Rise Against Desperation



0Before he left, Lin Chu went to pay his respects to the Fragrant Leaf village.    


Looking at the ruins of the Fragrant Leaf village, Lin Hua could not find Xiao Yue'er's body, and gave up on searching.    


Just as Zi Tong was preparing to use his martial spirit transformation to head to the Lin Clan Mansion to participate in the Family Competition …    


The black specks in the sky made them stop.    


The black specks in the sky gradually became clearer.    


A dozen or so first grade flying spirit beast, the Lion Birds, carried the members of the Lin Clan's clan and jumped off the ground.    


"Senior!" Senior Sister, there are still two people left alive. "    


It was obvious that these people had come to find out what had happened in Fragrant Flower Village.    


Amongst the twelve people who jumped down, there were two words engraved on the ground: 'core'. The magnificent jade robe formed a stark contrast with the tattered clothes that Forest Sprout wore.    


Looking at the twelve people, nine of them had a cultivation base between the Sixth and Seventh Stage, and one of them was a martial artist with a cultivation at the Eighth Stage.    


Both of them were Fighter 9-dan pinnacle experts, and they would soon be able to break through to Fighter 9-dan pinnacle.    


The two men in the lead had an imposing manner. Although the woman couldn't be considered devastatingly beautiful, she could still be considered beautiful. There was also another one with an eighth phase cultivation; it was shockingly Lin Yu'er.    


When these people landed, regardless of whether they were men or women, their gazes were all focused on those violet eyes, completely ignoring Lin Hu's existence.    


At this moment, Zi Tong was wearing a light blue cheongsam without a speck of dust. His purple eyes were brimming with vitality, as if he was a fairy that did not belong to the mortal world.    


With their awe-inspiring looks and extraordinary temperament, it was impossible for these people not to pay attention.    


After a long time, when their gazes landed on Lin Hu, a burst of astonishment came over them.    


The shoes of those tattered clothes could actually walk together with such a beauty.    


After three months of hard training, Lin Hua's hair covered his face, and after a few days of running around, he still hadn't tidied up his appearance, so he tied his hair behind his head.    


Under the disdainful gazes of the twelve cultivators, Qin Wentian wiped the dust off their faces, allowing them to recognize Lin Hu.    


After all, when Lin Hu caused a sensation in the Lin Clan that year, many people had seen his face before. Hence, they immediately recognized him at a glance.    


"So it's you, genius Lin. I am a core disciple. May I know who the lady next to genius Lin is? I have never heard of such a beautiful woman in the Cloud City before."    


Hearing Lin Yue's tone, Lin Chu furrowed his brows. This person had been biting the word genius very seriously. He was clearly mocking Lin Yue, saying that he was a core disciple with an extremely arrogant expression.    


The most important thing was that he never moved his eyes away from the purple pupils. The comprehensive analysis of this person was extremely lecherous, causing him to be displeased.    


"A genius can't be considered as a cripple. Asking someone their name or even asking them directly is the only way to have good faith."    


And then, Lin Hua turned to look at Zi Tong.    


Zi Tong faced Lin Yue's smile and did not falsely reply. Instead, he stood behind Lin Hu as if nothing had happened, silently watching this group of people.    


"I didn't expect her to be an icy beauty."    


"Did Lin Yue forget the purpose of this trip?" The one who spoke was none other than the beautiful senior sister.    


As he spoke, Lin Yue took a step towards Zi Tong. Lin Hu shook his head.    


He was well aware of Zi Tong's strength, so he shook his head for Lin Yue.    


"One more step and you'll fly."    


After the cold words from the Purple Eye, Lin Yue's smile grew wider, and he took another step forward.    


Lin Hu immediately turned his head, unable to bear to look. He only heard a muffled sound as Lin Yue was sent flying.    


Thirty meters away, Lin Yue was lying on the ground, spitting blood as he looked in Zi Tong's direction with shock.    


This scene caused the other eleven disciples to be extremely shocked, especially Lin Yu'er.    


Seeing Violet Pupil walking so close to the forest bud, it was difficult for her heart to calm down.    


Looking at the eleven core disciples who were ready to make a move, Lin Hu immediately stood up and said.    


"Senior brothers and sisters, senior brother Lin Yue is the first to take liberties with you. Today, you must not have come here for the sake of a fight."    


Lin Hua's words caused these people to suppress their impulse and turned their gazes onto Lin Hua.    


"What's going on here, Lin Hu? What do you want to say?"    


He told everything that happened here to the eleven core disciples, but he did not say anything about the Evil Soul Master, because Purple Eye secretly sent a sound transmission to tell him not to leak it.    


"This is exactly how it happened. The villagers died, and I just happened to escape this calamity by going up the mountain to gather medicinal herbs."    


"So it was a Thief who did this!" We weren't there, or something like that wouldn't have happened. "    


The one who spoke was Lin Yue's senior sister, Lin Mei.    


Seeing Lin Mei's expression, Lin Hu knew that not all of the members of the Lin Clan were praising their young mistress.    


Lin Mei then looked at Lin Hu, "We already know about the life and death battle between you and Scarface, but your meridians are already crippled. If you go now, you will only be sending yourself to your death."    


The fact that he had been hiding his cultivation base, and that his senior sister was unable to see it, also put him at ease.    


"Yes!" "Since the Fragrant Night Village has already been destroyed, we will say that you died in this calamity. After that, you should find a place to live a normal life."    


He never thought that Lin Yu'er would actually think for him. He couldn't live a normal life anymore.    


How could he give up before taking revenge? He did not take Lin Yu'er's suggestion.    


Seeing Lin Hu shake his head, Lin Mei sighed, looked at Lin Hu and said, "Fine! Since you insist on your own will, then let's go. "    



The Lion Bird, a Rank 1 Spirit Beast, had two white wings on its back, and its beak and claws were called a Lion Bird.    


The Lion Bird was easily tamed and it was also a Rank 1 Spirit Beast. Its strength was not strong, so it was the most common tool used by large clan disciples.    


A Lion Bird was able to stand on three people. Lin Zuelingmei's purple eyes were placed side by side with a Lion Bird.    


The flying speed of this beast could be considered quite impressive. Based on its speed, Lin Hua estimated that it would only take a day to reach the Lin Clan Estate.    


Along the way, the purple eyes and Lin Hu stood side by side, not saying a word.    


Lin Mei and the rest did not ask about Zi Tong's background. Firstly, it was because of her strength, and secondly, they knew that this fourteen-year-old girl was also planning to join the Lin Clan.    


Standing on the back of the Lion Bird, the wind brought by the high speed flight made his clothes flutter, while Forest Sprout's clothes were tattered to begin with.    


Lin Mei stealthily glanced at Lin Hua as she blew on the cloth covering her chest, revealing her firm muscles.    


"Senior apprentice-sister, peeping isn't good." Lin Hu joked, causing Lin Mei's face to turn red as she stared straight ahead.    


In contrast, when he looked at his purple pupils, the wind that was howling around him turned into a gentle breeze, gently fluttering through his hair.    


At this moment, the purple pupils in his eyes added another layer of beauty, causing the ten core disciples of the Lin Clan to secretly glance at the purple pupils, unable to shift their gaze away for a long time.    


However, Lin Yue only took a glance and immediately turned his head away.    


He was well aware of how terrifying this woman was. That light and gentle palm strike was still fresh in his mind.    


Zi Tong did not pay attention to the gazes of the crowd as he continued to stand there calmly. This coldness came from the bottom of his heart.    


"How can this brat be so lucky? How can such a beauty not dislike him?"    


"Senior brother Lin Yue, what do you think?"    


Upon hearing this, Lin Yue frowned as he glanced at Lin Hu, "One death in a battle of life and death, there's nothing to be envious about."    


The voices of these core disciples were very soft. With how loud the sound of the wind was, they thought that Lin Hua couldn't hear them. However, they didn't know what was going on.    


Lin Hu's spiritual sense glanced at Lin Yue, then he lowered his head.    


If a dog bit him, he wouldn't be able to bite back. Moreover, he was on the same teacher and disciple level as Zi Tong, so there was no point in refuting these disciples.    


However, what Lin Hu didn't know was that his gaze was caught by Lin Yue, causing his heart to skip a beat.    


"Is your spiritual sense that sharp?" After mumbling to himself, he glanced at the side of the peerless purple pupil and shuddered, immediately turning his head away.    


Even though Lin Mei was a beautiful woman, when she looked into his purple eyes, she could not help but exclaim that Cloud City had such a beautiful woman.    


"That young lady, I feel that you will be in for a lot of trouble once you arrive at the Lin Clan's Mansion!" Lin Mei stroked her hair and smiled at Zi Tong.    


Zi Tong did not understand what Lin Mei meant. After pondering for a while, he returned to his senses and revealed a smile that could cause the downfall of a nation. "It's fine."    


Trouble naturally referred to the purple-eyed appearance. The Lin Clan disciples would definitely pursue and harass her in a crazed manner.    


However, when Lin Chu heard these words, he immediately felt a chill down his spine.    


What Zi Tong said isn't a big deal. As long as I have the size of a fist, there won't be any trouble.    


Lin Mei did not say anything after hearing what Zi Tong said. She just looked ahead quietly.    


Looking down at the magnificent mountains and rivers, the rolling mountains and the impending life-and-death battle, his eyes were not filled with fear but with excitement.    


But when he thought about the destruction of Fragrant Leaf village, his eyes were once again filled with hatred.    


The life and death battle with the Knifescar fellow was already behind his mind. First, he had to join the Lin Family to become a core disciple, or even an inner court disciple. Only then would he be able to delay the most urgent matter.    


This was the only way to stay in the Lin Clan Mansion to investigate who the Evil Soul Master was.    


After a few hours, the mountain peak was no longer in the surroundings. It was no longer a boundless plain, but instead a stretch of pavilions and pavilions.    


The Lin Clan Mansion was one of the three major clans of Cloud City.    


The exquisite stone bridges with eaves and eaves all around protected the surroundings. The small rivers under the bridges snaked back and forth along the Lin Clan's ancestral mansion.    


The city walls of the Lin Clan's Zong Residence were adorned with fragrant flowers.    


When they passed by, they would naturally pass by the streets of Cloud City, and on both sides of the streets were the disciples of Cloud City.    


Looking at the surrounding streets, his eyes were filled with reverence and envy.    


Naturally, it was clear that the Lin Clan held quite a high position in the Yun City.    


"Junior brother Lin Yuan, this is the outer perimeter of the Lin Clan's residence. We will be arriving at the central Martial Arts Practice Grounds soon. Have you considered your options?"    


"At that time, Scarface for no reason wanted to cripple the arm of a friend that I grew up with. Since the battle of life and death has been brought up, I will not retreat."    


Hearing Lin Hu's cold response and seeing the confidence in his eyes, Lin Mei was surprised, but she did not say anything else.    


"Who are you?"    


"Are you blind? That's the core disciple, Senior Sister Lin Mei."    


The outer sect disciples on the outer city walls immediately opened the city gates and followed the forest branches to enter the Lin Clan Mansion once more.    


"That brat is so sloppy!" Don't tell me he is also from our Lin Clan? "    


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