Perfect Tenant

C599 Final Showdown

C599 Final Showdown

0Although Zhang Guoqiang had helped me a lot, he had a purpose.    


On the contrary, whenever I met Zhang Guoqiang, there would always be people from the Jiuge who tried to assassinate me.    


I'm afraid this is also the reason why the Jiuge could know where I was hiding at any time.    


Facing this familiar yet unfamiliar face, I have mixed feelings in my heart. He killed Coach Huang and... The man who helped me as I grew up was never going to let it go.    


Even though the speed at which they clashed was still exaggerated and hard to see with the naked eye.    


However, under this kind of high-intensity stimulation, it has instead stimulated my desire to win.    


With the support of the Supreme Power Realm in the heavens and the earth, I can slowly adapt to his rhythm.    


Even though I can only defend myself, I can hold on much longer than before.    


But at this time, Ms Dao was entangled by the monk.    


Although the monk was injured and one of his arms was broken, Ms Dao was also injured by the spear. It was difficult to determine the victor of the battle between the two temporarily.    


On Zhang Loonghuan's side, he had already firmly gained the upper hand. He only had thirteen legs to defend himself and had no strength to fight back. He believed that it wouldn't be long before Zhang Loonghuan could defeat his opponent.    


Of course, facing such a powerful Zhang Guoqiang, or rather, the current zero, Zhang Loonghuan believed that he would be able to defeat his opponent.    


Just now, I was only able to understand the situation through a quick glance when I was retreating.    


Although I can barely block Zhang Guoqiang's attack, the current situation is still very disadvantageous to me.    


I needed to concentrate and use all my strength to deal with it.    


However, in the realm of the supreme being in the heavens and earth, with the passage of time, I don't have much time left.    


If I don't think of an effective way to defeat Zero, once I disappear from my realm, I won't even be able to detect his attack. At that time, I will only die.    


I bit down. When his opponent appeared in front of me again and attacked me with his fist, I didn't dodge. Instead, I used the strongest move of the Killing Fist, World Annihilation, with the determination to kill him. I wanted to die together with him.    


Zero sees through my thoughts, and her eyes reveal a look of surprise.    


It seems like he is also very afraid of my attack, so he took the initiative to withdraw his attack and quickly dodged it.    


I am slightly delighted. I have a chance to counterattack and attack.    


I hold the determination to die. Every move will result in both sides suffering heavy losses. The fighting style of mutual destruction revolves the power of the Killing Fist to the limit.    


Zero used an extremely high speed movement technique to dodge my attacks time and time again, turning into a completely defensive state.    


It was the complete opposite of the fight between the two of us. Just now, I was defending, and he attacked.    


Now, he defended, I attacked.    


However, when he attacked, he was watertight, and when I attacked, he was full of flaws. I relied on my determination to face death without fear.    


However, I am getting more and more anxious. Even so, I am still unable to hurt him in the slightest.    


What should I do to defeat such a powerful Zero?    


Sweat starts to appear on my head. If I don't hold on for another two minutes, I'm afraid I'll have to remove it from my realm.    


Right at this moment, Zero suddenly launched a counterattack.    


While dodging my attack, her body flew into the air and spun 780 degrees, shooting towards me like a whirlwind.    


I shouted furiously and used the Stars Splitting Moon Slash. The killing intent in my body was like a ferocious wave, whistling out to meet the opponent.    


The opponent did not dodge, which made me very happy.    


"Zhang Guoqiang, go to hell!" With the determination to die together, I threw out this punch.    


Seeing that the two of them were about to be hit by each other's attack, Zero revealed a strange smile.    


In an instant, I felt an extremely bad feeling.    


My killing fist landed on his chest.    


But it didn't hit him at all.    


In the 0.1 second before the punch landed, his chest actually caved in automatically, as if it would automatically extend and shrink, dodging my punch with an extremely exaggerated dent.    


And his fist solidly hit my lower abdomen.    


At that moment, all of my internal organs seemed to have been shattered.    


I was sent flying, and blood spurted out of my mouth, splattering in the air.    


The one hit landed on the iron cabinet, then slid down from it. When I fell to the ground, I spat out another mouthful of blood.    


Zhang Guoqiang was not hurt at all. He just stood there calmly. He said expressionlessly, "Zhong Hao, you can force me to use my full strength. It's already very impressive. In this world, those who can force me to use my full strength... Only two people. One is Huang Chao, the other is you. You have unlimited potential. You have reached this realm at such a young age. I'm afraid that in time, you might be able to surpass me. If you want to blame someone, you can only blame that person whom you have never met before. "Grandpa Ye Tianlai, who has already given birth to the Underworld, wrote your name on his will."    


Just as he said that, a scream came from the side.    


Zhang Guoqiang couldn't help but look over. Thirteen of his legs had been kicked away by Zhang Loonghuan, and he was groaning on the ground in pain.    


Zhang Guoqiang snorted coldly. "I'll kill these two who are in the way first. Then I'll kill you."    


After saying that, his body flashed and disappeared from where he stood.    


He blinked his eyes and arrived in front of Zhang Loonghuan.    


"Big Brother Zhang, be careful!" I forcefully endured the pain and cried out.    


I wanted to help, but the pain in my lower abdomen exceeded my imagination. Clearly, I had suffered a very serious internal injury and had already lost the ability to fight.    



After my reminder, Zhang Loonghuan came back to his senses and could not help but be shocked. He hurriedly threw out a punch, but Zhang Guoqiang easily dodged it. Then, a punch hit his throat.    




Zhang Loonghuan's neck instantly deflated. He spat out a large mouthful of blood and weakly fell to the ground. His body twitched twice and then stopped moving.    


He actually killed Zhang Loonghuan just like that!    


Endless anger emerged in my heart.    


In the next moment, Zhang Guoqiang turned his gaze to Ms Dao.    


Tyrant wanted to approach Ms Dao and engage her in close combat, but Ms Dao would shoot out Ms Daos from time to time to force her back.    


Even the monk who had the golden bell barrier protecting him did not dare to take Ms Dao's Ms Daos head on.    


Just like that, the two of them were in a deadlock. For now, neither of them could do anything to the other.    


When Zhang Guoqiang looked at Ms Dao, my heart fiercely beat twice. He wanted to fight Ms Dao.    


"Ms Dao, it's dangerous. Run!" I shouted to remind her.    


Ms Dao just noticed that I was injured. Then she saw Zhang Guoqiang flash and arrive in front of her in the next second.    


Ms Dao flew back as fast as she could and shot out two throwing knifes at the same time.    


Zhang Guoqiang shook twice like a ghost and dodged the two throwing knifes. He once again arrived in front of Ms Dao.    


Ms Dao shouted angrily and attacked with her fist. Zhang Guoqiang grabbed her wrist and twisted it with force.    


With a cracking sound, one of Ms Dao's arms was broken.    


She let out a painful moan.    


She fell to the ground. The next moment, he grabbed Ms Dao's throat and used one hand to easily lift her up.    


Ms Dao struggled in extreme pain. Her only remaining hand grabbed a throwing knife and stabbed towards Zhang Guoqiang's chest.    


Zhang Guoqiang was prepared. He grabbed her hand and broke it.    


Ms Dao's hands were crippled. Her feet were kicking wildly. Her red pretty face had gradually turned pale.    


"Stop! Stop right now!"    


I shouted angrily but it did not work. Zhang Guoqiang was still using his strength.    


At this moment, I hated myself for being useless. I couldn't protect my friends.    


Ms Dao is the person who has helped me the most in addition to Coach Huang. She is also my second master.    


How can I watch her die in front of me like this?    


I grit my teeth and gather my strength.    


Get up, quickly get up!    


I shouted in my heart.    


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