Rise Against Desperation



0The starlight spread all over his body and the feeling of dizziness instantly disappeared. However, he did not move and quietly lay down on the treetops.    


The old man in the sky stroked his beard and looked at the girl before him with a smile.    


"Alright, the peeping Tom is dead. We can continue our discussion."    


During this time, the Thunder Emperor turned his head to look in his direction. His face did not reveal any expression, but instead, he was speaking in a cold voice.    


"We can only discuss one thing, and that is, if you leave, that thing does not suit you."    


The lightning glow between his palms became faintly discernible as he spoke, as if he was ready to strike at any moment.    


"Calm down, Thunder Emperor!" We can discuss it. "    


The old man still revealed a benevolent expression. With this appearance, it was indeed possible to deceive the majority of people. However, the Thunder Emperor before him seemed to understand the Poison Emperor very well.    


As the lightning grew increasingly condensed, a wave of destructive energy spread out. Lin Hu swallowed a mouthful of saliva as the Poison Emperor turned his gaze in his direction.    


This scene caused Lin Hu's heart to be filled with shock. He didn't expect that a Martial King would be able to sense it with a single gulp.    


However, the Poison Emperor did not seem to care too much about his current situation.    


"Thunder Emperor, I know that you want to obtain that thing for your precious disciple to consolidate the Martial Spirit Realm and raise the quality of her martial soul so that she can stand out in the future competitions of the younger generation of Southcloud Kingdom. From then on, she will join the Heavenly Law Academy."    


"I did not expect you to guess correctly. I will not waste my breath with you. Please leave this region."    


As soon as the words were out of his mouth, he brandished the lightning fast fists in his hands. A destructive wave of energy was on the verge of exploding out, but an even more violent sound resounded in the world.    


During this period of time, the Thunder Emperor had retracted his hands and was looking at the seven-colored light shooting towards the sky in the distance with a joyful expression.    


However, when she turned her head to look at the Poison Emperor, disdain could be seen on her face, "I think I can give it a try."    


After a few flashes, he disappeared from his original position. The movement speed of a Martial King was extremely terrifying. The Seven Colored Light Pillar once again erupted, and it was as if the light had ignited the night sky.    


The Poison Emperor smiled as he watched the back of the Thunder Emperor and chased after him.    


Lin Hu heaved a sigh of relief. Previously, he was worried that that old poison would come and cause trouble for him. In any case, the situation wasn't as bad as he had imagined.    


Perhaps it was because of the appearance of the seven-colored light pillar. As the emperor, he didn't even have the heart to place it on himself.    


Just as he was about to go down, Lin Chu stopped, because he frowned at the figure below.    


He was extremely familiar with these six figures, they were the six Evil Soul Masters that had been chasing him for a whole day and night.    


But at the moment he was relieved, because his current location was extremely hidden and not discovered by the six Evil Soul Masters.    


He didn't think that he would actually run into these six people so coincidentally.    


While thinking, perhaps these six people were attracted by the two Martial Kings. After all, Martial Kings only existed in legends. To be able to meet two Martial Kings was clearly a blessing in disguise.    


Obviously, his guess was that these six had the same goal as him, but he wasn't too worried because he was now two hundred meters above the treetops.    


The six Evil Soul Masters below would definitely not be able to discover him, but he was able to safely hide here, watching the six Evil Soul Masters below him with a smile on his face.    


"Kacha kacha!"    


A light sound rang out, as Lin Hu turned his head to look. At this moment, his eyes were filled with astonishment as he stared at the figure in front of him.    


This figure was none other than the silly goat. The corner of its mouth was still chewing on the Rank 3 Elixir.    


The round eyes stared at him blankly.    


This silly and adorable goat in front of him didn't have the slightest bit of fighting strength. It was a meter long and a meter tall. It looked to be an idiot.    


In his observation, this silly and adorable goat kept looking at his eyes, moving its dazed eyes wherever he looked.    




A light cry rang out, causing Lin Hu to suck in a breath of cold air. If the onlookers below were to hear this, they would definitely start another chase.    


The six Evil Soul Masters below simply did not notice.    


Lin Hua was smiling as he took out the Rank 2 Elixir from his bag of holding and held it in front of him.    


"What's the matter, Brother Sheep? Look, there's medicine here that can be tasty. It's sweet."    


While he was speaking, Lin Hu had already brought out the spiritual medicine and placed it in front of the silly and adorable goat.    


In his impression, this silly and adorable goat definitely did not have any battle prowess. It only knew that it looked like it was gnawing on a spiritual herb like a radish, making it look completely foolish and adorable.    


The Cute Goat chewed the Rank 3 Elixir in its mouth as it continued to stare blankly at its own eyes. Then, it slowly moved its head to look at the Rank 2 Elixir in its hands.    


Lin Yun was overjoyed. It seemed that the silly and adorable goat had been tempted by the spirit medicine in his hands.    




Lin Hu was speechless at the scene that followed. He immediately spat out the elixir from the goat's mouth. Luckily, he reacted fast enough or he would have been sprayed all over his face.    


Lin Hua, who had taken a step back, scratched his head. He once again looked at the silly and adorable goat with a smile. "So it turns out that Brother Sheep doesn't like you. Then I don't have anything for you to eat."    


At this moment, Lin Hu was laughing mischievously. As for Bai Yue, the corners of her lips were curving upwards as she looked at the foolish and adorable goat in front of her.    


During this time, he sensed that the Demonic Soul Master below was about to pass through this area. At that moment, he immediately ran, because this stupid and adorable goat behind him did not have any fighting strength, but it was very good at spitting saliva.    


Lin Hu, who had an idea in his mind, nodded as he looked at the six Evil Soul Masters below him with anticipation.    




Behind him came the cry of the silly and adorable goat. Lin Hua didn't care about it, instead, she quietly hid herself beside the treetop.    





There was another howl, but it sounded louder this time.    


Lin Hu turned his head to look and he saw that the silly and adorable goat was also looking down at him. Then it once again turned its head to look at him.    


"Baa baa!"    


After he shouted, the two hooves behind him started to rub against the treetops. Lin Hu, who was witnessing this scene, sucked in a breath of cold air. What was he trying to do?    


But he wasn't afraid, he turned his head to look at the six Evil Soul Masters below him, while he sized up the foolish and adorable goat in front of him.    


But when he turned his head to look at the Evil Soul Master below, this silly and adorable goat was not as stupid as he thought it was.    


A huge force caused him to fly downwards. Lin Hu was aghast as a sharp pain spread throughout his body. He never thought that this silly and adorable goat would have such great strength.    


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