Rise Against Desperation



0This punch of his, caused Lin Hua to retreat a few steps as well. The heaven-defying force of the battle qi was simply too terrifying.    


"What do you mean by 'Eight Style Chaos Fist'? It is not a random move, but a move that upsets the surrounding martial qi, messes up the enemy's legs, and then reforms the martial qi to make use of the chaotic qi."    


At this moment, Zi Tong had already forced himself to stand in the middle of the three-eyed wolf. He once again said: "Then I will reform this chaotic Martial Qi."    


Lin Hua did not dare to be distracted by his purple eyes as he watched carefully.    


After the purple pupils had reformed their martial arts, they instantly punched out. Just one punch was enough to release a strong wave of wind.    


Later on, Lin Hua finally understood why there were eight forms. The superimposed power of one punch after another was even more powerful than before, and the final punch was truly stunning.    


A ten-meter-wide open space appeared on the plains under Zi Tong's punch. On the contrary, there was a bloody wound on one of the thirty Three-eyed Wolves' skin.    


The injured Three-eyed Wolf Forest Sprout did not chase after him. Instead, he took out his dagger and began to collect the spirit cores.    


After collecting all the spirit cores, Lin Hua handed them over to Zi Tong.    


This night, Lin Hua did not cultivate his martial Qi. He did not even gather the power of the star radiance.    


Just like this, his mind became empty as he recalled the movements and moves of Zi Tong.    


"Surrounding... The flow of the martial energy seems to have slowed down! "    


The Martial Qi in the surroundings seemed to have become clearer, and he could feel it with his hands. This was something that he had never been able to discover before.    


After which, Lin Hu used both of his hands to move the martial Qi, finally attempting to move it in the air.    


"Looks like I've found it!"    


Just like this, he continued to try and recall the scene of Purple Eye using the Eight Movement Chaotic Fist. The next day was bright and sunny, and Lin Hu, who had not rested for the entire night, continued to practice.    




Looking at Lin Hua who was still in the midst of comprehending his martial arts, Zi's eyes widened. He sighed and said, "I can feel the circulation of martial qi in one night. It's almost the same as what I felt back then."    


Then, in front of her eyes, Lin Hua suddenly fell to the ground.    


She was so shocked that she immediately took a lotus step to see if Lin Hua's martial arts had messed up his Qi field, causing him to lose consciousness.    


However, what happened next made her breathe a sigh of relief. She covered her mouth and laughed.    


Lin Yuan was fast asleep on the ground, mumbling from time to time, "I succeeded, I succeeded, I found the feeling of the flow of martial qi."    


Time was like an arrow, the sun was like a shuttle, the moon was like a shuttle; there was no one in the mountain who had trained for a long time, Lin Hua was comprehending the flow of the Eight Movements Chaos Fist, another ten days had passed.    


During these ten days, Lin Hua's improvement was not little. From his brute force at the beginning to the Martial Qi circulating in his body now, his improvement was not little.    


Borrowing Wu Qi here was not something that could be done by directly using the power of the Circulatory Cycle Martial Qi. Only a Martial King would be able to do something like this.    


As for the legendary Martial Kings, they truly controlled the Martial Qi of Heaven and Earth. When they flew through the air, no Martial Qi accompanied them.    


If it was used in a real sense, it could only be seen in legends.    


"Lin Hua, continue your attack."    


There were broken bits of grass everywhere on the desolate plain. The young man's body was covered in sweat, and patches of bruises covered his body. He was staring at the figure in front of him with determination.    


Purple-eyed stood with his hands behind his back, similarly suppressing his cultivation. However, his battle experience couldn't be compared to Lin Yu's, as the bruises on his body were the best proof of that.    


"Master Violet Eye, just you wait. I will defeat you."    


A 14 year old youth that was filled with vigor that refused to admit defeat, seeming to have forgotten his own pain.    


These were the final eight punches of the Eight Movement Technique. The young man's steps were steady as he performed the first seven punches. Waves of battle qi surged towards the figure in front of him.    


"Nice momentum. I hope you can give me a surprise, Lin Hua."    


Looking at the figure in front of him, Lin Hua had been trying to figure out if he could combine the dragon's strength with the Eight Style Chaos Fist.    


"Zi Tong, I'm here."    


"Brat, you forgot to add the word 'master'."    


Eight chaotic fists, one punch was stronger than the other, and the last punch was to gather the power of the first seven punches.    


When Lin Hua threw out his final punch, the flow of the Martial Qi in the surroundings increased rapidly, forming a circular hurricane accompanied by the broken grass in the surroundings. Its power was quite spectacular.    


Looking at the last punch that brought about a flow of Martial Qi, the corner of Zi Tong's mouth slightly curled, "Lin Hua, this momentum is still passable."    


At this moment, Lin Hu angrily hollered, "Dragon's Strength!"    


Accompanied by this shout, a powerful martial qi rushed out from Lin Hua's right arm. It was the compressed power of a dragon.    


When the dragon's power rushed out, it smoothly combined with the Eight Movements Chaos Fist.    


The weeds that had been left on the ground had been uprooted, and the hurricane had become even more concentrated. Its scale had more than doubled.    


The purple-eyed man with a smile on his face had a surprised expression on his face. He immediately mobilized all the martial energy in his body and released his cultivation of the Martial Spirit Realm to defend against the combination of the dragon's power and the Eight Movements Chaos Fist.    


At this time, Zi Tong was astonished. He had no choice but to treat the chaotic fist strike that suddenly increased its power with caution. Therefore, he immediately mobilized his Martial Spirit Realm cultivation to block it.    


The tornado formed by the Dragon Power and Eight Style Chaotic Fist landed squarely on Lin Hu's purple eye. However, Lin Hu sat on the ground and watched as the tornado disappeared.    


"Master Purple Eyed, this was all easily blocked by you!"    


"No, at the last moment I removed the suppression on my cultivation. You won!"    


Upon hearing these words, Lin Yu immediately jumped up and excitedly looked at Zi Tong, saying, "How is Master Zi Tong? My technique isn't bad, is it?"    


"Mm. In an instant, his power increased by twofold. Even I was a bit surprised."    



Over the past two months, Lin Hu had frequently suffered setbacks from the words of this beautiful young girl. Now that he heard the praises from Zi Tong, he proudly wiped his nose and looked at the young girl in front of him with a provocative gaze.    


"Master Zi Tong, do you want me to teach you a martial skill that increases your might?"    


With Zi Tong's selfless teaching, Lin Hu didn't want to hide it from her. This way, she would feel bad and think of an excuse to say this.    


When Zi Tong heard this, her delicate and pretty eyebrows raised. It was a sight to behold.    


"Self-created martial arts?" With just you? "    


Upon hearing these words, Lin Hu became displeased, "What, you don't believe me?"    


"No, I don't believe that a self-created martial arts technique could be accomplished by a Martial King."    


Unbeknownst to him, Zi Tong was already incomparably shocked in his heart.    


As a girl blessed by the heavens, she could not help but feel a little anxious when she saw her peers, who had created their own martial arts and displayed such power.    


Seeing how the beautiful young lady in front of him didn't trust him, Lin Hu tilted his head. "Anyway, I was the one who invented this. Do you want to learn it?"    


Seeing such an arrogant youth, Zi Tong couldn't help but cover his mouth and laugh. Then, he thought about the martial skill that could give him a boost of strength before lightly nodding his head.    


"Master Lin Zhu, teach me, I'll learn!"    


Hearing this, Lin Hu's heart was at ease. He revealed an innocent smile, showing his pure white teeth as he imitated Zi Tong's method and lightly tapped Zi Tong's forehead.    


Of course, he did not mention the introduction to the martial skills, as it would expose him to the Purple Eye. He had too many secrets and even if Purple Eye was not an outsider, he would still hide them in his heart.    


He used his spiritual sense to observe the Martial Technique that came from Lin Hu. Even with Zi Tong's knowledge, he couldn't be stunned for a long time.    


"If this is truly your creation, then you are the number one person among the younger generation that I've seen."    


With Purple Eye praising him, Lin Hua felt a bit embarrassed. However, he did not show it. Instead, he raised his head and looked at Purple Eye 45 degrees.    


"Naturally, but it was also taught well by you, Master."    


Seeing Lin Hu's glib tongue, Zi Tong covered his mouth and laughed, "I will consolidate the knowledge I have learnt for the next three months within the remaining five days."    


Lin Yun scratched his head and nodded his head. This action made Zi Tong smile.    


Thinking back on what he had learned three months ago, he was no longer afraid of fighting to the death with Scarface.    


There were only five days left. Lin Hua finally relaxed his tensed heart, closed his eyes, and laid down on the treetop, enjoying the pleasant breeze.    


"Master Purple Eye, are you coming with me to the Lin Family this time?"    


He opened his eyes and looked at the purple eyes on the other tree as he asked with hope.    


After pondering for a long time, Zi Tong blinked her beautiful eyes and smiled.    


"Go, stay here for a while."    


"So, do you have to leave in the future?"    


"Let's go." The young girl replied coldly.    


"Leaving the family is a serious crime. If you do that, you will be treated as a traitor and you will receive the heaviest punishment."    


Hearing this, Zi Tong looked at Lin Hua before covering his head with his hands and lying down to look at the sky.    


"The rules and regulations cannot restrict my freedom. People do not live for other things. Do they still live like humans?"    


After mulling over Purple Eye's words for a long time, Lin Hua looked at him and then looked up into the sky as well. "But the family is a place where I was born to raise them. I know he has many troubles, but it hasn't reached the point where I can abandon them."    


Purple Eyes did not reply, silently gazing at the sky. Afterwards, Lin Hu continued, "If one day they were able to make me give them up, then I would be able to do what you are free to do."    


"Freedom? I'm not free at all. "    


After muttering to himself, he threw a large silver bucket to his side and closed his eyes, falling asleep.    


Seeing the cool breeze brush past his purple pupils, and the calm and peaceful purple pupils in his sleep, Lin Hu stood there dumbstruck for a long time before lightly shaking his head.    


Everyone had their own stories, he had his own stories, and the purple pupils had their own stories. It was probably best to hide them in one's heart.    


He didn't think too much about it. Looking at the huge vat of silver thrown out, Lin Hua knew that this was the last time he would be able to practice the Three Saint Dragon Fighting Technique.    


According to what Zi Tong had said, she only had enough medicinal plants for Lin Hua to cultivate for eight times. This was clearly the last time, which was the eighth time she would lose her virginity.    


After experiencing the previous few times, this time, it was natural for his skin to be covered with pure water. However, time had passed even more quickly. Soon, three days had passed, and Lin Hu had finally walked out of the big barrel.    


"The eighth time at Body Tempering is already so painful!"    


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