Perfect Tenant

C421 Injured

C421 Injured

0Ye Xiaoyun was wearing jeans. When she heard Zhao Qinwei's words, her face turned slightly red.    


"What are you dawdling for? Hurry up and show me." Zhao Qinwei said.    


"My... my hand is injured." Ye Xiaoyun said with grievance.    


Only then did Zhao Qinwei realize the problem of Ye Xiaoyun's hand injury.    


He first helped Ye Xiaoyun find a slightly cleaner place to sit, then rolled up her pants.    


Ye Xiaoyun's calves were smooth and white, and her skin was smooth and jade-like. Her lines were also very beautiful.    


Zhao Qinwei was stunned for a moment. For so many years, he had never talked about a partner, let alone getting married.    


Seeing Ye Xiaoyun's slender calves, Zhao Qinwei's old face also began to turn slightly red.    


But his attention immediately shifted to the other party's knees.    


Ye Xiaoyun's knees were broken and a large piece of skin was flipped over. It stuck to her skin and was badly mangled. It looked like the mountain was a little scary.    


When Zhao Qinwei rolled up her pants and legs, she felt a piercing pain. Cold sweat flowed down her forehead and she sucked in a breath of cold air.    


Zhao Qinwei frowned and tore off another piece of clothing that was used to bandage the wound on her hands. He carefully wrapped it around her knees.    


"Be gentle, it hurts... it hurts..." Ye Xiaoyun was in so much pain that tears were about to fall.    


"It's done." Zhao Qinwei let go of his hand and squatted down. He sighed and said, "I think you can't walk anymore. Come up. I will carry you."    


"This... this is not good." Ye Xiaoyun, who had always been lively and willful, was shy this time. She stuttered and said.    


"It's already so late. Do you still want to stay here alone? Then I will leave." Zhao Qinwei stood up as he spoke.    


"No, no, you cannot leave me!" Ye Xiaoyun became anxious.    


Zhao Qinwei smiled and squatted down again.    


Ye Xiaoyun hesitated for a moment. In the end, she put her hands on his neck and laid on her back.    


When Zhao Qinwei carried Ye Xiaoyun on his back, he felt the softness of her body, especially the two lumps on her chest. They pressed on his back. It was heavy. As he walked, the waves surged and made one's imagination run wild.    


Moreover, he could smell the fragrance of Ye Xiaoyun's body. This girl's breath accidentally sprayed on his ear. It was itchy and Su, which made Zhao Qinwei's mind go wild. He could not help but feel a trace of nervousness and excitement.    


However, he tried his best not to think too much. He quickened his footsteps and quickly walked out of the shantytown.    


When he carried Ye Xiaoyun into the taxi, Zhao Qinwei heaved a sigh of relief.    


Both of them sat in the back seat.    


Ye Xiaoyun stared at Zhao Qinwei.    


Zhao Qinwei was very embarrassed. He looked away and said, "Do I have flowers on my face?"    


Ye Xiaoyun smiled. "Uncle's face is redder than flowers. Are you shy?"    


"Don't... don't talk nonsense. You are too heavy and tired me!" Zhao Qinwei quickly edited.    


Seeing Zhao Qinwei's blushing face, Ye Xiaoyun was not shy. Instead, she felt that the man in front of her was very cute.    


She burst out laughing and said, "Look at how anxious you are. I'm joking with you! I really thank you just now, bad uncle!"    


Zhao Qinwei snorted and did not respond. Instead, he turned his gaze outside the window.    


As the car drove towards the hospital, Ye Xiaoyun's beautiful eyes sparkled as she stared at Zhao Qinwei.    


Although the man in front of her was a little older, he looked like a simple boy. Most importantly, he was very skilled in martial arts and had even saved her.    


Ye Xiaoyun could not help but ask, "Hey, Uncle, I want to see if you are getting married or not. You are not young anymore."    


"Why do you ask so much?" Zhao Qinwei glared at her.    


Ye Xiaoyun giggled. "I just want to know you better. After all, you saved my life. I still don't know how to thank you!"    


"It's fine if you thank me. The fact that you can honestly not cause me any trouble is the greatest thanks you can give me." Zhao Qinwei rolled his eyes and said.    


"Alright, alright. From now on, I won't give you any more trouble. You still haven't told me whether you're married or not."    




[You should be forty years old. You're not married yet?] Ye Xiaoyun revealed a trace of a happy smile and asked.    


"I'm only thirty-eight this year. I'm not as old as you said. Furthermore, I have never thought about marriage. I feel that it is best to live a carefree life in this world without any ties."    


Zhao Qinwei's theory made Ye Xiaoyun frown slightly. She then asked curiously. "Then... what if you want to solve your physical needs?"    


Zhao Qinwei was stunned for a moment. He did not expect Ye Xiaoyun to ask such open questions. His face turned red and he said, "Little girl, why are you asking so much? Have a good rest. When we get to the hospital later, the doctor will examine you."    


"Don't change the topic. I am asking you a question. Please answer me directly!" Ye Xiaoyun said seriously.    


"Why should I answer you? It's boring!" Zhao Qinwei glared at Ye Xiaoyun and turned his eyes away again to look outside the window.    


Ye Xiaoyun pouted. "It's boring. It's so boring chatting with you."    


Along the way, Ye Xiaoyun tried to find ways to chat with Zhao Qinwei.    


Zhao Qinwei did not say anything.    


Originally, Zhao Qinwei did not think that Ye Xiaoyun was talkative during the two days they spent together. Now, he had completely witnessed the ability of this young lady's eloquence.    


He simply closed his eyes and closed his eyes to rest.    


Now, Ye Xiaoyun could not do anything to him.    



When they arrived at the hospital, the doctor did a check-up for Ye Xiaoyun. It was not a big problem. It was just a superficial wound.    


After detoxifying the poison and applying medicine, they wrapped up the wound and went back to the hotel together.    


When they went upstairs, it was still Zhao Qinwei who carried Ye Xiaoyun on his back.    


This time, Ye Xiaoyun even wrapped her arms around Zhao Qinwei's neck. The two of them seemed very intimate.    


Zhao Qinwei's face turned red. He once again felt the temptation of Ye Xiaoyun's delicate body.    


Carrying Ye Xiaoyun back to her room, the two of them stood at the door. Zhao Qinwei said, "Rest well. I'm going back to my room."    


"Uncle, I'm really sorry today. Because of me, you didn't catch Hongqing. But I still have to thank you very much for helping me so much."    


"It's good that you know. You're injured. Tomorrow, you can stay in the hospital and recuperate well. You're not allowed to go anywhere, understand?"    


"I know," Wang Yao said.    


"That's more like it," Wang Yao said.    


Zhao Qinwei turned around and went back to his room.    


Ye Xiaoyun looked at Zhao Qinwei's back and called out, "Uncle, good night!"    


Zhao Qinwei was stunned for a moment. He turned around and smiled at Ye Xiaoyun.    


When he returned to his room, he took a shower and laid on the bed. Zhao Qinwei's mind was filled with Ye Xiaoyun's smile, as well as Ye Xiaoyun's smile. The wonderful body she felt as she carried her on her back.    


He couldn't help but have a reaction.    


Zhao Qinwei was a little depressed. How could he react to a little girl like yellow-haired?    


He quickly controlled his mind and did not let his thoughts run wild.    


The next morning, Zhao Qinwei woke up.    


He sent a message to Ye Xiaoyun and immediately went out. He called a car and went straight to the shantytown.    


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