitched.    


"This is a clan gathering. Zhan Jun, I hope you can understand!"    


At this moment, Zhan Jun seemed extremely angry. His eyes gradually changed as he turned around and walked down the battling platform. As he left, he left behind a few words of ridicule.    


"What a piece of trash!"    


With a calm look on his face, he took Xiao Ya by the hand and led her to the bottom of the battling platform. Right now, Lin Hu was not concerned about these things, he was concerned about where the patriarch of the Zhan Clan was.    


Zhan Jundidn't pay any heed to this matter. Lin Hu, who was deep in thought, turned to Zhan Jun and asked, "Where is the Battle Clan's Patriarch?"    


Zhan Feng shook his head. "The Battle Clan's Patriarch usually doesn't appear during a clan gathering, unless …!"    


"Unless what?"    


"Unless the precious daughter of the patriarch fights with someone to the point of life and death, the young miss of the Zhan family fought with the second ranked person for nine thousand rounds at last year's family meeting. The patriarch only stopped her when she had reached the point of life and death!"    


After Lin Yuan heard this, he thought about it and came up with an idea. If this could seduce the Battle Clan's Patriarch, then so could I.    


"Down!" "Let's start the competition of the Zhan Clan's disciples. Surrender with your hands, regardless of life or death!"    


Regardless of life or death! Unless they were to raise their hands in surrender, the Zhan Clan's winds of martial arts were indeed strong. Only such strong winds of martial arts would cause so many young cultivators of the Martial Spirit Realm to appear.    


The big city was indeed a big city, it was incomparable to their small and remote city.    


As soon as he said this, the thousand Zhan Clan disciples that had stood up already began their selection. They turned to look at Zhan Feng with smiles in their eyes.    


"Zhan Feng, aren't you going up?"    


"I'm not going! "Going up to get a beating, huh? These people are all amazing to death. I'm just going up to get some soy sauce."    


The indifference in his eyes made Lin Hu admire Zhan Feng a little too much. To be able to be so casual and indifferent in the world of martial cultivation was truly rare.    


He did not have any intention to fight with these people. Now, the only thing he wanted to do was to wait for the young miss of Zhan Clan to draw out the clan leader with her life and death before handing Xiao Ya over to the clan leader. Then, he would not have any regrets and would not have to do his own things.    


Zhan Jun didn't go up to compete either. Instead, he sat down on a small stool below the battling platform. His eyes were filled with a sinister light as he looked in his direction. Occasionally, he would cast a gaze filled with killing intent.    


Lin Hu ignored this gaze as he pondered, "Zhan Feng! Which one is the young miss of Zhan family? "    


Other than the Wang Biao you saw before, the other thirty people who were ranked in the top rankings will be closed up in the Tower of War. Only at the last moment will they appear, because they are top thirty people who can break into the last round and directly participate in the Large Competition!    


Within his words, the fight on the martial stage was exceptionally intense. From time to time, a different kind of light would flash across the stage and soon, the cracked ground would be accompanied by an angry curse.    


"Keep quiet, the ground is breaking right in front of me!"    


"The martial skill you released hit me, you bastard!"    


The curses coming from the stage were especially fierce. With the support of the magic array, the ground quickly repaired itself, maintaining the integrity of the ground.    


Zhan Feng's eyes looked at Zhan Jun who was sitting in the rocking chair and then looked at himself with fear, "You have to worry about the 30 people who will appear in the last round, because there will be a tenth ranked core disciple among them. Zhan Jun is this guy's helper, and there will still be six or seven other people.    


Zhan Feng's words indicated that he would be in trouble later on. Lin Hu asked with a contemplative expression, "What are the cultivations of these three people like?"    


"They are all at the ninth level of the Martial Spirit Realm. However, you must know that there is a difference in strength even among those who are at the ninth level of the Martial Spirit Realm. The strength of six or seven people can even fight against those who are at the peak of the tenth level of the Martial Spirit Realm. You might even be able to defeat them with your full strength! "    


With such strength, to be able to unleash one's potential and combat prowess was undoubtedly due to the level of one's martial arts cultivation, the concentration of one's own martial aura, and some mental states.    


Lin Hu did not believe that these people possessed a concept. He had experienced the feeling of having a concept blooming before, and with the help of a concept, his combat strength had increased by leaps and bounds.    


Lin Hu, who was deep in thought, had already prepared himself for battle. If there really were thugs against him in the future, he could only choose to fight or run away.    


Gradually, nightfall came. The remaining one thousand five hundred people on the battling platform all sat down at the same time. This was the time for the young warriors to recover their martial Qi.    


At the same time, Lin Hu tightly sat around Xiao Ya, because in the dark of the night, he could always see Zhan Jun's malicious gaze.    


"He protected me so well!"    


The venomous voice sounded, and disdain could be seen at the corners of his lips.    


"Young master Zhan Jun, do you want to go with us into the forest? We'll stop that guy for you! "    


A sound of someone coming up with a plan came from beside him. It was accompanied by a chuckle, causing the surrounding people to nod their heads with smiles on their faces. However, at this time, a flame appeared in the sky, illuminating the entire Martial Hall.    


"This is the First Elder's Bright Fire Art!"    


The vast and cold flame was like a fire dragon, circling above the War Manor. As the dragon's head descended, it illuminated the entire night.    


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