Rise Against Desperation



0Snow was wearing a long white robe with some plum blossoms decorating her body. Her right hand was behind her back as she held the sword's hilt.    


The edge of the sword was at the back of the blade.    


"Look!" Xueli Sword is a fighter of the peak of Stage Nine Martial Disciple who is about to enter the Stage Ten Martial Disciple realm. The hall master of the Martial Hall and some of the commanders think highly of him! "    


"Senior Brother Xue Li Jian, don't be fooled by this despicable fellow's flowery words. He is extremely despicable!"    


As the cheers from all around rang out, Xue Ri Jian looked around with a smile and nodded his head, giving off the image of an elegant and graceful young master.    


He looked up and down at the elegant youth before him. His slovenly appearance was in stark contrast to his own. Now, he shook his head in pity.    


"What should I do!?" As he mumbled these words, Lin Hu once again shook his head.    


Lin Chu sighed at the thought of how the elegant young master was going to be smashed beyond recognition by him.    


"In the snow, the sword is willing to exchange pointers with fellow Daoist Zhu Lin."    


Just as he was speaking, Xue Li Jian spoke again, "Of course, Brother Zu Lin, if you are willing to return the tricked martial energy stones, we can avoid a battle."    


Words and words disturbed me, and this was without a doubt the vivid description of the sword in the snow before me. This coincidental act attracted the gazes of many young ladies in the Martial Hall.    


He thought that the person before him would return the favor just like that, but what happened next made him frown.    


Lin Hua's unkempt face curved up in a smile, "It's impossible to return it!"    


"In that case, you and I only have one battle to fight! I originally did not wish to humiliate you like this in front of all these people. However, you did not listen to my advice.    


With a sigh, the snow sword looked up at the sky, which was forty-five degrees above it. It looked like it was sighing.    


Under Lin Hu's gaze, the faintly discernible gaze of the sword in the snow that was raised up seemed to be sizing up the surrounding girls.    


When he saw the worshipful expression in the young girl's eyes, the corners of his mouth curled up in an extremely complacent manner.    


Lin Hu was stunned, why did this guy come up on stage?    


Then he calmly said, "How many martial energy stones do you want to bet?"    


"Don't disturb me, let me quietly admire the sky." After saying that, the woman exclaimed, "Wow!" Shixiong Snowy is so handsome. "    


"So handsome!" Such loneliness is like a lover in my dreams. "    


The screams of the surrounding ladies rang out, and Lin Hu's eyebrows shot up. The level of this fellow's acting skills was almost the same as the skinny Lin he had seen before.    


Just like that, after about ten seconds, Lin Yu finally put down the forty-five degree angle and raised his head to look at the sky.    


She quietly looked at herself, "I don't want to humiliate you, but you don't understand me."    


With that blurry gaze, he pointed the sword in his hand at himself and said, "Five thousand martial energy stones. Do you dare to accept my challenge?"    


He couldn't take it anymore. The look in his eyes made him take a deep breath and say, "I am willing to accept the challenge."    


"Fellow cultivator Zhu Lin, your words are heavy and your heart is filled with fear."    


The long sword danced in the air as it drew a beautiful arc in the air. "Sword only dance in the snow, I'm willing to step …"    




He truly could not endure it any longer. With a strange roar, he quickly used the Dancing Light Steps to the point where he only had time to use his sword to block.    


Another simple and crude throw crashed into the ground, creating a large hole.    




Another punch landed on Xue Li Jian's right eye, but he did not use his full strength. Just a fourth of his strength caused Xue Li Jian to lose his ability to move, and a giant panda eye appeared above his right eye.    


A weak voice resounded: "I didn't expect Fellow Daoist Zhu Lin's movement technique to be so powerful. The Snow Sword is no match for him, I'm impressed."    


The rhyming voice made Lin Hu's eyebrows twitch once again, "Fellow Taoist, five thousand martial energy stones."    


With a flash of light, Lin Hu's storage bag quickly opened up to accept the five thousand Martial Qi Stones that appeared. He then calmly stood on the stage, trying his best to not let himself see anything within the snow.    


He was afraid that he wouldn't be able to control himself and step in again.    


This battle caused the audience to swallow a mouthful of saliva as they looked at Lin Hu. The female disciples of the Martial Hall were all dumbstruck as they stared at Xuelai Sword lying on the stage.    


"A sneak attack again, despicable scumbag."    


"He actually took advantage of the moment when Senior Brother Jian is expressing his feelings to sneak an attack. Despicable scumbag."    


"You ugly fellow, how can you be so despicable?"    


Without a doubt, Lin Hu was also considered a sneak attack. However, the more he was so, the happier he was. That was because no one would doubt his strength.    


The more he cursed, the more people would give him the martial energy stones. It would take him at least two million martial energy stones to break through to the Martial Spirit Stage.    


And just like that, under the insults and insults of the crowd, Lin Hu once again accepted the challenge of ten contestants in succession.    


The process continued until nightfall. Under the envious gazes of the crowd, Lin Hua returned home full of profits.    


As soon as he returned to the practice area, Lin Hua opened his storage pouch to take a look at today's harvests.    


"Bull ploughing field, three thousand …!"    


After he finished counting, Lin Hu revealed a smile, "I didn't expect to earn 56,500 martial energy stones in a single day."    


After the Sword in the Snow, everyone on stage brought five thousand martial energy stones to challenge him. All of them were repelled by his brute force.    


Today, the challengers were all Stage Nine Martial Disciples, so he saved himself a lot of effort. Basically, they were all thrown to the ground by him and solved a lot of troubles.    


As for the greed in the eyes of Wang Mang and the others, it was obvious that even though these three people lived in the same cultivation area as him, they did not dare to act so brazenly.    



With these thoughts in his mind, Lin Hu recklessly took out the Martial Qi Stone he had obtained today and absorbed it into his body.    


The moment the dense Martial Qi appeared, Wang Mang and the others opened their eyes. After they locked gazes with Leonis, they all shook their heads.    


They understood the principle of not being greedy and swallowing an elephant. Through his Divine Sense, he discovered that these people did not approach him abnormally. Thus, he was relieved to absorb them.    


It was just as he had expected. The amount of martial energy stones he had earned today had increased by just a tiny bit. However, this increase still made Lin Yu incomparably excited.    


This proved that it was effective.    


"Perhaps this is the restriction on those who can defy the will of the heavens and earth!" Thinking of what Lin Nantian had said, Lin Hua recalled Lin Nantian's words about the Heaven and Earth defying cultivator.    


Seeing that his anger had increased by 2.5%, Lin Hu looked out of the window with a joyful expression, "Let's go for a stroll tomorrow!"    


With a smile on his face, Lin Hua closed her eyes and sat up.    


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