Rise Against Desperation



0Ilan did not follow. She knew that this level of fighting would only cause trouble.    


In the endless night, the stench of blood in the surroundings spread out along with the gentle breeze.    




With her jade-like hands tightly clenched at her chest, Yun Qianyi, who was surrounded by the surrounding disciples of the Martial Hall, looked at the figure who was fighting in the sky with a nervous expression.    


"If you are willing to surrender, then we don't need to do anything." The nine evil spirit masters teased, their voices full of laughter.    


"Do you really think that you're also at the peak of Stage Nine Martial King?"    


Lin Mang scolded as he came out. His eyes were wide open as he looked at the few figures in front of him with disdain.    


"We are not Martial Kings of the ninth level, but we can reach the cultivation of the eighth level. It is enough to deal with you."    


After speaking indifferently, the nine people turned into black gas and disappeared. The black gas slowly condensed into a monster with a head and eighteen eyes on its face.    


The reformed body had 18 arms and 18 legs, and its body shape was as strange as a spider crawling on the ground.    


"How many?"    


Skinny Lin muttered to himself as he gulped. He looked at the figure above him, his eyes filled with doubt.    


However, after he finished speaking, the eighteen cold eyes shot over, causing him to immediately squat down on the ground and hide behind the crowd.    


Everyone took a deep breath as they witnessed this scene. The cultivation technique of the Evil Soul Master was extremely strange; it was actually able to forcibly fuse it into a stronger body.    


"If it weren't for the fact that our master's Dharmic technique could only be cast by Martial Kings, our subordinates would have already slaughtered everyone in Cloud City and smoothly occupied it."    


The voices seemed to be the combined voices of the nine silhouettes. The overlapping sounds were incomparably ear-piercing, causing the hearts of the crowd to go numb.    


After these nine figures merged together, they charged towards the martial kings of Cloud City. Facing the incoming attack from the Evil Body Fusion Soul Masters, they would naturally not sit still and wait for death.    


Facing the fusion body and Evil Soul Masters charging towards the ground, the nine figures simultaneously opened up a screen of light, and the four hundred plus warriors of justice from Cloud City did not idle around either, channeling their martial energy towards the nine Martial Kings.    


With the help of more than four hundred people from the Cloud City, the two attacks seemed to be of equal strength. The Qi flow from the collision spread out to cover a radius of six hundred meters before stopping.    


The Evil Soul Master's deformed mouth parted to reveal a hideous face as he continued to strike down. At the same time, the Martial Spirit above his head rose slowly.    


However, there was only one martial spirit, a tiger-shaped martial spirit. It was surrounded by a blue glow, but at this moment, it was emitting a cold aura. After adding in its body, it seemed to become even more violent.    


At the same time, all the cultivators in the Martial Spirit Realm pushed their martial Qi to its maximum and sent it towards the nine Martial Kings.    


With the help of the Cloud City's warriors of justice, the cracks on the light wall began to slowly heal until it was completely repaired and completely undamaged. Then, he continued to defend against the attacks from above.    


"Is there any use in hiding behind this layer forever?"    


The tyrannical voice caused the martial king of the righteous men in Cloud City to not say anything as he calmly released his martial aura to block the attack.    


Every time the Evil Body Fusion soul master threw out a punch, it would carry a dense amount of martial energy. This martial energy could easily crush a person at the Martial Spirit Stage.    


A heavy punch would spread out every time it landed, causing the 600 meter radius of the ground to cave in, and the 600 meter radius of the ground, under the continuous attacks of the Body Evil Soul Master, appeared to be at least 30 meters wide.    


However, the people of Cloud City showed no signs of giving up. Standing under the light barrier, they continuously transmitted their battle qi to the nine Cloud City's Martial Kings who were bitterly fighting in front of them.    


"Let's see how long you guys can last!" "Tsk, tsk, tsk."    


The sound of mocking laughter could be heard as his right fist continued to strike the ground, causing it to cave in. Gradually, the area of six hundred meters around him sank fifty meters into the ground.    




That elder from the Yan Clan coughed out a mouthful of blood. It wasn't just him. Those who had persisted to this point all coughed out a mouthful of blood from the corners of their mouths.    


Although the direct attack was not able to hit them, it was gradually becoming difficult to endure under the continuous bombardment of such a powerful force.    


"I won't be able to hold on like this for much longer!"    


While he was muttering to himself, Lin Hu looked around and saw the people of Cloud City in their current state. His face was extremely pale and he would occasionally cough out blood from the corner of his mouth.    


After some thought, he closed his eyes and said, "The entrance to the formation!"    


When he recalled that there seemed to be a formation at the entrance of the formation known as the Qi Gathering Formation, it could restore one's martial Qi for a short period of time. As long as one threw out the energy stones, they could replenish themselves with the greatest effect.    


Without another word, he retrieved his hands that were still in the air and sat cross-legged on the ground.    


Surprise appeared in the eyes of the surrounding people. At this time, those who were still in the mood to meditate and be dissatisfied started to shout, "You're still in the mood to meditate at a time like this?"    


Lin Hu ignored the fact that Lin Yue's voice came from him. He had survived the battle till now, so he chose this moment to roar out loud.    


"Lin Yue, shut up."    


Lin Mei shouted, while Yan Lan's eyes were filled with doubt. However, she also stepped out and said, "Big brother Lin Hu definitely has his intentions, speak less."    


The words around him didn't disturb Lin Hua's train of thought. He closed his eyes for ten minutes before opening them. He had already come in contact with the first part of the formation, so it could only be considered a memory.    


"Throw all your martial arts stones on the ground."    


What kind of joke was this? How could he just throw away something that could save his life at such a crucial moment?    


Seeing no one moving, Lin Hu angrily scolded, "All of you, hurry up and listen to me throw you onto the ground. Even if you continue like this, how long can you last?"    


After the crowd pondered over this, a few figures were the first to be tossed out. They were the Lin Family clansmen and Yun Qianyi. With Young City Lord leading the crowd, they all nodded their heads.    


The bags of holding started to emit light as they piled up on the ground. Looking around, there were only two hundred thousand martial energy stones left. It was obvious that the four hundred people had already used up all their martial energy stones.    


Lin Hu did not hide the remaining twenty thousand Martial Qi Stones and threw them onto the ground. Under the puzzled gazes of the crowd, he swiftly formed a figure.    


When Lin Hua's figure moved, everyone's eyes were filled with astonishment. Those strange symbols undoubtedly belonged to a formation.    


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