Rise Against Desperation



0Just like this, Lin Hua used Starlight to heal his spiritual sense, and when his spiritual sense gradually stabilized, he continued to absorb Starlight to heal. More than a month had already passed.    


During this period of time, he gained a better understanding of Xiao Ya's background and discovered the sincerity within her heart.    


Like most families, among the young generation of the Zhan Clan, the one with the most respected status was naturally the young master and the young miss who possessed all kinds of blood ties.    


After them were the ordinary disciples who weren't related by blood, but these ordinary disciples couldn't fight by their surname.    


The most surprising thing was that Xiao Ya had unexpectedly discovered that she was a direct descendant during the month of his questioning and beating. However, due to the fact that her faction was sparse and the disappearance of the strongest people, Xiao Ya had been bullied to such an extent.    


To be bullied like this was perhaps due to the suppression from another bloodline. To put it bluntly, it was a conflict within the family that had harmed Xiao Ya.    


He was in the residence of a servant that was under the jurisdiction of Zhan Clan. Xiao Ya was also in charge of the land within a kilometer radius.    


A kilometer in radius! Xiao Ya was just an ordinary mortal that could only be completed by him. Just by thinking about it, one could tell how difficult and arduous it was.    


It was no wonder that Yu Xiaoya would return home. The exhausted Xiao Ya would smile as she entered the room every day. She must have felt really bad inside and wanted to cry.    


Strength! Strength! He didn't have any powerful strength! Without sufficient strength to protect herself, Xiao Ya would probably be defeated in her entire life. Liu Na and the others stepped on the ground, allowing themselves to be humiliated.    


"Xiao Ya's elder sister, it seems that your younger sister will not be able to fulfill your promise and become a mortal peacefully. You should know about the difficulties she is facing and will definitely persevere in my rotation, right?"    


Lin Hu revealed a smile as he spoke, then he turned to look at Xiao Ya.    


"Xiao Ya!"    


Xiao Ya, who had just gotten up and was about to go farming again, raised her head in surprise at this shout.    


Ah!" Big brother Lin Hua, you're not sleeping.     


For the past month, when Xiao Ya had left the world, she had mistakenly thought that Lin Chu had fallen asleep in the middle of the night. Today, her cry had given her a fright.    


"Xiao Ya, come here!"    


He walked closer to Xiao Ya with a curious expression, blankly staring at the incomparably clear eyes of Big Brother Lin Chu. The two of them looked at each other, causing Lin Zhu to smile.    


"Xiao Ya! Remember what I promised you? "    


Hearing that, Xiao Ya looked nervously at the young man in front of her. The doubt in her innocent eyes changed to nervousness in the end.    


After Xiao Ya solemnly nodded her head, Lin Hu stretched out his left hand with a smile on his face and placed it on Xiao Ya's face.    


Xiao Ya had once said that there was a problem with her meridians, and the gas field was the key point to guide the flow of her meridians. If he wanted to restore Xiao Ya's meridians, he had to start from the gas field.    


Although Xiao Ya didn't know what Big Brother Lin Chu was up to, she knew that the gentle words of Xiao Ya definitely wouldn't hurt her. Thus, Xiao Ya allowed Lin Zhu to place his left hand on her Qi field.    


Under Xiao Ya's flabbergasted gaze, a bright star-like ray of light entered her aura field, bringing with it a comfortable feeling.    


Lin Hua did not know that he had never checked on Xiao Ya's body before, but this time, he found out that she had over a hundred internal injuries during the Starlight Healing.    


Although these injuries were not fatal, but they would definitely leave behind a great disaster in the future after accumulating over a long period of time.    


His aura field had not completely recovered yet, so he could only use the starlight to heal and not release the wood spirit. As a result, he continued for six hours before stopping his left hand.    


Lin Hu, who had been sitting beside the bed for six hours, smiled as he asked in a gentle voice, "Xiao Ya, how do you feel right now?"    


"Me! Me! I feel so comfortable. It's not as painful as before. "    


Upon hearing these words, Lin Hu's nose started to ache. It turned out that Xiao Ya was enduring pain everyday, but she did not make a sound.    


Patting Xiao Ya's head, he said in a gentle voice, "Then, can big brother Lin Zhu treat your injuries at this time every night?"    


"Good!" "Of course!" His eyes filled with surprise and fear, he quickly ran out the door, "It's been six hours, it's been six hours. If I don't, I'll be scolded again."    


With a smile on his face, Lin Hua continued to lie down as Xiao Ya jogged out of the room and started to look inside his consciousness that had been restored by the star radiance within a month.    


He discovered that the reconstructed spiritual sense outline looked like a person standing there with a weapon in his hand. The bigger thing was that his spiritual sense could cover an area of 300 meters.    


Without a doubt, this phenomenon showed that his spiritual sense had become one third stronger than before. How could he not be happy?    


Also, after his consciousness was damaged and repaired, the starlight that gathered it was located in between the head of the blurry figure. The number of people that gathered it was also two times more than before.    


When he looked at the person from the inside, he had the thought that if the blurry figure in his divine sense could be used to gather starlight from all over, then the blurry figure might become a person covered in starlight.    


But when the brain of the blurry figure was full, no matter how much he absorbed, he could not continue absorbing, so he simply gave up on that thought.    


"Don't tell me this is what it means to create something after breaking it?"    


Laughing involuntarily, he once again shifted his gaze to the ridge on his back. The pain that pierced his spine was as though he once again appeared at the scene in Cloud City.    


When he thought of the purple pupils being taken away, hatred arose in his heart. However, there was nothing he could do about it.    


As the starlight spread into the back of his spine, he felt a comfortable expression. The waves of heart-wrenching pain began to slowly recover after the starlight entered his body.    


He could feel the broken bones in his spine. After entering, the starlight began to emit a light blue glow. These light dots slowly gathered, and the friction between the bones seemed to grow denser.    


Six hours later, the Starlight was fully activated. He closed his eyes and waited for the night to come.    


In the middle of the night, Xiao Ya came back with the hoe on her shoulder. After a careful look, traces of bruises appeared on Xiao Ya's face once more.    


Lin Hu hid his anger within his heart. Since Xiao Ya didn't want to say it out loud, she had no choice but to slowly open up her meridians and rely on herself to walk this path of resistance.    


Only this future Xiao Ya would be able to face the muddy world outside.    


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