Rise Against Desperation



0The meridian channels were the most vulnerable part of the human body. Some people actually wanted to compress their martial qi at a little bit. This would result in an explosion, resulting in them becoming a cripple.    


Lin Hua was aware of this. However, he had the power of the stars to repair his meridians, and that was the key point that he was fearless of.    


"In any case, I've been crippled before. It's fine to do it again."    


When the starlight was absorbed to its maximum capacity, Lin Hua started to compress the dragon's power and martial qi.    


"I didn't expect it to be so difficult!"    


He didn't know how many times he had failed, but Lin Chu's entire body was drenched in sweat.    


Compression was also a test of a martial artist's cultivation level. It was related to one's divine sense. If the martial energy wandered around, then one's meridians would be damaged.    


Even if Lin Hua had the power of the stars, he would still have to be very careful.    


"It's a success. The seventieth time is a success!"    


Closing his eyes and looking at his right arm that had been compressed, Lin Hua's eyes were filled with light.    


Now, Lin Hua finally understood why the name of this martial art was called Dragon Power.    


The wisp of Martial Qi that was left behind was like a True Dragon, plastered onto the Qi field on his chest.    


"Let's give it a try!"    


Unable to wait any longer, Lin Hu eagerly arrived at the side of the mountain wall near Purple Eyed.    


According to the method of releasing the dragon's power, the dragon's power was released in a split-second. It gathered on the right fist and hit the rock wall.    


A martial artist at Stage Eight had a strength of seven hundred jin, and now that he had doubled his strength, it was now a strength of fourteen hundred jin.    


Due to the past few days of body forging, Lin Hua's pure physical strength had increased by more than a hundred pounds.    


Thus, what was revealed in front of the forest bud was a small hole that was more than ten times more than what Lin Hua had created the first time.    


However, the results were also painful. The note on the Dragon's Strength martial art said that one had to have a strong physique to be able to release it.    


Lin Hu looked at his right hand and smiled awkwardly. His right hand was unable to move, and the pain made him grimace.    


However, looking at the big hole in front of him, Lin Hu laughed again.    


"Why did you come here so late at night instead of absorbing martial energy to recuperate?"    


The sound of this punch was very loud, especially in the silent night.    


Seeing Zi Tong's pouting face full of anger at him, Lin Hu scratched his head in embarrassment, then crawled back onto the tree to peacefully lie down.    


Zi Tong naturally noticed the forest sprout on the upper right, and looked at the large hole beside him.    


After some thought, he came to the top of the tree, and grabbed onto Lin Hua's right hand while trying to figure out what was going on.    


This action caused Lin Hu to grit his teeth in pain. Then, he said, "Men and women shouldn't touch Master Purple Eyed."    


"Be quiet."    


After a long time, Violet Eye's words caused Lin Hua to widen his eyes. "You can actually unleash power several times stronger than yours. The power of the Star Body is truly inconceivable."    


Even though he knew that the Purple Eye was very experienced and knowledgeable, but he even knew how much power he could unleash. Lin Hu couldn't help but admire his master even more.    


"I don't know how I did it either."    


The purple eyes stared at Dou Qingxiu's beautiful eyebrows when she heard Lin Chu's words. She then said, "If you can control this power, it will undoubtedly become a great boost to your strength."    


After saying those words, Zi Tong flew into the air and left the forest bud tree.    


On the morning of the second day, a silky white fog enveloped the area and did not disperse for a long time.    


A gentle breeze blew past, causing the sound of skin touching to ring out incessantly.    


At this moment, Lin Hu was bare-chested like yesterday, and he was holding a huge rock to receive a beating from the Purple Eyed Martial Qi.    


In a hidden forest on the back mountain peak, Lin Hu's legs were like tree stumps as he stabbed into the ground, his toes tightly holding onto the ground.    


The cloth shoes were already in tatters. Lin Hu tightly clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead were twisting as sweat poured out.    


Lin Zhu's eyebrows would twitch when he saw the salty sweat streak across the wound. He was wearing only a pair of thin shorts, and his naked body was covered in bruises that intersected with green and red.    


Seeing the unswerving determination on the youth's face, just as Zi Tong was about to stop, the youth's words made her wave her martial arts once again.    


Martial Qi Pills left another long scar on Lin Hua's back. Despite having gone through three rounds of pure skin training, each purple pupil had to depend on Lin Zhu's skin's endurance.    


With the appropriate increase in strength, the pain was still not alleviated, causing Lin Hua to finally be unable to restrain herself from crying out.    


Because his right hand was injured, the boulder in his left hand fell off from the pain. Just as it was about to hit Lin Hua, Zi Tong sent the boulder flying with a palm strike.    


Purple-eyed was very well-timed. Every time he attacked Lin Hua, it just happened to reach the limit that Lin Hua's body could handle.    


In this way, he would not only be able to severely injure Lin Hua, but he would also be able to bring him a true sense of pain.    


In such a tempering process, Lin Hua's physique and the first level of the Three Saint Dragon Striking Technique would be further enhanced.    


"Very good! Persisting ten times longer than last time will allow you to start cultivating the Three Saint Dragon Striking Technique."    


The further one got, the harder it was to practice the Three Saint Ruler Technique, because Lin Hua's skin did not have the corresponding heavenly and earthly treasures, making it harder to dissolve.    


This time, it took him about fourteen hours, several hours more than before, which caused Lin Hu to feel a bit dissatisfied.    


If Zi Tong found out about his dissatisfaction, he would have no idea how Zi Tong would react.    


Just like this, Lin Yu started to practice the Three Saint Dragon Strikes from the Purple Eyeballs during the day.    



Unknowingly, more than a month had passed since he squeezed out of the ground to absorb the power of the stars.    


During this month, Lin Hua had already cultivated the Three Saint Dragon Striking Technique to the seventh time.    


Upon hearing Zi Tong say that she had been a martial artist for forty-nine times, Lin Hu, who was still complacent, did not dare to show off anymore.    


Although he didn't know how strong Zi Tong's body was, it was definitely not something he could compare with.    


According to Zi Tong's instructions, Lin Hua hadn't practiced any low grade Profound Rank martial skills for the past month, and the eight forms of the ominous chaotic fist technique was mainly for the purpose of consolidating his foundation.    


Therefore, Lin Hua's body had become much stronger in this month.    


The lines of his body were now even more pronounced. At the age of fourteen, his entire body was covered in strong muscles.    


The muscles looked very comfortable and smooth, without the feeling of resistance. This was also the result of his hard work for more than a month.    


Lin Hua's clothes were old and worn out. After a month of cultivation, his clothes were riddled with holes.    


Lin Yuan, who was sitting cross-legged on the mountaintop, was practicing his martial arts. His purple eyes were waving around the top of the tree with his pure white legs, and he was looking down at Lin Hua with a big smile on his face.    


"Cultivating martial energy is not a waste. It seems that the result is still obvious after a month."    


Just like what Zi Tong had said, Lin Hua's hard work over the past month had changed his original plan, and his goal for martial cultivation.    


There were several times when he couldn't persevere any longer, and Purple Eye would always ask him wisely what was his purpose in cultivating martial arts.    


In the end, he thought of Xiao Yue'er, he thought of Grandpa Huang, and he thought of when his meridians were crippled.    


The scene of Grandfather Huang taking care of him reminded him of the Purple Eyed Master in front of him who had taught him martial arts with all his heart.    


His answer was that he did not want the people around him to be harmed, did not want to lose the warmth of the human world, and he thirsted for the power to protect the people around him.    


Whenever he thought of these, Lin Hua would always have an endless motivation to persevere.    


In the end, he survived. He had gone through seven times of using the Three Saint Crafting Technique to fight the dragon.    


During this month, his martial qi had reached a bottleneck and he had broken through to Stage Nine Martial Disciple.    


However, what Lin Hu couldn't figure out was that when he broke through to Stage Nine Martial Disciple, there were actually signs of him breaking through to Stage Ten Martial Disciple.    


He asked Zi Tong this question. Zi Tong's suggestion was to keep him from breaking through, but he didn't ask why.    


He was extremely confident in the Purple Eye. To be able to help him like this, it was very likely that Purple Eye was the only person in this world.    


Zi Tong had also told him that even if he could break through two stages in a row, he would still have to spend twice the amount of time to build a firm foundation.    


At this moment, Lin Hu opened his eyes and gazed at Zi Tong. He then leapt up to the top of the precipice, staring at the peerlessly beautiful young lady before him.    


"Master Zi Tong, next, let's start the gentle steps of Chan. I feel that we can start cultivating now."    


Lin Hu knew that rather than spending time cultivating, he might as well solidify his combat abilities. When he realized that it was useless, he immediately ran to Zi Tong's side.    


"Since you haven't passed the Stone Rats, go over there."    


This time, Zi Tong still tied three pieces of Roran Grass onto Lin Hua's body. Lin Hua was overjoyed that after two hours, there was still a piece of Roran Grass on him, which made him extremely excited.    


Following that, Lin Hu played with his life as he trained, pestering these Stone Rats from day to night.    


After experiencing seven times of this, the little guy's sharp claws were no longer a threat, and he could only leave a shallow scratch on the little guy's body.    


A week later, Lin Hu calmly walked out. He looked at the six stalks of root grass around him and saw that none of them had been stolen.    


Lin Zhu knew that he had already made a deeper progress in the gentle steps of the Chasing Chan.    


Of course, as a reward for training with him, even if the Stone Rats didn't take it away, Lin Hua would still give them the root grass.    


These Stone Rats were also happy to play with Lin Hua. In the end, these Stone Rats actually weren't afraid of Lin Zhu and swaggered over.    


Touching Lin Hua's calf, he pleaded for some root grass as a reward.    


Purple Eyes was also satisfied with Lin Yu's performance, but he only nodded his head.    


Lin Hua was entangled with the Stone Rats during the day, practicing the low-grade Profound Rank movement technique to make sure that they were gentle, and at night he could absorb the stars in the sky and cultivate martial energy.    


As the saying goes, there is no armor in the mountain and no years of cultivation. Unknowingly, two months had already passed, and there was only a month left for the family meeting.    


In the past two months, Lin Hua had improved tremendously in every aspect. He was no longer the Lin Hua who only knew how to use brute force to attack.    


What he knew now was how to attack and defend, and how to avoid all the vital points on his body.    


After all, with Zi Tong, a powerful and strict mysterious female sparring partner, it would be difficult for her not to improve.    


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