Rise Against Desperation



0After waiting for so long, it seemed that the three-tailed Demon Snake wouldn't be able to hold on for long. The Martial King Evil Soul Master seemed to be in a very bad state.    


If he did not make a move now, then when would he do so? He did not want to save the three-tailed Demon Snake because the beast would definitely come to him in the future due to him being branded by the heaven and earth.    


However, he didn't want the three-tailed Demon Snake to be controlled by a Demon Soul Master. The most frightening thing was that these unfathomable Demon Soul Masters had the ability to bring the three-tailed Demon Snake back to a Rank Four spirit beast.    


Just by thinking about it, one could imagine how terrifying it was.    


"Old man, please wake me up. I need your strength."    


He wanted to wake up this unreliable old fogey with a shout in his heart.    


"What are you arguing about!" "What are you arguing about!"    


His voice was still sleepy, but when he noticed where Lin Hu was heading towards, he immediately shouted in anger, "Smelly brat, are you trying to court your own death?"    


Ignoring the situation, Lin Hu continued to run forward as before. The words in his heart echoed out once more, "Do you remember what you promised me when you were still in the secret realm?"    


"Aiya! "You stinking brat, I can only lend you a martial king level cultivation. I can only lend you this much, but you only have a short ten breaths of time."    


From the words in his heart, Lin Yu realized that this old fogey was quite reliable.    


He immediately transmitted a message to his heart, "What are you waiting for? Quickly give it to me."    


As soon as he finished speaking, a crimson stream of blood wrapped around Lin Hua, who had already leapt into the air.    


Although it only lasted for ten breaths of time, the borrowed Martial King power seemed to have an inexhaustible force. He jumped down from the valley with the old Divine Staff in hand.    


The sudden appearance of this figure gave the Martial King realm demonic soul master a fright. He anxiously and shockingly looked at the forest bud in the sky.    


At this moment, the three-tailed Demon Snake's despairing eyes were filled with traces of surprise. However, when it saw the face of the approaching person, it was even more shocked.    


Although the figure that suddenly appeared in front of him was disheveled, he could feel that the figure in front of him was the person he wanted to kill the most.    


This human brat was a martial warrior when it first met him. How come he suddenly became a martial king?" The dark red energy flow around his body also gave him a hint of fear.    


From its point of view, this stream of air was full of bloodlust and brutality, as if it had come from the Asura Hell. What made it even more surprised was why this human brat had appeared here.    


Under the doubtful gaze of the three-tailed Demon Snake and the terrified gaze of the Evil Soul Master who was using the Soul Controlling Seal, a loud and strange roar resounded in the dark night.    




With the support of a Martial King and the old Divine Staff in hand, he directly struck the Evil Soul Master's head.    


At this moment, the Evil Soul Master was using the Imperial Spirit Emblem, and his chest was covered with the shackles of the Imperial Spirit Emblem, and he was trying to escape.    


Right now, the only thing he could do was to take out the shield to block with his right hand. However, how could such a weak state block against an attack from Lin Hua, who was a peak Martial King, from the heavens?    




The loud sound of the old Divine Staff colliding with the Middle Rank Totem resounded through the night. The circular wave from it directly knocked the six Spirit realm cultivators, who were controlling the formation, flying backwards.    


After being struck by this metal rod, the Martial King fell to his knees. The void metal chains around his chest also fell out.    


Seeing this, Lin Hu happily looked at the broken formation and roared out, "Purple egg, why aren't you leaving? Are you waiting to be enslaved?"    


After finishing his sentence, the old Divine Staff was about to swing his staff again when he roared out in his heart, "Leave quickly! I can only borrow the power of a Martial King once with my condition. Now, I will fall into a deep sleep."    


After finishing his words, there was no more sound. Lin Hua swallowed a mouthful of saliva and turned around to leave, not pausing for even a second.    


At this moment, the three-tailed Demon Dragon carried its broken body and quickly flew into the sky. It glanced at Lin Hua, whose cultivation was rapidly falling, with a look of surprise on its face.    


"You brat, back then you caused me to break out of my shell in advance. Even if you save me today, I will eat you the next time."    


The three-tailed Demon Snake had fled in the northwest direction while he was in the northeast. The voice of the three-tailed Demon Snake, Lin Hu, did not speak.    


Rather, it was because he was running. The cultivation of a Martial King was only at the tenth breath of time. Right now, fleeing for his life was extremely urgent. How could he possibly have the time to pay attention to the voices of the three-tailed Demon Snake?    


However, he was also somewhat angry. The three-tailed Demon Snake had indirectly revealed that he had destroyed the black clothed men's plan to enslave it. But, it didn't matter as long as he thought about it, the white energy flow around his body would definitely be recognized.    


At that moment, the Evil Soul Master who was the most angry was a Martial King. Originally, he wanted to ask who was the Martial King that suddenly appeared and why was it interfering with him.    


However, when he heard the furious roar of the three-tailed Demon Snake, he looked at Lin Hua, whose cultivation had fallen to the martial realm, with a look of reminiscence.    


At this moment, he roared furiously.    


"It was you who destroyed our plan to enslave the three-tailed Demon Snake without breaking out of its shell, and now it is you who has broken our plan. I will have you die a miserable death."    


The roar of a Martial King could be heard from behind. This Martial King pressure forced him to go as high as his level of martial artist at the twelfth stage. However, he still felt the blood in his chest roiling.    


Although this Martial King Evil Soul Master had spat out his blood when he used the Royal Spirit Seal, he still possessed a cultivation level that he could not compare with.    


Facing this Martial King cultivation, he was like an ant.    


"White energy flow?" An alarmed cry came out from one of the Evil Soul Masters.    


When these words came out, another Martial Spirit Realm Demonic Soul Master immediately followed up: "Elder, that is the Heaven and Earth defying cultivator that the Lin Clan is desperately searching for, a Heaven stage youth."    


After hearing what he said, the Martial King Evil Soul Master stroked his chest and quickly turned his head to look at Lin Hua, then roared out.    


"Why aren't you chasing after him? There definitely isn't a second time that his cultivation of a Martial King has suddenly soared. Quickly, chase after him! "    


Hearing the furious roars of their elders, the six men in black immediately started chasing after Lin Hua. Lin Hu's heart was currently like ten thousand galloping horses.    


Any martial practitioner would have lost their courage when being chased by six people at the sixth level of the Martial Spirit Realm. However, the fact that the Evil Soul Master did not chase made him feel at ease.    


The Martial King Demonic Soul Master turned his head to look at the figure of the three-tailed Demon Snake that was no longer there. He clenched his teeth and soared into the sky to chase after it.    


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